
Against All Odds
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Kim Hanbin
"What a pleasant surprise! You boys should help Jihye move in and have the rest of the day off."
"This is no option. You'll all help her move and on the way there don't hide your faces. If fans spot you guys that'd be great actually."
"You guys have to get closer. The marketing team says you guys must film yourselves during practice and free time from now on. It's for positive feedback before debuting."

I don't even think the camera Yang Hyunsuk pulls out was a coincidence. I'm beginning to develop serious trust issues with our CEO. Ever since the girl got here, he's become ten times more untrustworthy. Without a doubt he has another scheme under his sleeve.

He's giving me such a strange look too. He's smiling creepily at me then at Jihye. As if I would understand what that look would mean. All I knew was that that look meant I’d have to do something and if I don't, I'd probably get my balls chopped off.

Yang Hyunsuk just told us to film the whole moving process and while we eat lunch. He also recommended us to use our SNS while with Jihye but not fully expose her existence. He basically wants people to spot Jihye like a ‘Where is Waldo’ game. And he just keeps giving me these looks and all I got from them was: 'you're in charge of something Hanbin and it's not necessarily related to Jihye moving'. Yang Hyunsuk seriously needs to step up is telepathic-eye-conversation skills. I don’t have a clue as to what he wants me to do with the girl. But I’m just hoping that he’s asking for me to guide Jihye through training because anything above that is a serious abuse of my capabilities. Just having her in our team is already a handful.

On top of that, the whole camwhoring mission we were given is too much to digest. Yang Hyunsuk can't actually expect me to participate in this . After all the stress I've been through today, I deserve a least a break.

However, I have not even the slightest clue on how I ended up cramped in between Yunhyeong and Donghyuk, walking back to the dorms, with the others right behind us while I held the camera up. Well me.

I even have to worry about how we’d get from point A to point B with Jihye not being wholly seen. Well me hard. This girl is nothing but stress to me.

Our 'tactic' was to hide Jihye in between the two tallest members just in case anyone spots us out. But I see it more as Junhoe taking advantage of the situation and Chanwoo finally making a new friend. Those three walked behind us 'medium sized' folk knowing that Jihye is too small to be completely seen. Bobby and Jinhwan walked behind all of us, a little slower just to be seen on frame.

We were talking about things we normally wouldn't–often pausing to explain ourselves properly–just for the sake of the camera and content. I can already tell the guys like having the camera around just based on how talkative they've gotten. I don't know see how training/aspiring idols can't be spotted walking out in the open, in broad daylight, in a large group with the loudest members ever.

I've seen already roughly about five groups of girls taking pictures of us. Who knows if there were more but I just sped up walking partially because of the creepy stalker vibes I was getting and also the embarrassment to be seen with these guys. Why do they have to be extra loud today?

The I have to put up with just because of the girl. This whole group dynamic we had going on was changed because she just absolutely had to be added to our group. 

I turn around to look at Jihye and she seems to be doing fine. Jihye was actually taking part in the ruckus, laughing to whatever Junhoe was saying and arms linked with Chanwoo who was also laughing. I've never seen those two tall freaks get along so well.

In the span of what probably was thirty seconds all I heard from those two were:
Noona this noona that
Baby cakes this baby cakes that.
Let's not forget the giggles Jihye lets out to keep them entertain.

I frowned at them, passing the camera to Yunhyeong.

ing group of eyesore.

— — — — — — — — — —


Disgusting. The word doesn’t come close to describe what I feel.  We were all cramped up in the elevator waiting to get to the fifth floor.
All eight of us. In a tiny elevator.

These mother ers were all sticky and because of practice. I do not want to imagine what sorts of germs we were exchanging in this tight space right now. Donghyuk was holding the camera right now although he only held it high with a shaky hand while practically pressed against the elevator doors.

The problem here is the little dwarf that goes under the alias of Jihye: the little thing facing me at the moment to have her back facing the camera. Her light brown hair was sticking out like a sore thumb with the way Donghyuk was hold the device –practically filming an air view of the cramped elevator. I could see it in the camera screen from where I stood –against one elevator walls. She seems to be aware of that as well since she was trying so hard to duck her head down with the very limited space we had in here. By doing that, she’s just way more in my bubble. I removed my hat and placed it on top of her head before pushing her shoulder with two fingers. I can deal with sporting a bird’s nest as hairstyle. I like my personal space though.

“Our leader is looking great!”

I hear Donghyuk announce clearly sarcastic. I simply chuckled for the camera, trying subtlety dip Jihye’s head down by tugging on my hat’s visor. Well there goes my personal space. The prick Donghyuk is forgetting to whole ‘hide the girl as much as possible’ ordeal. What’s he doing diverting the attention here? He’s, in addition, lucky he can poke fun of me being on the other end of the elevator with everyone blocking the way for me to wreck his face and the camera that is present as evidence. But I guess the face smashing can wait. For now I have to make sure the dwarf isn’t too noticed.

Letting the other members steal the spotlight and talk to the camera, I looked the elevator screen’s numbers until it finally changed to five. When it did, I began shouting. I don’t care if I sound hysterical screaming to the members to get out quickly. I need to breathe clean air pronto.

One by one they left, only Jihye stood there unmoving probably unsure if we were still being filmed. But we weren’t. So I spun her around and gave her a light push out of here to follow the rest of the guys. I wasn’t going to stay a second longer in here with the air contamination. This place is ing nasty.

It’s amazing how the faint laughter and chattering in the direction to our dorm suddenly came to a halt. I wonder what’s up. Dragging a lost Jihye (who was staring at her piece of paper for reference to look for her new address) to where the guys were headed. And lo and behold, two pink luggage and a couple of bo

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: