
Somebody to Love

I composed all night and before I knew it the sun was blinding through the windows.  It was 7 a.m. and I had been up over 24 hours.  I set down my guitar and walked over to the couch to sit down.  I leaned my head back and exhaled.  I stared at the ceiling.  I was exhausted.  The door opened and Ji Yong walked in carrying a food tray.

"I brought you some breakfast."  He set the tray down on the coffee table in front of me.

"Thanks."  I picked up a spoon and took a bite of the porridge.

"Have you been up all night?"  He asked.

I yawned. "Yes."

"Ha Na, you need to rest." He said with concern.

"Today is the only day I have to myself for the next three days.  I have to make progress.  If I don't it will be the end of me."  I pleaded with my eyes.

He sounded resolved.  "Do you want me to talk to Teddy?"

"No, it's okay.  I need to do this on my own."

He picked up the cup of coffee from the tray and handed it to me.  "At least drink this."  I took it gratefully and gulped it down.

"Whoa!  Slow down!"  He said with urgency.  I pulled the cup away from my mouth.  

I set the nearly empty cup on the tray and placed my hand on my forehead.  "Sorry, I'm not quite myself right now."

He leaned forward and placed his hand on mine.  My heartbeat went up.  "Why don't you take a nap?  You can lock the door and no one will disturb you."

I shook my head.  "If I get caught, I'll be in trouble.  I'm okay I promise."

"Ha Na!  Your nose is bleeding."  Ji Yong grabbed a napkin and handed it to me.  I put it to my nose and it came away stained red.  "You're exhausted!"

"I'm okay.  It's just a small nosebleed.  Thank you for the breakfast.  I'll eat it well and then get back to my composing."

"You remind me of when I first started at YG.  I tried so hard to prove myself." Ji Yong looked down at his hands.

"And it worked out fine for you, no?" I tilted my head.

"It did, but it was hard."  He looked at the ground.  "Ha Na, if you ever need anything, you have my number."

I offered him a look of gratitude.  "I know.  And thank you."

He stood up and tentatively walked out of the room.  After I finished my breakfast, I returned to the guitar, my stool and the music stand.  I knew I felt something for Ji Yong, even if it was impossible to act on it.  I decided to work on the chorus a bit.

With you
With you
I feel like my heart could burst
But I don't know if I'll ever come first.
With you
With you
If you're struggling like I am
Can't we make things a little easier?
I need you more than you need me

Ji Yong was my new inspiration.  I smiled.  I was finally getting somewhere.  I looked out the window and the sun had disappeared behind rain clouds.  I continued to write.

On days where thin rains like today
I remeber the way you looked at me

I'll keep our memories locked inside
Where only I know how precious they are
Why didn't I know
About the weight of sadness that comes with a one-sided love.

All day I wrote, scrapped some things and kept others.  Teddy peeked his head into the room.  "I heard a bit.  You're coming along nicely.  Keep up the good work, Ha Na.  Fighting!"

I smiled weakly at him as he closed the door behind him.  I felt like death and probably looked the same.  I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.  My usually bright eyes were sunken with dark circles.  My complexion was pale and I once more had a nose bleed.  I pounded my fist on the sink.  I had to try harder.  I leaned down and splashed water on my face and stared at myself once more before drying and leaving the bathroom.

Back in the practice room, I continued to write until  5 p.m.  My  head started to spin.  I couldn't keep my eyes open.  The room began to grow dim and my ears were ringing loudly.  I began to panic and I took a step towards the door.  I stumbled and fell.  My head hit something and that was the last thing I remembered before succumbing to the darkness.

When I woke up, I was at the hospital.  My eyes opened slowly and the face before me was blurry.  My vision slowly cleared and it was Ji Yong.  "Wh-what happened?" I asked weakly.

"I told you not to push yourself too hard, Ha Na.  You passed out in the practice room.  You were bleeding from your nose again.  We called an ambulance to take you to the hospital."

I tried to sit up but I couldn't.  I noticed the IV in my arm.  "What's wrong with me?"

He explained, "Just fatigue and exhaustion.  The doctor said that you'll be okay to go home in a few hours."

"I need to go back to the studio." I said frantically.

"I won't let you today."  He shook his head and replied sternly.

"But..." I tried to protest.

"Ha Na, you need to rest." He pleaded.

I laid my head back down and closed my eyes.  I felt like a complete failure.  "I just wanted to prove myself." I wanted to cry.
"You can't prove yourself if you're unwell."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Seung Hyun come around the corner.  He stopped abruptly when he saw Ji Yong by my side.  His face showed disappointment and he turned around to leave.  I raised my arm and tried to call after him but I couldn't get my voice much above a whisper.  Ji Yong spun around to see what I was reaching after but Seung Hyun was already gone.  Maybe I just imagined it.

Ji Yong turned back to me, "Get some more rest.  I will be here until you're discharged.  I won't leave your side."

My heart filled with emotions I didn't understand, but I was grateful to Ji Yong.  "Thank you, oppa."

"O-oppa?" He was taken aback."

"Oppa...oppa..." I was clearly still delirious and fell back to sleep.

When I woke some hours later, Ji Yong was asleep with his head resting on his folded arms.  He was bent over in the chair and his arms were resting on my matress.  I marvelled at his sleeping face.  I gently pushed his hair out of his face and gazed dreamily at him.  I wanted to reach out and caress his face.  Just as I mustered up the courage to, his eyes opened.  I quickly tucked my arm under the blanket and cleared my throat. "Ji Yong, what time is it?"

He glanced at his watch.  "11 p.m."

"Crap!  Eun Ji is probably worried sick!"  I began to panic.

"She came by earlier.  I explained what happened."

"I think I'm okay to be discharged now.  I'm feeling much better."  I told him.

"I'll call the doctor over to evaluate you and if he thinks you're okay to go home, I'll drive you."

I really didn't want to inconvenience him further.  "You don't have to!  I can take a taxi.  You've already done so much!'
"Sitting by your bedside isn't that much, Ha Na."  He smiled.  I blushed.  "Good to see you're getting color back in your face!"  I placed my hands over my cheeks. The doctor came and agreed to discharge me.  Ji  Yong helped me to his car.  We drove in silence for awhile until I mustered the courage to ask him a question.

"Ji Yong..."


"Why do you worry about me so much?  Is it truly because you see me as a little sister?"  I peered at him sidewase.

He thought on this for a moment.  "I feel protective of you, Ha Na.  I've told you that before."

"Yes, but why?"  I wanted to understand.

"I-I don't know.  Why do you ask?"

"I'm not sure either.  But thank you for looking after me.  It means a lot to know there is someone on my side."  I smiled.

"Seung Hyun is on your side, too.  He's just terrible at showing it." He frowned a bit.

I rolled my eyes and made a tch noise.  "If that is what passes for being an ally, no thanks."

"Well, you still have a week and a half as his manager.  Stick with it.  He might change."

"I guess..."

The rest of the drive was quiet except for Ji Yong humming his song "That XX".

I leaned back against the headrest and listened to it as if it was a lullaby.  Soon enough we pulled up in front of my dorm.  "Ah this place brings back memories." He said wistfully.

"You lived here, too?" I asked surprised.

"For a time all the members did.  Do you need me to walk you inside?"

"No, I can handle it from  here."  I wasn't sure if Eun Ji was home, and if she was she'd probably spaz out from Ji Yong being in our dorm.  "Thanks again for everything.  I'll see you tomorrow?"

Ji Yong nodded.  "We'll be in the studio tomorrow, so most likely.  I'd like  you to be there as Seung Hyun's manager, but also to see how we operate in the studio.  You might benefit from it."

"I look forward to it." I bowed my head.

He stopped me from opening the car door.  "One last thing, Ha Na.  You called me oppa at the hospital."

"I did what?  I don't remember.  Are you sure?"

"Positive."  His eyes stared at me intently.

I was shocked and embarrassed.

"Ha Na, I didn't mind it.  You can call me oppa if you want to."

I smiled a bit.  "Okay...oppa.  See you tomorrow."

I walked up the steps to the dorm and Eun Ji was standing outside the door with her jaw dropped.  "Did I just hear you call G-Dragon, oppa?"

"Were you eavesdropping?!"

"Well, sort of." She winked. "Get inside and tell me everything that happened!  I'll put on the tea."

I went inside and changed into my pajamas and joined Eun Ji in the living room.  I proceeded to tell her everything that happened.

Eun Ji grabbed both my hands enthusiastically.  "Ha Na, I think G-Dragon likes you."

"No way.  He's just very kind."

"Kind my .  You're calling him oppa!  What else could it mean?"

I didn't know how to answer that, but I smiled as a took a sip of my tea.  I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story :)