Kim Young Woon

If Super Junior were Santa...



As you get older you start to realise that the presents don't really matter at Christmas, It's the people you spend the festive time with. For Super Junior especially Leeteuk he wanted to spend the time with his family and his Dongsaengs. All of them. All their families were invited to their dorm to spend the holidays, He even went as far as getting Hangeng's parents, plus Henry and Zhoumi over from China and Canada to spend the time with them. All he wanted was to be surrounded with the people that meant so much to him.

"I'm just going to run to the store for a few last minute things" he called out to the rest of the members before he left

All day families of the members were turning up and spending time with their children. Soon there was enough people filling the whole room. Leeteuk got back from the store and was playing the party host, giving out drinks and listening to their stories, laughing when they told a funny joke and generally socialising with people. He exchanged gifts with his parents and danced with his sister. 

Just as it was getting dark he noticed Yesung kept looking out the window and back at him, he was shifted around uneasy. Pacing up and down the room. The door bell sounded and Leeteuk opened the door to Hyukjae who forgot his key, then he had to open the door to the SHINee members and again to the TVXQ members and the other artists under the SM label. Leeteuk had, had enough all he wanted to do was sit down and socialise, not play doorman every 10 seconds and then the annoying 'ding dong ding!' sounded once more.

"Yes?!" He growled holding the door open not looking at who was stood out in the hall 

He grew impatient and sighed "If you aren't going to come in at least...." Leeteuk's jaw dropped

"Hey Teukie"

"Y-Young W-Woon..."

Kangin smiled and grabbed Leeteuk in for a hug almost suffocating him in the process. As he let him go the younger noticed tears pricking the leaders eyes and gently wiped them away as they began to fall.

"It's perfect now...Y-You made my Christmas perfect"

It was Leeteuk's turn to grab the younger man in a hug and almost crush his bones in the process. After a while Kangin managed to pick up the happily sobbing man and carry him inside and greet the other members. After they all had an emotional reunion and the families all departed for a good night's rest Leeteuk and Kangin stayed up. After talking about everything and nothing they went around cleaning up the mess from their guests and met in the centre of the room in front of the big Christmas tree. Leeteuk went to switch the tree of but Kangin stopped him, He pulled the duck leader closer to him and smiled

"There's something I've wanted to do all night..."

"What's that?" Leeteuk tilted his head to the side 


Kangin wrapped his arms around Leeteuk and placed a soft gentle kiss on his lips




A/N: Done! Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you all enjoy your holidays and have a good time off school :D

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')