
Against All Odds
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3RD Point of View 
"Over here we have our trainees practice different choreographies and dance styles. Sometimes with a mentor"

Park Jinyoung says calmly as he showcased his practice room to Yang Hyunsuk. YG's CEO peers through the window to watch the trainees dancing. He recognizes most of the young men in the room because they were the same ones Park Jinyoung brought on 'Who Is Next' to go up against his own set of male trainees. He does recall the other CEO telling him that he'd debut them under the name of GOT7. 

The two company owners' friendship goes way back. They are no stranger to one another's companies. Visiting each other wasn't odd but rather rare. They were busy men after all. 

But today was different kind of visit. Park Jinyoung was showing his friend around his company, showing the potential assets that could be lost if he doesn't remedy his company's financial situation fast. 

It was normal for a company to flourish but as well for it to suffer. It was a simple cycle of ups and downs but this time, Park Jinyoung had too much lose. He has two boy groups to debut and the rest of his artists to pay along with the company bills. 

But Park Jinyoung is positive to be able to keep the whole company afloat as long as he makes all the right choices with his two future boy bands. But he worries for his favourite female trainee Jihye. 

Unfortunately, she was the only girl so she can't debut in a group and debuting her as a soloist with the company at this state would be too risky. Park Jinyoung was hoping Yang Hyunsuk would take her over to his company instead. He was trying to secure her career.

"She's over there practicing a few moves with the other boys" 

Yang Hyunsuk watches as Jihye, the only girl in the practice room, focus on the moves being thought to her. He was quite familiar of her face because Park Jinyoung wouldn't stop flaunting about how lucky he is to have a trainee such as herself. 

He would sometimes show video footage of Jihye dancing or singing and even make Yang Hyunsuk listen to her self-produced songs. Admittedly, he did the same when it came to his precious Hanbin. 

The music starts playing and all seven boys and Jihye got into position. They danced in perfect synchronization with sharp movements. It was an intricate choreography that had hints of tricking in it. It didn't look feminine at all or comprised to Jihye's advantage. 

It really seemed like the leader of the group doesn't care who's on his team as long as they do the job right. Yang Hyunsuk was slightly startled at the end of the performance when Jihye and two other boys had done a single hand back flip (or a monkey flip). 

"Ji, I know you have skinny arms but don't make it look like you're having a hard time with the flip. It ruins the whole presence you set on stage." 

The leader pointed out and the girl simply gives an 'okay' sign. The other boys gave her a reassuring pat on the back and got into position again once the music replays.

"She seems very comfortable in a group of guys and a manly concept" 

Yang Hyunsuk finally speaks.

"She is. She had been training with them since day one" 

Park Jinyoung replied like a proud father. Yang Hyunsuk responded with a nod and a knowing smile 


— — — — — — — — — —


Choi Jihye
I was nervous to say the least. I was pulled out of practice and was told to go see Pa Bear (aka jyp--) in his office. I must've done something wrong or I wouldn't be called formally to the office. That’s only reason he makes me go to his office.

But I'm not a troublemaker though. I always did as I was told and behaved well while inside the company building. My in-building good girl character was pretty on point this month if I may say so myself. I only complained about being tired once! Well, it’s kind of easy with a scary leader like JB... But that’s beside the point. I don’t understand why I’m being called over really.

Why would Pa Bear call me over like this? Did leader JB complain to him about my tricking? That must be the reason. He’s been saying that I’ve been slacking recently. The tricking they’re teaching me got harder and now leader JB wants to slaughter me for not being as good as Mark. He thinks I slack because they’re debuting soon and he’s no longer my actual leader. Something about teenage rebellion he said.

Or perhaps did Ka-ge told him I sn

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Firedup #1
Chapter 11: I don't like being the pushy reader, but please update soon :)
Chapter 11: looking forward to your next update! Keep it up! :)
Firedup #3
Chapter 11: Posters great, I really like the story so far
hanbinieee96 #4
Chapter 11: IT'S SO NICE!!! Author-nim please update more >___<!!!
Chapter 11: I'm liking the new poster already!! This chapter although short was well worth the wait. I'm just laughing so hard at how Hanbin told poor Junhoe to stay away from his soulmate. I shall patiently wait for Chapter 10. Take your time and don't stress too much author-nim!!
Bakakumo #6
Chapter 10: Nice chapter, I just have one tiny thing. With their training schedules, it is written that Jihye would only do the plank for a few minutes. Doing the plank is hard. If you aren't trained 30 seconds is difficult, a few minutes requires a lot of effort, which didn't seem to resonate with general description of Jihye in that passage.

However, you really write their social interactions with eachother really well and alive. It is very fun to read.
Kat2601 #7
Chapter 8: Ahhhh so cute please please update!! (: