
Against All Odds
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3RD Point of View (teaser)

Needless to say Hanbin spared Bobby's life with his lame excuse of him wanting to retrieve his snapback from Jihye's dorm. Luckily for Bobby, Jihye played along with the lie just to get their leader off his back.

Last night was quite eventful for Jihye to say the least. Hanbin just suddenly shows up after his long ignoring Jihye strike, insisting on how Bobby is acting differently (or so he's heard from Jinhwa who only decides to tell him after their whole workout day and not sooner). Apparently, he spaces out a lot. More frequently in his room before going to bed, grinning like a fool. 

For some reason, it just dawns to Hanbin that Jihye probably knows what's going on in Bobby's head. And the odd assumption was re-enforced when he catches Bobby in Jihye's apartment. Hanbin hasn't been keeping tabs on s as of late and it scares him for some reason to not be in the know of everything.

It was hard convincing Hanbin that Bobby was and had always been his perfectly normal self. Which means no less than fighting like cats and dogs with Jihye. If anything, she would say he's gotten a lot more obnoxious.

"Tell me what he says"
"He doesn't do anything strange, right?"
"So.. He still bothers you?"
"That's a relief--Er I mean-- Everything is okay- wait no- everything is in order"
"...How's your diet? Are even eating enough to stay healthy?"

Jihye can still clearly remember Hanbin ram

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: