
Against All Odds
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"Come and get it GOT7!" -- This is the Hajima era btw

Choi Jihye

"ing Bobby!"

If there was one person to blame for me waking up late, it would be Bobby. I wouldn't being running around the apartment like a mad man if he hadn't change my alarm for an hour later.

I'm needed on set at seven o'clock and it's currently six something in the morning right now. I had planned for me to wake up at five to ready myself for GOT7's music video and make it on set a little early. They personally asked me to be in it and I need to at least look like a well rested person (even if in IKON we barely get enough sleep due to our upcoming debut).

I had a whole beauty regime planned out for this day that would make my face do both YG and JYP proud. But now I've barely got time to even shower because Bobby change my stupid alarm! Did mention that our manager has my phone blasting with calls because we we're running really late?

I just got out of my five minutes shower, barely dried my hair before slapping on a set of clothes sitting on my night stand. I'm still cussing the hell out of Bobby and rushing for the door to leave. Our manager is so going to kill me.

My phone is still ringing when I opened the door and—

"Holy cheese grater! Hanbin what the !?"

It's damn early for accidents okay. I almost ran into Hanbin who is standing right in front of my door, looking like he was about to knock or something.

"Well good morning to you too"

I have no time for sarcasm right now. Or for Hanbin and his bed hair. I not entirely rude though so I signalled him to start talking. He was in front of my door for a reason I'm assuming. So Hanbin better speak up or I'm leaving since my phone is still ringing.

"They gave us our jerseys yesterday. I wanted to see how you'd look in yours."

I swear Hanbin works for the fashion police or something. He's scratching his head after he said that. Even he's ashamed of his side job. He just hands me the paper bag with my name written on it, avoiding eye contact.

"God, Jihye do you know what time it is?"

Ah snuggles! I almost forgot about the music video filming for a split second there. Time to bow a million times to the staff for being late. Well I'm still hoping we somehow make it on time.

I firstly apologized to our manager before turning to Hanbin patting his shoulder. It seems to be a reflex for me to make sure to not piss him off. There's one thing I learned the hard way and it's that Hanbin hates being ignored or be put aside temporarily. Gosh I'm such a up.

"I'll try the jersey on later. You guys practice well without me.

Was all I said to him before being dragged by our manager. Hanbin looked pretty bummed out about what I said. In my defence, I would've been able to give him a full on fashion show in that jersey if it weren't for my stupid alarm.






Okay we arrived late though it was to be expected. I bought everyone coffee with my own money as precaution. Which is probably why were later than we should be... Oops. Good thing JYP staff are nice and they still remember me despite the whole change of look.

"Ji! My little rascal! 

I was almost knocked over by the hugging monster I call Ka-Ge or who is known to the public as Jackson. With all this excitement to finally see each other again he must've momentarily forgotten how to speak Korean. Good thing he spoke English and not Chinese.

"Okay, okay! I need to breathe too you know"

I lightly hit Jackson's back to tap out of this death hug. I missed my fake broho but the affection is a bit too much and it's way too early in the morning to get the feels.

"Aye, our little princess is all grown now"

I grimaced at the word princess because lately these days it has a really bad connotation to it. But knowing Youngjae, he means no harm by calling me that. So I gave him his hug.

"Hey what about me?"

Here comes Jinyoung asking for his hug with the rest of the guys behind him. I went to give him his hug first but then everyone just came in giant group hug. So I am now squished in between all seven boys, feeling a little claustrophobic but very warm inside.

My vision was becoming bleary but I it up. Big girls don't cry. I'm a tough cookie. Ain't no long awaited reunion is going to break me down. Dang it Jihye, it's too early to be crying.

"Alright kiddo. It's time to get changed"

And like magic they all pulled away from the hug at leader JB's word. I look at his outfit which is a single sleeve black and white sweater and some blue pants. But damn does the sleeveless side of leader JB's sweater looks good.

"Leader did you bulk up while I was away?"

I squeezed his exposed arm to feel his muscles. He gives me a bitter look before nodding.

“It’s the result of pent up anger. You didn’t greet us on our debut or on our wins. Did you really forget us that fast Jihye? I bet you wouldn't even know we had a comeback if we hadn't specifically ask for you to film with us”

Okay I can explain. Working in YG mean more relaxed working days compared to JYP but you don't see sunlight because we work long hours. On top of that, I’m pretty much only using my phone for contacting our manager and occasionally checking up on our fan articles just in case something goes wrong. Other than that, I have no access to the outside world. –Not a good enough excuse but I have no time for myself already.

“She probably has a new crush and doesn’t like you anymore Jaebum”

I look at Mark absolutely horrified. First of all, I don’t see myself liking anyone in IKON more than just a person. Second, we all vowed years ago to never talk about the little crush I had on JB back when I was like fourteen. I was really young and impressionable. Also Bam has a lousy mouth back then too. No one was supposed to know about that crush but him.

“It’s the Junhoe kid I think. Little Ji doesn’t love me no more”

Leader JB pretends to be cry and hugs Yugyeom while the others just shake their heads at my direction. I’m just here hoping I can dig myself a hole to hide in. This is not how I expected us to reunite.



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Kim Jiwon
"Again. Donghyuk you're off by one beat"

I frowned at Hanbin when he restarts the song to our title track. We're no stranger to this song we practice the dance to it for hours almost every day. There’s almost no way for anyone to mess up the dance. Everyone is doing great, in my opinion; it’s just Hanbin being the same old Hanbin back in our team B days.

“What’s up with him? He’s back to having a stick stuck up in his ”

Jinhwan to whispers to me and I shrug. Hanbin shouts over the music for us to get into position quickly. I wonder what’s making Hanbin so finicky today. He’s been in a good mood all week since ever our debut date was released; practically an angel to all members.

Something’s off with Hanbin today and unfortunately we don’t have our little princess here with us today to use as excuse for a much needed break. I’m sure if anyone attempted to ask for one, Hanbin will go ballistic and make us practice harder under his watchful eyes 

“Jiwon. Two beats off. Restart”

I’m literally moments away from chewing Hanbin’s head out because he’s being really ridiculous. Someone needs to explain to me what happened to him for him to be this much of a brat right now.

I have no idea how I'll be able to survive listening to Rhythm Ta. I helped perfect this song long ago. I can't stand listening to it over and over for practice as well.

"Guys get it together! From the top"



— — — — — — — — — —



Choi Jihye
When they said they needed my acting skills to be involved, I didn't think my role was to be someone who unintentionally rejects leader JB's confession. I just had to stand there and pretend I dont care about the world. It's not really acting on my part though. The role is too simple and I'm very much over my JB crush days by the way.
The outfits they had already picked out for me are so cute and all the filming in being done indoors so we don't really have to worry about the weather or time.

Everything I was being asked to do was simple and short. The only reason I will be staying hours with them filming is because I have to watch the whole dancing scenes before we can actually get to the acting part then move on to the next set. Not to mention all the wardrobe changing in between each set. It's usually the whole styling part that takes a lot of time 

"Ouhh skin!"

Ka-ge whistles, slapping my stomach. I'm wearing a crop top right now and it's our thing to hit each other when one reveals skin. I got to slap him a lot back in the day because Ka-ge wear nothing but sleeveless shirts to practice. He finally got his revenge.

"Would you look at that, legs too!"

Before I got slapped again this time for wearing shorts, I'm being carried away thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Captured the princess!"

"What the- Leader put me down!"

I'm wiggling around because I'm being carried like a sack of rice. Leader JB is just running around the set screaming about capturing the princess. The others are playing along pretending to catch us.

I laugh at them watching the boys tail behind leader JB. Youngjae pretends to try getting me and Jinyoung keeps kicking leader JB's  

"Man down!"

Leader JB drops me onto the couch in the dressing room then sits on me.

"Yack you're all sticky"

He laughs at me and rolls off, of course not before giving my tummy a slap. Then everyone takes a seat on the couch. Also after giving me the slaps. I feel abused.

"Okay, it's lunch break. In other words, gossip hour. Spill everything Jihye. Did you really replaced Jaebum with that Junhoe kid?"

Mark leans in, head resting on his palms. I can't take him seriously though with his deep voice and clashing girly personality. And again, we vowed not to talk about the JB thing.

"Junhoe? No way. He's too vain for me. We're mainly a publicity stunt"

They chuckled at my response and began to eat. Gosh I missed these guys and our girl talks despite me being the only girl.

"Then I bet it's the fit guy Bobby. He's the most JB-esque out of all of them"

I raise a brow at Bambam. Bobby it one of the last people I'd have any sort of interest in. It's already bad enough that we're in the same group. I just wave Bambam off to show my lack of interest in the said fit boy and ate my noodles.

"No, no. Our princess can't trade me for just anyone. I'm too good to be replaced"

I nodded in agreement to JB's statement still eating my noodles. The boys in IKON can only be like co-workers that I admire. Calling them friends may be pushing it (but not impossible). And I shot pretty high up to claim JB as my ideal type at fourteen. The guy is almost perfect. I don't think anyone can top JB in my list of admired people.

"So it must be the prodigy kid Hanbin she likes"

I freaking choked on my noodles. Thank god for Yugyeom giving me water and patting my back. –H

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: