
Against All Odds
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Choi Jihye
Hanbin is absolutely a horrible cyborg. Yes, cyborg because no human works their asses off the remaster a song and choreograph another dance in a span of a few hours. Like was it really necessary to knock on my door at three in the morning to pass me the lyrics sheets and boast about the dance? I don't think he knows what sleep is.

Still not fully recovered from yesterday's events, I have no idea how I even I ended up inside the practice room again.

"Don't worry noona. You'll do well"

I've got Chanwoo massaging my shoulders. I have been sighing so much so early in the morning that he started to think I was nervous about recording. It didn't ask for any shoulder rubs but Chanwoo took it upon himself to do it. I wasn't scared or anything either. But rather pissed. Because wise Hanbin thought that me and Junhoe would be perfect for a duet. Junhoe of all people! Apparently we sounded good together when I told him to shut up.

"Chanwoo-ah can't I just sing with you instead?"

I gave him my best puppy eyes. I'd take anyone just not Junhoe.

"I can't sing that well yet... But I will practice more so Hanbin hyung picks me next time"

I swear this boy is an angel. How can you not love him? He's always humble and polite. And most of all, kind. So kind that he could probably be the solution for world peace.

And then we have Hanbin, who's the polar opposite. He's just plain terrible. Why didn't Hanbin pick Chanwoo instead? Or Jinhwan? God, I like his voice a lot. I bet we'd sound amazing together. Why must Hanbin make me suffer?

Someone clearing their throat while knocking on the practice room's open door caught our attention. Well if it isn't the devil himself: Hanbin. As well as Junhoe who stood right behind him. Morning officially ruined.

Do I really have to do this? Can I just do seven hundred push-ups instead or something?

"Noona I'll dance well today and wait for you to finish recording. Noona fighting!"

Chanwoo pulls out his fists next to his face to cheer me on. I must've look really drained for him to do that but the gesture made me smile nonetheless. I just repeated the same words of encouragement to him and pinched his cheeks. This kid is a serious source of hope. I don't think I'd be walking towards the door if it weren't for him.



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3RD Point of View 
"Jihye can't you sound a little more sad? The song is about your lover leaving you for another"

This was the nth time Hanbin stopped her. And they were only at the first verse. 2ne1's 'It Hurts' isn't that hard to sing. It doesn't have any fancy vocals in it. Just raw emotions. But the girl just keeps messing up with her soulless voice.

"Maybe I'm happy about it ending that way"
"How can you give up on us so easily baby cakes?"

Junhoe doesn't let a single opportunity slide when it came to flirting. And Jihye just doesn't stop rejecting even without him initiating anything. There were far more bickering from the two and scolding from Hanbin than any actual recording done.

At this point you wonder who's more pathetic? Junhoe? Jihye? Or Hanbin? Thinking it that they'll just handle this song professionally and get it over with.

Junhoe and Jihye sound good together whether the girl approves of this or not. They even effortlessly harmonized well. Hanbin predicted they would. And He was never wrong when it came to music. He may have only heard Jihye 'sing' for a few seconds (very lazily at that) but he knew immediately that she had to be paired with Junhoe to sing. They can impress Yang Hyunsuk faster this way. And most importantly debut. Jihye was just being stubborn about this and Junhoe isn't making the situation any more better.

"Jihye just be sad goddamnit."

Hanbin says exasperated behind the mixer. He doesn't want to be in this recording studio as much as she does. Hanbin has Jinhwan teaching the others a new choreography and frankly he doesn't trust him too much. The faster they finished this, the faster Hanbin can supervise the dance. He isn't about to waste the all nighter he pulled making the song and the dance because of Jihye.

"But I can't be sad. Getting rid of Junhoe would be the best thing that can happen to me right now"

Jihye is hopeless. Hanbin may have aged an extra ten years because of her stubbornness.

He lets out a long groan. Whatever little patience Hanbin had, it was all gone. He has to get Jihye to cooperate or he may end up slapping her just to get all those emotions out for this damn song.

"Both of you. Leave. Junhoe I expect you to do something about this. You have exactly twenty minutes to be back."

Hanbin settles for kicking them out. He seems to do that a lot now since ever Jihye came. Normally, he'd make s work even harder until they literally felt like dying just so they can regret not doing well. But he seems to use a new method of discipline.



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Choi Jihye
"You still haven't forgiven me? Baby cakes I swear it was an accident" Junhoe lets out a whine.

I was just walking around the B1 floor listening to the muffled song of David Guetta 'Without You' coming from the practice room. Junhoe was just tailing behind me, still asking for forgiveness. He was trying harder this time because Hanbin did say to take responsibility and Junhoe isn't about to face Hanbin's wrath when we come back to the recording studio with dear little me still being uncooperative. Junhoe's life is practically on the line here. And I'm actually enjoying this.

"If you don't shut up or stop following me, I will go back home"

Frankly, I just ran out of s to give since ever yesterday happened. I need my Chanwoo dosage right now or I might start going insane with Junhoe's nonstop talking.

I waited patiently for the door to open because apparently Jinhwan is such a softie when it came to practice. He gives lots of small breaks while teaching.

Approaching the door after hearing the faint 'click' of someone trying to open it. Oh gosh, I can finally talk to Chanwoo and hopefully he can teach me a thing or two about tolerance. Honestly, how can he deal with everyone in IKON on a daily basis?

But nope. I made an immediate U-turn back to Junhoe. Clutching onto his arm and ducking my head as I tried hiding behind Junhoe's tall stature.

Well me. I have such impeccable luck.

Bobby was the first person to come out of the practice room and he had a knowing smile on his face the moment he saw me. I may have only seen him for a fraction of a second but I know and saw the look in his face. That sleazy mother er.

I'm not at all proud of the fact that my cheeks are feeling warm again. Get it together Choi Jihye!

Hearing footsteps coming our way, I just assumed it was feminist Bobby coming to attack again. So I bolted the f outta there dragging Junhoe the newly promoted human shield with me. Not today Bobby, not today.


Junhoe and I somehow made it to the place their first met which was in a hallway on the sixth right next to the infamous Ironman figure. Well this place sure brings memories.

"I can help you"

Junhoe says while holding on to the wall as he tries to catch his breath. He was practically using the same first words he uttered to me when we first met each other. But this time it seemed like he was offering a compromise.

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: