
Against All Odds
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3RD Point of View 
All eight young adults stood dumbfounded outside of Yang Hyunsuk's office. Their CEO basically told them to stick together or leave his company. He even used the same threat, telling them to have lunch together in their cafeteria on the B1 floor. Something along the line of 'you need to get to know each other' and 'I will be asking the workers downstairs later'. Jihye was put in an odd position because of Yang Hyunsuk. 

"A JYP trainee, huh..." Hanbin says (more to himself than anyone as he stared at the wall) and he lets out a scoff
"Hanbin don't start" Bobby nudges the boy.

But this is Hanbin we're talking about here.

Hanbin turns his attention to Jihye, judging her from head to toe. Long hair in curls, basic fitted white tee, flannel shirt over her baby pink shorts. Could she get any girlier? How on earth was Kim Hanbin suppose have this girl under his wing? He can’t make her dance their way or she would look stupid and he can't change their moves or they'd start looking like APINK. Apparently this was how YG gives 'thanks' to Hanbin. As if eyesore Chanwoo wasn't enough. Hanbin is having a mid-life crisis and he hasn't even reached the age of thirty yet.

"Let me get things straight with you. I'm the leader so you'll do as I please. You'll work 'til your limbs feel like falling out. Your skill has to meet with my expectations before anyone else's. If you can't handle it: quit. That will be actually doing us all a favour." 

Hanbin kept a hard stare directly into Jihye's eyes as he told her off. Jihye tried giving the same look but she isn't going to lie that he actually scares her a bit. --Okay maybe a lot. She felt like bolting of the YG building right then and there because of how mad the boy looked. The others didn't try to step forward and stop him because no one stops Hanbin unless if they had a death wish.

But then Jihye was suddenly pulled to the side by Junhoe who puts his arm on her shoulders while emitting an awkward and forced laugh.

"Ha! Our leader is funny! Boy I'm hungry-- Are you guys hungry? --Because I am --Let go eat --I think we should go eat because I am hungry --Baby cakes we should go eat" 

He rambles on and on, occasionally letting out one of his obviously fake laughs as he drags Jihye away from the whole Hanbin ordeal. She couldn't thank him enough for that. Jihye can't believe she's in debt to the bastard. 

The other boys watch as the two walked their way towards the elevator, Junhoe's arm still wrapped around Jihye as he continues to ramble, before looking at Hanbin. The atmosphere was still tense among them. Bobby in particular wasn't a fan of the little stunt Hanbin had pulled. He was about to lecture him about how to treat a lady and maybe teach him a thing or two about apologizing (something Hanbin is completely oblivious to) but the boy beat him to it.

"I lost my appetite. You guys go eat. I have work to do" 

And without looking back, Hanbin left the scene.


— — — — — — — — — — 

Choi Jihye
I sat down in front of Junhoe at one of the tables in the YG cafeteria. Aimlessly, staring into space because of earlier event. That guy is really scary.

I had been transferred to YG to reduce cost, met my new band mates who turn out to be all men and got a big ' you very much' attitude slapped in my face by my new leader. All this happened in less than a week. This is about a year's worth of drama happening in just a few days. And why is that I am the targeted victim of life? Was I a horrible person in my past life?

"Hellooooo. Earth to baby cakes. Jihye are you there?"

I snapped out of my trance, finally noticing Junhoe waving his hand in front of my face. I hadn’t even noticed that he left and came back with food for both of us. This guy is actually all sorts of nice. He just seems like an impish tall freak at first. But he gets more tolerable with time.

“Don’t mind Hanbin. That guy feels nothing but anger and stress that’s why he acts that way. I’m actually really happy to have you in our group”

Junhoe explains while getting a spoonful of rice and fed me. Practically having the spoon lodged in my throat, I didn’t spit out the food and ate quietly. He seems pleased with that and smiles, his eyes disappear into crescent moon shapes. He just shoved rice in my mouth and smiled like he was talking to and feeding a toddler. I take back everything I said about Junhoe earlier. He and I hate his face. My pride has been hurt too much because of Junhoe today.

“You’re my source of anger and stress right now. And for the record, I didn’t want to be in your stupid group. I was only told I would be transferred.”

Junhoe pretends to be hurt by placing his hand over his chest with a pained expression. He takes my hand even after I hit his with my unused chopsticks to prevent him from doing so. But nothing seems to bother him and it’s like he wants to turn our every passing moments together into a soap opera. Very much like how he trapped me against the wall before mister Yang came to get us. So I didn’t even bother anymore. Ignorance is key. I just rolled my eyes at him before eating.

“I did nothing but help you baby cakes. Since the moment we met-
“What are you guys talking about?”

A deep husky voice interrupts Junhoe. Curiously, I turned around only to find the other guys from earlier in the office (with food trays in their hands). I was actually surprised that mister Yang’s threat works on these guys. I sincerely thought they were all like that Hanbin guy. The other boys were looking us strangely before taking a seat. Husky voice guy decides to take a seat next to me and he had this judging look on his face, looking at Junhoe then at me.

“Baby cakes and I were actually discussing about our future wedding plans. But then you guys came”

I ing choke on my food, coughing like I had tuberculosis. This guy is seriously the walking definition of unbelievable. To make matters worse, his band mates seems to be buying whatever he just said. But then it suddenly hits me that Junhoe was still holding my hand. I immediately pulled my hand away, shaking my head frantically while I still continue to cough. Oh my God Junhoe is going to be the death of me. Luckily, husky voice guy was patting my back as I try to catch my breath.

“Please don’t trust this guy. We just met today in the sixth floor today. Before the whole office thing happened”
“She’s my soul mate but she’s just not aware of that yet”

I give up. What little decent image I had left for these boys: gone. This was just great. Husky voice guy shakes his head while the other let out a snort and others were suppressing their laughs. Okay, they seem to think Junhoe is as dumb as I think he is. This was a good sign for me.

“My name’s Bobby. That’s Jinhwan, Donghyuk, Yunhyeong and Chanwoo”

Husky voice guy or rather Bobby introduced as he pointed at himself and the others to their respective names. They all politely smiled and waved though the Chanwoo guy was very shy. I smiled back at them out of courtesy.

"Please excuse our Hanbin-ah. It's just that our debut had been pushed over and over. You have to understand it gets harder to keep calm when the same thing happens again"

Jinhwan spoke in the most adorable voice I've ever heard a man possess. Are all their voices unique and enjoyable to hear? Like even Junhoe's voice was amazing. Despite having my little moment in my head, I still manage to notice Chanwoo lower his head as if he was ashamed. The poor guy looked like my fellow victim of Hanbin's wrath. I'm making a mental note to be extra nice to him.


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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: