
Against All Odds
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Choi Jihye

Everyone looks so unmotivated. We're about a week away from debuting (since all of our teasers had been released) and they all look gloomy. Everyone that isn't Bobby that is.

For the next few days, we will be put on a very strict diet with all our food portions calculated as well as a specific workout routine. Both of which I am not at all happy about by the way. Firstly because I'm only allowed to eat like a pea a day. Second I'm obligated to exercise to stay fit.

I'm currently looking at Junhoe and Chanwoo's food diaries where our trainer wrote exactly what they're allowed to eat. We're counting the exact amount of calories we can intake per day suitable for our exercise routines. I'm jealous of the amount of food these two can eat compared to me and their exercising hours are to die for. Two hours less than mine.

We all have different amounts of food and exercises written in our diaries. I'm not even going to deny how offended I am to have our trainer say I need two more hours of workout more than the dorks.

"How will you survive the week baby cakes?"

I look at Junhoe exasperated. Who knew McDonald's would be my last proper meal? I'm only allowed a yogurt in the morning and a load of fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

"You'll give me some of your food, right soul mate? You won't let me starve"

I cling onto Junhoe's arm with a pout. Can you tell my desperation? He just smiles at me but I know that means no. I'll just cling onto him like a koala on a eucalyptus tree. Maybe someone will pity me and give me food.

"I'll give you some of my food noona"

There's the angel of the group. I let go of Junhoe to hold onto Chanwoo's arm instead. He's seriously my favourite in IKON.

"Thank you! I'll do all your laundry until our debut Chanwoo-yah"

I tiptoed to pat our youngest's head to show my appreciation. But someone just had to rain on my parade by throwing a towel at my face. And I'd recognize this scent from a mile away.

"This better not be used, Bobby"

I twirled the towel to whip his arm for laughing at me. When I said everyone was gloomy but Bobby, I meant to say that Bobby is a gym freak that enjoys my suffering.

"Not yet. But you guys are being called to start your sets"

If Chanwoo is IKON's angel, Bobby is IKON's fallen angel. He's nothing but bad news. What kind of monster reminds people that it's time to workout? See, Bobby is just horrible.

"I don't wanna."

I hide behind Chanwoo and even pulled Junhoe in front of me for good measure. I'll just hide here until someone realizes I'm missing. Or at least until someone looks for the two boys. No way am I stepping in the gym--


"Oh my god! HEY! Put me down this instant!! I don't wanna go! BAHBBYYYYYY!"

I think it's a new trend for me to be carried over someone's shoulder like a bag of rice. But I am not going to let Bobby bring me to hell without a fight. So I'm kicking my legs like I should if I were to swim away from sharks. This guy is so friggin tall too. I feel like I have vertigo up here. And Chanwoo and Junhoe did nothing but follow behind. How are they so willing to go to the gym?

"Impressive, Jiwon-ah! You're already starting with your upper body"

Our trainer is evil. Praising Bobby for his bad deed. Just they wait ‘til Hanbin sees this. The guy will flip when he sees Bobby is wearing an unbelievably loose tank top and taking me places against my will.

"Kimbap put her down you might drop her"

That's right you rice roll. Leader said put me down.

I don't even think I can deny that I let out a squeak when Bobby puts me down. I was so high up and he doesn't even set me down gently.

"Hanbin you saw how mean Bobby was to me? He's even dressed weird"

I ran to Hanbin and finally actually take a look at him. He is also 'dressed weird'. What the hell happened to zero tolerance to skin revealing? And who knew Hanbin was actually this built?

"Jihye-yah, why are you wearing Hanbin's pants? You're gonna die from the heat in that"


Oh my stars. 'Ex-boyfriend' Donghyuk is shirtless and dang he looks good. This is why people shouldn't believe stupid rumour articles. Because who would be stupid enough to breakup with that –the practically walking chocolate bar with a nice personality. Thank all spiritual beings for not letting Hanbin ruin this moment for me by covering my eyes like he always does. But that's making me wonder why he isn't.

Also, how is it that I haven’t returned these pants to Hanbin? These were the ones he borrowed me on our first dance practice together1.

"So that's where those went. Did you bring some shorts and a less fitted shirt? Or should I lend you some?"


Hanbin tugs at the hem and of my shirt. I wore a fitted one to show our trainer how nice and skinny I already am. Dude. GOT7 put me in their music video in a crop top. That means I look decent. I'm just missing the abs. Plus it was the shirt conveniently placed on top of these pants when I saw it on my desk.

And who the heck Hanbin thinks I am? I'm like the queen of shorts. I just don't wear or bring them anymore because of him... Hanbin allowing me to put them on makes me feel like working out it's going to be more than hellish with our trainer.

"I can lend her my change of clothes. We're about the same height anyways"

Jinhwan appears out of nowhere and I did not expect him to be anywhere near fit as he is now. Little Jinhwan has guns. How can they all be hiding all this muscle mass? I'd be flaunting my body everywhere if I were them.

"Enough chit chat all of you. Yunhyeong, Junhoe, Chanwoo on the treadmill. Thirty minutes run. Hanbin, Jinhwan start with carrying weights. Do our usual sets. Donghyuk and Jiwon you guys know the drill. Ten minutes of everything."

I watch as our trainer orders the guys around and how fast they were to obey him. I swear I saw fear in their eyes. Man, this was not what I sign up for.

And now the guy is looking at me with a sinister smile. Our trainer was indirectly welcoming me to hell I knew it. Oh, how I hate the gym ten thousand more times now than I did before.

"And for our one and only girl Jihye, I got you these. We'll do some cardio then Jiwon can assist you later for the abs workouts."

Our trainer got me two five-pound pink weights. That's like the worst gift I can ever receive. I officially confirm that the gym is truly the most evil place on earth.


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Kim Jiwon

It's been only about two hours since we've started our session. Normally I'd call this tiring work but Jihye is keeping me entertained today.

When she's told to do forty burpees, she only does twenty. When she's told to plank, she gives up after a few minutes and lies on the floor instead. I think the only thing she did properly were the jumping jacks just because she would laugh at how her (or rather Hanbin's) harem pants would stretch.

"This girl seriously... She's like Bom 2.0"

Our trainer pinches his nose bridge with a heavy sigh. He finally got a taste of what it's like to deal with Jihye's princess syndrome. She's only the second to disobey our trainer. I'm quite surprised she wasn't scared of him.

"Jiwon-ah take it from here. Make sure she really does the exercises. I have Hanbin to take care of now"

I approached Jihye who's lazily doing stretches to kill time. She makes me wonder how she could stay so thin and eat so much when this is the first time I've seen her in the gym or even move for that matter. I squat down next to her and pinched her nose. She doesn't whine this time but just crinkles her nose and glared at me.

"Okay, princess. For the first time in your life, you're going to work. Since this whole time you've only been playing around, I'll make you do a hundred sit-ups."

Jihye smiles at me as I speak but she looks as if she's deaf and that my words pass from one ear and out the other. And when I finished talking, she sticks her tongue out at me. She was about to stand up and leave but I pulled her down to squat next to me.

"Choi Jihye I carried you back home and my shoulders still hurt because of that. It's hard to concentrate because of the pain. This is the least you can do for me."

That's the only trick I've got under my sleeve. Luckily, it's still effective. Jihye grumbled letting out a barely audible 'okay fine' and lay down into the sit up position. I sit in front of her, holding her shoes in place with my hands.

"Alright start"

Hands behind her head, Jihye starts her with her first sit-up. I smile at her once she's up. We're actually somewhat at the same eye level when sitting down and that amuses me. This is probably as tall as she can get.

But once up, Jihye pouts again. I can tell she doesn't want to this and would rather do her stretches until boredom eats her alive.

"Does your face really have to be this close Bobby? Can't you turn around or something?"

Sure you can say I'm copying a scene out of Secret Garden but in my defence, there was a good thirty centimetres or so between us. I'm feeling a k-drama mood today especially since I have the perfect test subject to annoy. And there's nothing wrong with watching carefully the person you were told to supervise.

"I have to see if you're doing them properly. And for complaining, you get to do ten more sit-ups."

I push Jihye back down by lightly poking her forehead. She still has her pouty face on but continues with the sit-ups anyway. I rest my head on her knees mainly because I was tired but also to irk Jihye some more. She was looking at me now with a piercing gaze as she went on with the exercise.

Well, at least she's not showing any signs of discomfort. Even trying to rush her set, hurriedly doing about the half of her one hundred and ten sit-ups. She did them so fast that there was a gush of wind accompanied with her strawberry scent.

It's after a little while I noticed Jihye slowing down and looking elsewhere. I turn my head around to see what exactly is distracting her. It turns out to be Hanbin who's lifting weights the one she's looking at. I momentarily let go of Jihye's feet to cups her face, turning it to face me.

"Don't look at any other guy but me"

Jihye raises a brow at me. That's not a typical response to a leading man's sweet words in a k-drama. But I still think this re-enactment is going great.


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Choi Jihye

You know my favourite part of the day is lunch. Because it meant about an hour break to recuperate yourself and you can eat all the yummy foods YG has to offer. But when your members all have big bowls of everything in their trays while you're the only one with tiny bowls of soup and salad... How can lunch still be your favourite part of the day?

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: