Zhou Mi

If Super Junior were Santa...

'Just because it's Christmas, it doesn't mean you can wear tacky clothes'


"Just because it's Christmas it doesn't mean you can wear tacky clothes?!" Zhoumi shouted at his sister

"W-What's wrong with my clothes?" Xiao asked looking down at her home knitted sweater with embedded snowflakes

"It looks like grandma made it..."  Zhoumi laughed

"She ummm did" Xiao hung her head low

Zhoumi crossed his arms smugly and rolled his eyes, He grabbed his bag and forced his sister to put her coat on.

"We are going shopping to fidn you some lovely clothes. I'm home for Chrismtas and i'll be damned if I get seen with any family member wearing stuff like that" He looked he clothes up and down

Xiao pouted but none the less trudged outside in the snow and followed Zhoumi to the mall, she knew that once her brother was inside the shopping mall he called his heaven there would be no mercy and judging by her ripped jeans that weren't meant to be ripped and as Zhoumi called it 'tacky' sweater they would be here for at least 7 hours...8 at a push. The young girl exhaled deeply and prepared herself mentally and physically for what she was about to endure.

"You can try this and this, oh-oh-oh and these will look great on you!" Zhoumi darted all over the department store throwing items of clothing and accessories in his sisters open arms. 

Soon enough Xiao had a pile of jeans, skirts, shorts, shirts and dresses higher than herself. She toppled into the changing booth and started to begin her fashion parade

"Too short!" .... "Too frumpy" ... "Perfect!" Zhoumi shouted when he saw a winning outfit

Zhoumi made her keep the new clothes on and as soon as they stepped outside he handed the old clothes to Xiao and made her throw them in the trash.


"No buts those clothes were horrifying and a crime to humanity. Trash can now!" he pointed

Xiao complied but walked off with the huge bags stuffed with clothes. After a few hours of the same routine going from shop to shop Zhoumi and Xiao went for lunch. The tall man couldn't help but see his sisters depressed expression, she'd been like it ever since they come out of the shop... 

"What's wrong?" He asked


"Stop being a mood teenager and tell me the problem Xia-Xia"

"Why are you such a heartless douche Mi Mi?"

Zhoumi choked on his drink as his sister used the spiteful words, he eyed her angrily and saw that her expression was earnest.

"Care to explain?" He cocked his head to the side in confusion

"I mean so what if I like wearing clothes grandma knitted me. They might look tacky to you but to me it had sentimental meaning..grandma made that for me herself. We can't all wear expensive designer clothes like you. We don't have the money Mi Mi" Xiao explained 

"I-I...I'm sorry" Zhoumi mumbled finally seeing how much he hurt his sister

Xiao stood and walked home. Zhoumi wouldn't return home until Chistmas day so he had a few days to work out his apology to his sister. He hated making her sad, she was his ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and ultimately his best friend even though she was much younger than he. Xiao's words stuck in his mind, he did kind of take the little things for granted but that was only because he grew accustomed to being dressed by the cordi Noona's making him wear only the best clothes, shoes and matching them with pretty expensive accessories; but goodness he loved it dearly. He also loved the bargains he would find when shopping too... but more so he just had expensive taste.

On Christmas day when he returned home Xiao greeted him but returned to not talking to her brother, they never uttered a word until it was late. Xiao was readying for bed when Zhoumi came into her room. He held out a big brown parcel and smiled

"I'm sorry Xia-Xia" and handed over the parcel

Xiao unwrapped the parcel and found it to be two matching sweaters both a light blue with embedded snowflakes on them just like the one he made her throw away in the mall.

"D-Did you go down the trash?" She asked

"No don't be silly! I asked grandma to make us two more..." he smiled 

He had won his sister over with his heart-warming gesture. Xiao's smile plastered on her face until she saw what Zhoumi's hands possessed.

"Mi Mi don't you dare!"

"Awww come one 1 little selca together"

Xiao bit her lip and posed with her brother and the fashion shoot began for the rest of the night. Xiao hated her photo taken but she couldn't deny her brother that, these were the moments the two of them cherished being dorky and normal together was all they really wanted for Christmas... well Zhoumi wanted a pair of Louboutins but he settled for this instead...

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')