
Somebody to Love

Chapter 4 - Ego

I followed TOP down to the underground garage. In the silence I heard our footsteps that were out of sync, much like our pairing. He walked over to the same black Escalade I saw him get into at the airport. I pressed the unlock button on the key fob and he got in the car without a word. I walked over to the driver's side and rolled my eyes before getting in. I started the car and waited for his instructions. He remained silent, looking out the window.

"Um...where are we going?" I asked.

"No one even told you that much? Unbelievable." He scoffed, still not offering me any insight. At that moment, my phone notified me that I had a new email. I pulled it out and checked the message. It was from G Dragon.

Ha Na, in case you haven't found out yet, TOP has a photo shoot. Here's the address. My manager got the information for you and you should receive his full schedule for the next two weeks from the CEO's executive assistant. Fighting!

Perfect timing. I smiled, perhaps even blushed, and entered the address into my phone's GPS. G Dragon had saved me twice now. I owed him big time. As I tried to calm my fluttering heart, I turned the key in the ignition and drove out of the garage. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw TOP's quizzical look. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him.

The ride was quiet, too quiet. "Do you mind if I turn on the radio or would that annoy you?" I took the liberty of adding a bit of sarcasm on the end. He raised an eyebrow at me but still said nothing.

I sighed. "Look, buddy. It's not like I'm happy about this assignment either. Can we at least communicate enough so I can do my job for the next two weeks? I promise I won't even come near you if you're drinking wine, okay?"

The corner of his lips betrayed the beginnings of a smile, but his face went back to being stoic when he noticed that I was looking at him in the rear view mirror.

"I'd like the radio to stay off. I'm tired and want to sleep before we get to the photo shoot." His voice still had a hard edge to it, but the acidity was gone which was a relief.

Let me just say, traffic in Seoul . People either drive too fast or too slow. I decided to stay strictly at the speed limit since I was the chauffeur to one of Korea's national treasures (or so he acted).

"Are we going to be late?" He leaned forward.

I looked at the time and the GPS. I needed to get him to the photo shoot in the next ten minutes, but the GPS said I had twenty minutes to go. "Umm..." I started.

He settled back in his seat and crossed his arms. "I don't like being late. Ever. If we are even one minute late, I'll let the CEO know."

I swallowed hard. We were stopped at a red light and I impatiently started tapping my fingers on the steering wheel.

"Can you stop that?" He snapped.

The light was still red. I tapped my fingers louder.

"Seriously...why me?" He threw his hands up in the air.

At that moment, my patience ran out and the light turned green. I stomped on the gas and the car took off.

"Hey...what are you..." TOP braced himself in the backseat.

"I'm getting you to your photo shoot on time." You pompous, spoiled brat, I thought to myself. "Sit back and enjoy the ride, sir."

I weaved in and out of lanes, shifting my eyes between the road and the clock and the GPS. If TOP was still talking, I wasn't listening. I didn't need to lose my internship just because I was late delivering an oversized child.

"You're approaching your destination. In 200 meters take a right." Thank God for GPS. I pulled into the garage and slid into a parking spot with 3 minutes to spare. I hopped out of the car and opened the back passenger side door. TOP looked like he was in shock.

"We're here 3 minutes early, sir." I offered a bow. He stood straight ahead. I waved my hand in his face to snap him out of it. "Hey, this is where you get out of the car and go do whatever it is you do?"

He looked over at me, his mouth open. Finally he snapped it shut. "If you ever do that again..."

"Yeah,'ll report me to the CEO." I rolled my eyes. "Tick tock, tick tock. You've got 2 minutes to get to your shoot."

He stepped out of the car and yanked hard on his suit jacket. I watched his back as he stormed away and permitted myself a small laugh. "Serves you right, jerk." I locked the doors to the Escalade and walked quickly to catch up to his royal highness. I pulled out my phone and finally replied to G Dragon's email.

Thank you so much. You're the best! Let me know if I can ever do anything to repay you!
Ha Na

I couldn't help myself. I was totally crushing on G Dragon. And not just my usual fangirl crush, either. I felt like I was falling head over heels for my new guardian angel.

No. Snap out of it Ha Na. You can't even go there. Even if you wanted to. Even if he wanted to. Which he doesn't. So get your lovesick brain back into reality.

I sighed, knowing that my thoughts were right. I continued to follow TOP past the studio receptionist. "Good morning!" he greeted her with a smile. She stood up and bowed as he walked by, blush staining her cheeks. My jaw dropped. It was the first time I saw TOP be polite since the flight.

He met with the photo director and the photographer, his smile never leaving his face. I leaned against the wall behind the cameras and lights and just marveled at his change in attitude. Was he bipolar? He finished his conversation and headed my way.

"Run out and get me a coffee." His cranky demeanor was back. "And since you're new, I'll let you in on a pro tip: Get coffees for everyone here. As my manager you have to represent me well."

"So, basically I have to be polite for you." I reiterated.

He rolled his eyes and began to turn away, "Just go."

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked, holding my hand out. What money I had needed to go towards my living expenses until my internship was over. There was no way I was paying for a bunch of coffee myself.

"They didn't even issue you a card?" he asked incredulously.

"How could they issue me a card when I was assigned to you just a few hours ago?" I matched his incredulous tone.

"Whatever." He pulled out his wallet and slapped a credit card in my hand.

I bowed deeply, my heels and skipped out of the office just to spite him.

The receptionist directed me to a nearby cafe where the coffee was supposed to be amazing. I exited the building and inhaled deeply. Ah, time to myself. Even if it was brief. I walked to the cafe and placed my order for 12 people, including the receptionist. Carrying the tray of coffees a block back to the building was nearly impossible, but somehow I managed. I placed the tray on the receptionist desk and handed her a cup. "One for you, as well. Thanks for all your hard work." Her smile was genuinely appreciative.

Back in the studio, I handed out coffees one by one to each of the photography team. Finally TOP exited the dressing room. He looked absolutely stunning. His hair was styled perfectly and he was dressed in a navy blue tailor made long coat, a white button up shirt, navy slim pressed pants and black boots. For just a moment, I tilted my head and stared at him dreamily.

"Coffee!" He snapped and I quickly snapped out of my stupid gaze.

"Yes, yes, coming." I hurried over and as luck would have it, I stumbled over a cord. I saw his face in slow motion, his mouth forming an O as he took a step backwards. I caught myself in a strange balancing act without spilling a drop of coffee. TOP on the other hand, stumbled backwards and fell on his . I bit down on my lip hard to keep from laughing. "Sorry! Sorry!" I muttered.

He stood up and was clearly pissed. He snatched the coffee out of my hand while two assistants rushed up to brush off his suit and make sure his style was perfect.

"Everyone, you'll have to excuse Ha Na, here. She's new...and temporary." He smiled while somehow giving me a menacing glance at the same time.

"Sorry for the shock, everyone!" I bowed, and raised my head slightly to shoot him a death glare. I curled my lip and muttered obscenities under my breath. He raised an eyebrow and pulled his phone out. I knew his gesture was a threat. That he was going to call the CEO if I didn't shape up. I didn't know how I was going to make it through the next two weeks without getting fired. I just didn't have the patience for his attitude and I couldn't hide it either. Why couldn't I have been assigned to G Dragon instead? Something about TOP brought the worst out of me.

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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 15: I really love this story :)