Ain't No Fun

Somebody to Love

Chapter 3 - Ain't No Fun

I woke up to the sound of my phone's alarm reminding me that today was the day I started at YG Entertainment. Immediately butterflies filled my stomach. I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. Climbing down off of the top bunk, I noticed my roommate's bed was empty. I stumbled into the kitchen and saw a note on the small table and a bowl of rice and soup.

Ha Na,
Practice started early for me, but I prepared your breakfast as a welcome gift. Fighting!
Eun Ji

I smiled at the consideration of my roommate. I sat down and ate what I could. My stomach still fluttering, the more I ate, the more I wanted to vomit. I put down my spoon and chopsticks and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

I decided to wear a black pencil skirt with a white blouse. I tied a hounds tooth patterned scarf around my neck and slipped into my black ballet flats. I smoothed out my jet black hair and tied it back in a low ponytail. My wide eyes had a slight curve at the outer corner so I decided to outline them with a cat-eye look. I picked a light matte pink lipstick for my full lips. I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment and gave a nod of approval. I looked professional enough for my first day.

I left the house and began my walk to YG Entertainment. It wasn't far, maybe a mile or so away. The sun was shining and my mood from the previous day lifted. I grabbed a coffee at a nearby cafe and continued my walk. Finally the YG building was in view. I stopped and stared at the building. You can do this, Ha Na, I told myself. With solid resolve I moved to the main entrance and pushed a button that would alert the receptionist to my presence.

"What can I help you with?" a voice sounded through the intercom.

"My name is Song Ha Na. I start today as an intern."

"One moment please." There was a long pause. I guessed she was verifying that I was supposed to be there. Finally the doors open and I stepped into my new world.

The first thing I saw was a huge poster of Bigbang. Daesung, Seungri, G Dragon, Taeyang...and TOP. My stomach dropped when I saw his picture. I shook it off and headed towards reception.

"Good morning. I'm Song Ha Na." I repeated.

"Miss Ha Na, Teddy is waiting for you on the third floor. Please proceed to the elevators to your right." she gestured towards the elevators.

"Thank you."

The elevator ride to the third floor was too short and felt like an eternity at the same time. When the doors opened, I was expecting Teddy to be waiting for me. He wasn't. As a matter of fact, the hallway was incredibly quiet. I walked down the corridor looking in the window of each room. Finally I saw Teddy in the room at the end of the hall. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened the door. "Hi. I'm Song Ha Na, I will be your intern. Please take care of me."

"Ah! Miss Ha Na, come in. If you could, take a seat over there. I'm just finishing the editing on a song."

I sat down in a corner chair and waited for nearly an hour. I watched Teddy intently, absorbing everything he was doing. Finally he slid his chair back from the desk and turned my way. "Sorry about that."

"It's no problem at all! I enjoyed watching you working."

"Is that so? Well, let's get you started. I need you to run to the studio and pick up some sheet music. It's on the first floor. And while you're there, from the cafeteria please pick up an Americano, black."

Running errands wasn't what I had in mind, but I guess I had to start somewhere. I bowed and excused myself from the room and headed downstairs.

First I stopped and grabbed the coffee Teddy requested. Then I picked up the sheet music.

I was on my way back to Teddy when I heard a conversation coming from one of the studios. The door was open, and five boys were standing around a table with the CEO - THE Yang Hyun Suk, Papa YG in all his glory - standing near the window. It was Bigbang. My heart started racing. I never thought I'd see them in person despite working at the same company.

"Yes, TOP, you do need to be managed." Yang Hyun Suk started.

He threw his hands up in exasperation. He was incredibly handsome with chisled features and the most beautiful eyes. They were deep and soulful. There was a mischievous look about him. And of course, his crappy attitude cancelled all that out. "Come on, it will only be for a week or two at most. I can keep my schedule straight and I can drive my own car around."

"That's not the point. What if you are late? What if you are too tired and wind up in an accident? The last thing we need is a scandal during your come back promotions. Your manager is having surgery and you need a replacement while he's out of commission."

Daesung spoke up, "Hyung, I know you're a private person but..."

"Daesung, stay out of this." Top yelled.

"Hyung!" Another of the boys with outlandishly bright red hair and a pretty face raised his voice. Wow. G Dragon. Right in front of me. I had to get out of there before they caught me eaves dropping. Plus, I didn't want TOP to see me. My life would be over. In my haste to quietly walk past the door, I tripped over my own feet, nearly spilled coffee and dropped the sheet music I was carrying.

"Who's there?" Yang Hyun Suk spun around and looked towards the door. .

"I-it's me, sir. Hannah...I mean, Song Ha Na." He peered at me with confusion. Embarrassed, I clarified, "I'm the new intern." TOP looked at me with wide, surprised eyes that told me he recognized me. Then in a flash his eyes narrowed and a scowl crossed his face. He made a "tch" sound and turned away from me. What was his problem?

Yang Hyun Suk suddenly remembered who I was. At least a bit. "Ah, the one from the United States."

"Yes, sir." I said, standing in an ocean of scattered sheet music. I looked like such a fool.

"Did you hear any of this conversation?" he asked sternly.

I stumbled over my words, " mean, a little, but I don't have any idea what you're talking about, I swear!"

"Hmm...Ha Na." The CEO began to step towards me slowly. "Song Ha Na." He said slowly and deliberately as he walked around me. "You've been promoted."

"P-pardon?" I blinked my eyes trying to understand what he was saying.

"Starting tomorrow, you will be the interim manager of TOP." My mouth dropped. TOP spun around on his heels and objected. "What? That girl is not qualified!" Yang Hyun Suk just waved off TOP's complaint.

There was no way I could deal with this situation. This certainly would end my career. I spoke meekly, "But sir..."

"Is there a problem?" The CEO raised his eyebrows.

I stared at the floor, "Well, it's just... I'm currently interning to become a producer. I was supposed to be working under Teddy Sunbaenim."

"I'm sure Teddy will understand once I talk to him. And think of it as a jump start into producing. You'll be producing and promoting yourself as a potential part of the YG Family. If you do a good enough job, perhaps this will become a paid internship." I'm not going to lie. I saw dollar signs. The vision of me eating ramyun every night was quickly fading.

"Of course, if you aren't interested, you could just finish your internship and go on your way. We don't need people who aren't fully committed to the company."

"No, sir...I mean, yes, sir. I accept." I bowed respectfully. I felt so stupid.

"Good, then it's decided." The CEO patted me on the shoulder and walked out. TOP slammed his hand down on the table and stormed out of the studio after the CEO. I just stood there staring at the four other boys who were staring back at me. Daesung and Seungri walked passed me as if I didn't exist. Taeyang at least offered me a single glance. G Dragon stayed behind.

I bent down and started picking up the sheet music I had dropped. My head was swirling. Suddenly, someone knelt beside me and began picking up the sheet music, as well. I slowly looked up and locked eyes with the pretty one. He smiled and I felt my heart flutter. "I'm Kwon Ji Yong. Or G Dragon. Or GD. Take your pick." I couldn't stop staring at his face. His eyes were playful, his nose was perfect, even his red hair seemed to suit him. He exuded kindness and confidence. He lowered his gaze and gave a small laugh. "Song Ha Na? That's your name?"

"Yes..." He remembered that?

"Well, welcome to the team, Miss Ha Na. TOP really isn't as bad as he seems. He just doesn't take to change very well sometimes." he gave me a sympathetic glance.

"He doesn't seem to take to anything well..." I muttered. He laughed again.

"With that sense about you, it seems like you'll be able to deal with him, after all." I was confused by what he meant. He handed me the remainder of the sheet music and we stood up together.

"Thank you, Ji Yong Sunbaenim." I bowed. As I came up, a strand of hair fell into the middle of my face. He reached forward and gently tucked it behind my ear. I am sure I turned crimson red and I felt as if my heart was about to burst. G Dragon just touched me.

"Well then, Miss Ha Na. Good luck." He gave me a wink and walked away down the hall. Once he was gone, I exhaled and leaned my back against the wall. What the hell just happened? Five minutes ago, I was just an intern. Now I was the manager of some grumpy spoiled brat? Then there was Kwon Ji Yong. Beautiful, kind...I needed some air. And some coffee. And perhaps a sedative.

The day was passing by so quickly that I almost forgot to eat lunch. I went through the line in the cafeteria and saw Eun Ji sitting by herself. I plopped down in the seat across from her.

"Hey girlie!" she said with a grin.

"Hey. Is it okay if I join you for lunch?" I asked.

"Of course." She smiled again. "But, are you okay? You look kind of pale."

I sighed, "You have no idea."

She seemed giddy at the idea of some juicy gossip. "Spill the beans!"

I regaled the tale from the flight all the way to what happened earlier in the day.

"So, wait. You mean to tell me that the CEO, Yang Hyun Suk, put you in charge of TOP's schedule and transportation while his manager is on sick leave?"

"Yup." I pushed the noodles in my soup around in circles.

"Daebak." Eun Ji stared at me with wide eyes.

"Doesn't feel like it. He's a royal pain in the ." I rolled my eyes.

"But he's TOP! That's a big deal, Ha Na. You'll be dealing with Bigbang!" She clasped her hands together.

"I know! I just...I didn't think he would be so cruel. He seems so different in concerts and TV shows."

For the first time, she became serious. "They get paid well to leave a good impression, Ha Na." Eun Ji reminded me. I looked passed her to see Kwon Ji Yong entering the cafeteria. My mood shifted immediately.

"What are you staring at?" She spun around in her seat. "Ah. G Dragon."

"Yeah..." I said wistfully. "I think he's beautiful."

"You and every other woman in Korea." She groaned.

"He helped me earlier today." My eyes followed him as he went through the food line. He was listening to music on his MP3 player and his smiling face had become focused.

She pointed her chopsticks at me. "He's kind to everyone, Ha Na. Don't get caught up in that too much. He's out of everyone's league."

"I-I know. I'm just saying..." I put my head back down as he walked towards us. I didn't want him to know I had been looking at him.

"Miss Ha Na?" I looked up and he was standing beside me holding a tray of food. My eyes widened and I looked behind me as if there should have been another Ha Na he was talking to. Eun Ji dropped her jaw. "If you need any help, let me know. My manager can send you all of TOP's information." He set down his tray on the corner of the table and reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. "Here give me your contact information." He handed it over to me. I tried not to let my trembling hands show as I entered my phone number and carefully handed the phone back to him. He flashed that perfect smile at me. "You'll be fine. See you around, Miss Ha Na." I stood up quickly and bowed as he walked to another table to eat.

"Song Ha Na..." Eun Ji started with awe in her voice. "Did, G Dragon just ask you for your phone number?"

"Yeah, he did. This day is too much, Eun Ji." I put my hands on my temples. "Drinks later?"

"Hell yeah!" she beamed, "We both need to process what just happened!"

I sat back and grinned in spite of myself. When I looked up again, I saw TOP standing across the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was staring intently at me and clearly wasn't amused. My smiling face went completely blank and I did my best to ignore his presence entirely. Trying to focus on my lunch, I could see him slinking towards me.

"Hey, intern." He said some how talking to and disregarding me at the same time.

"My name is Song Ha Na." I said with disdain.

"Whatever." He waved his hand flippantly.

"Can I help you?" I said between gritted teeth that I tried to pass off as a smile.

He looked off towards the window, "You're done with your lunch. You have to drive me to my next schedule." I still had half my lunch left to eat.

"Yes, sir." I said with a bit too much sarcasm in my voice.

Eun Ji gave me a sympathetic look and I shrugged. I put the tray on the nearest counter and followed TOP out of the cafeteria. I felt like a dog with her tail tucked between her legs and I was sure my day was about to take a real turn for the worst.

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story :)