
Somebody to Love

By the time we arrived at the studio, it was 8 p.m.  Seung Hyun entered the building and I stumbled in behind him, trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes.  I wasn't paying attention and almost bumped into Teddy.

"Ha Na!" Teddy grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Oh, sorry...I wasn't watching where I was going."  I blushed.

Teddy mussed with my hair, "That's okay.  Can you come up to my office for a minute?  Grab a guitar from the music room.  I'd like to hear your song so far."  My heart dropped.  I was so tired and the last thing I wanted to do was perform.

"Teddy, she's had a really busy day..." Seung Hyun tried to intervene.  He looked at me with worry in his face.

"I heard all about it.  You're a lucky guy.  Still, she has an obligation to her internship."  Teddy smiled, but there was a serious tone to his voice.

I nodded at Seung Hyun and turned to Teddy.  "It's okay, I have a bit to show you.  Let's go up."

Once in his studio, I pulled out my guitar and began playing the basic chords.  I sang the one verse I had written.  Then I sheepishly moved the guitar off my lap and leaned it against the wall.  

"Is that it?"  He folded his arms and leaned back in  his  chair.

"Yes..."  I was so embarrased I wanted to die.

"No chorus?"  He raised an eyebrow.

"No..." I couldn't make my voice sound any smaller.

He leaned forward, "You know this assignment is due tomorrow?"
Still looking down, I tried feebly to defend myself.  "I know.  I've just been so busy, I haven't had time..."

He stood up and looked down at me.  "Ha Na, I will give you until next Friday.  I get that you've got two jobs on your hands.  But I want a finished song.  Sacrifice sleep and food if you have to.  This is how this world works and if you can't do it, then give up now."

I was completely embarrassed.  "I can do it.  Thank you for the extension."

I dragged myself to the practice room and poised myself on a stool with my guitar.  I began plucking the strings.  So much for getting rest tonight.  My wish to get some sleep was eclipsed by the threat of losing my internship.  I pulled up a music stand and wrote a few notes.  Nearly everything I wrote ended up being scratched out.  As I vigorously scribbled over ten measures I wrote, I threw my pencil across the room.  I was frustrated and uninspired.  I was angry.  I was near tears.  I wouldn't give in completely to my emotions.  Instead I decided to play something else to distract and ease my mind.

I began to sing.

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'll be the one if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

I closed my eyes and let the frustrations and worries flow out through my fingers as I played the guitar.

And feeling so small
It was over my head
I knew nothing at all
And I...will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just learning to crawl

I let my voice go, bringing it to a fever pitch as I filled the room with the chorus.

Say something I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would have followed you
Say something I'm giving up on-

I stopped and opened my eyes.  Ji Yong was sitting on the couch in front of me, his elbow resting on his knee and his hand cradling his head.  "Don't stop on my account."

"When did you..." I said with surprise.

"When did I come in here?  Just a moment ago.  I heard the singing from the hallway.  I didn't want to disturb you so I came in quietly.  You sang that song beautifully."

"It's not my song..."

"Great Big Sea...I know, but still.  Were you singing that song to someone in particular?"  He tilted his head and gave me an impish grin.

"No." I said honestly while lowering my head.  "I'm just frustrated with myself.  It's the only song I could think of.  I feel close to giving up on myself."

He stood up and walked towards me.  He took the hand I was resting on the top of the guitar in his hand.  "You can't give up.  You have talent.  You've just had a big day, that's all."

"How did you know about my day?"

"Everyone knows."  He gave my hand a squeeze and let it go.  "Like...everyone."

"Everyone?"  I repeated slowly.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and searched for Seung Hyun's name before handing the phone over to me.  There were news articles about the mysterious girl who saved TOP's life from an overzealous fan.  Next to each article was the same scene, some from different angles.  It was me, with my makeshift bat, standing beside the knife wielding girl that  had been knocked to the ground.

"What the..."

"You saved a 'national treasure' today, Ha Na.  And everyone has cell phones.  One picture to the press and it's front page news."

I buried my face in my hands.  "This is too much, Ji  Yong." Tears began to form in my eyes.  I was overwhelmed emotionally, mentally and physically.

He walked behind me and put his arms around my neck in an embrace.  "It will be okay.  And eventually you'll get used to it."  I nuzzled my head against his arm and allowed myself to shed a few tears.

"What are you two doing?"  Seung Hyun was standing in the doorway.  Ji Yong released his embrace.  

"N-nothing." I stammered.

"I was consoling her.  She's having a hard time."  Ji Yong stepped in front of me.

"A hard time with what?  She's practically famous now." Seung Hyun scoffed. "Who cries about that?"

"Don't you think you're being a bit harsh towards her?"  Ji Yong's voice sounded a bit angry.

"Harsh?  She doesn't know the meaning of the word."

"Hey!" I yelled out without realizing it. "I never asked for nation-wide attention.  That's why I chose to be a songwriter and producer.  So I could express my love for music behind the scenes!"  I stood up and placed the guitar back on it's stand and walked towards the door.

I felt a hand grip my wrist.  I spun around and saw it was Seung Hyun.  "Where do you think you're going?"

"To get a coffee!" I  yanked my wrist free. "I'm going to pull an all nighter.  Now, do you mind, you unappreciative brat?"

"Un-unppreciative...brat?"  He looked taken aback.  I heard Ji Yong snicker.

"What happened to the guy who wanted to be friends after I saved his life today?  Your mood swings are intolerable!  By the time I get back, I want you out.  Both of you."  I threw my hands up in the air.  "I can't concentrate with either of you around."  I scowled at Seung Hyun but bowed my head at Ji Yong.  My voice calmed down a bit.  "Thank you for your concern, Ji Yong.  Now, if you'll both excuse me."

I stormed past both of them and pulled the door open hard out of frustration.  As I walked away from the practice room, I heard two things:  the sound of my shoes on the floor and what sounded like a heated discussion between Seung Hyun and Ji Yong.  I hoped they were gone before I returned.  Whatever fatigue I was feeling had been replaced by adrenaline.  I guess I could thank both of them for that.

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story :)