#Practice 003

Practice Love
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Practice Love
The Practice

#Practice 003
Eye contact speaks more than what comes out of one's mouth.


"I found you." The brunette pouted as she stomped on her heels before marching towards her. She pursed her lips firmly to a straight line, surprised that her cousin actually manage to find her. Anyone who knows Mia would know where she'll possibly be at, a quiet, peaceful place where she can enjoy herself without having any physical contact with anyone. And obviously the library would be the best choice. 


Should have went for the empty music room. She mentally marked it on her hide out list and turned away, ignoring her cousin as she walks towards the shelves.


"Are you for real?" She heard Rian curse.


"Give me one reason why I shouldn't introduce you to my friends." She crossed her arms next. "A legit one."


The latter rolled her eyes. How old are they now? 12? Can't her cousin see that she simply dislikes whoever she hangs out with? She never liked her cousin's friends, because they're either wealthy kids who had too much money to spend, or prideful spoilt brats who are too proud and too dependent on their parents to do things, or two of a kind. In most cases, it is always a blend of both characters, which makes her sick right in the gut. 


"I don't see why I need to." She said truthfully. "Just leave me alone, Rian." 


Mia placed her index finger on a book and pulled the book out. Carefully examining the book, she turned to the back cover and scanned through the summary. She could care less if Rian were to simply stand there and stare at her for the whole day. She had better things to do than meeting her so-called friends.


It's not beneficial. She thought. I don't see the point in entertaining someone who won't return the favor.  


Her thoughts were cut off when Rian covered the summary with her slender, pale hand. Mia shot a dangerous glare at the girl, whilst the latter simply shrug. 


"That's not a legit reason."


"It is." 


"It's not." Rian hissed, slightly annoyed. If she were to pick which part of Mia did she hate the most, it would be the fact that she is stubborn as heck.


She's not going to listen. Rian knew, and that earned her a sigh in defeat.


"Fine. Be that way. At least tell me this. Where do you live now?"


Mia pursed her lips then, and a firm lip line was formed. She wasn't expecting the girl to ask her this question, at least, not now. She shook her head, dead-panned. She wasn't going to answer that question. She refuse to answer that question. She simply couldn't, because even though they're cousins, there are things that she couldn't trust her with, which is mostly everything.


"Well?" Rian raised an eyebrow, expecting an answer from the raven.


The bell rang then, and Mia found her cue to leave. Without a word, she turned to leave, her deadpan expression placed firmly on her face as she passes by the students who didn't bother to notice her.  


Rian pouted, annoyed with her cousin's attitude.


She didn't even bother to say goodbye. She crossed her arms and let a frustrating sigh before leaving the library.


I guess I'll just have to live with this.  



"So, you made me buy the god damn strawberry milk, and made me hold it like a retard for the whole break, just to tell me you don't feel like drinking it anymore?" JB asked, still holding onto the strawberry milk that Rian requested.


Bambam and Yugyeom snickered. The sight of their almighty leader holding a light pink strawberry milk drink in his hand like it's the most normal thing in the world was so hilarious that Youngjae had found himself taking a few secret stillshots to send it to Rian.


"Rian noona will love these." Jr simply grinned when JB turned to them, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.


"What did you say?" He asked.


"Nothing!!" The maknae line shook their heads vigorously as they kept the smile on their faces, with a side of Jr staring at them like their retards.


Mark crossed his arm and leaned against his seat. Lunch break has ended, but his thoughts were still wondering to the girl who left him hanging in the garden just then. Mia. He bit his tongue to keep his emotion in check, he couldn't afford to smile here, not when his friends did't know the reason.


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Chapter 45: Story for people who wants to exercise their brains😂 it’s a real work
Daepits #2
Chapter 45: Love this story very much!! Thank you for creating this amazing story, authornim!
Chapter 38: That Jisoo and Mia
Chapter 31: Now , my curiousity is vanished
Chapter 22: What is Mia hiding at this point??
Chapter 13: This chap is hurt
I read this for 4 times in a loop, and it still hurts
Chapter 6: Well, it's fun enough for me
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1035619/1'>#Practice 001</a></span>
I don't know how long your story living in my subscribed list. But I do enjoy this a lot. And it's only first chapter!!
KimHyeJoo #10
Chapter 45: its beautiful. Your story always amaze me