Cho Kyuhyun

If Super Junior were Santa...

The gamer who stole Christmas


When you are the youngest child you find you are doted upon a lot longer than your older siblings, your parents are more lenient and slack with the rules because you are their baby. But one year when Kyuhyun turned 16 his parents told him he wouldn't recieve as many Christmas presents in the years to come because he was becoming an adult he sulked and cursed for all he was worth. Upon calming down he realised he had to think carefully about what he wanted for Christmas, and come Christmas morning he'd ripped open his present but was not satisfied with what he saw.

"What is it?" He asked

"You asked for clothes" his Umma said smiling 

"No...I asked for a console!" Kyuhyun corrected her

He wanted the newest gaming device that came with three games to occupy himself with but it seemed his parents misunderstood. He thanked them half heartedly for the clothes and went up to his room. He let a few tears slide down his cheeks then whimped

"I hate Christmas..."

then he began thinking 'What's so holly, jolly about this holiday? People say they love it because they get to spend time with their families. That's a total lie!' he thought 'They just want presents and money...greedy people' he hissed 

For the next few Chistmasses Kyuhyun was always like that, not in the festive mood until one year after he became famous with Super Junior he was sat in a bar talking to two girls about why Christmas is fake... The two girls were trying hard to change his mind 

"But you won't get no presents if you don't believe in Santa!"

"Maybe in China it works like that but not here" Kyuhyun sighed over his wine

"I'm.Not.Chinese." She growled

"Don'y care" he dismissed her with a wave of her hand "How about you pale one what do people think where you come from?"

"Only kids believe in Santa" she answered flatly

Kyuhyun smirked she felt the same way "Someone bad gifted you one Christmas didn't they"

She shook her head "Nope, I just grew up"

After his seemingly pointless conversation with the two girls Kyuhyun began his walk home seeing as he was too drunk to drive. He walked past the houses brightly decorated with bright lines, he grunted at the 'Santa stop here' signs and carried on walking. He walked past a group of carol singers and dropped some money into their collection pot on the floor

"Thank you! Have a good Christmas"

"Yeah....." he slurred

He sat on the pavement to re-gain his senses and inhaled deeply letting the flesh air hit his brain like a ton of bricks. That's when his most sick and twisted idea came to him. His smirk grew even wider and he glanced at his watch... it was now Christmas Eve giving him plenty of time to initiate his plan.

He went back to the dorm and tore all the decorations down, he threw away the presents wrapped neatly under the tree and then he ate the milk and cookies that were going to left out for Santa. The dorm was bare, stripped of all it's festive glory and returned to the Magnolia walls bearing Super Junior achievements and schedules. Just like normal. Feeling satisfied with all his work he went to bed. 



When Kyuhyun awoke in the morning he was greeted by a sobbing Donghae at the end of his bed and an equally upset but not sobbing Eunhyuk and Ryeowook. He rubbed his eyes and saw the three looking at him cautiously 

"Kyu the most terrible t-thing ha-happened" Donghae stuttered in between sobs


"Manager hyung stole Christmas" he wept into Eunhyuk's warms again

Kyuhyun stifled his laughter and mocked "Oh that's so sad Hae hyung...." secretly he was loving it inside

Donghae kept on crying throughout the day but Kyuhyun felt no remorse, he happily went about his schedule and when he returned back home in the late afternoon he went on to going back to his bedroom like normal when he felt a fist clench the back of his shirt and throw him onto his bed. He turned to see the culprit and was surprised to see Siwon standign over him looking very angry indeed.

"What did you do with all the decorations and presents Kyuhyun-ah?" he walked around his room as he talked

"I don't know what you mean hyung"

"Cut the crap...why is there tinsel poking out of your closet?"

"I-I...." Kyuhyun ran for the closet but Siwon being more athletic was able to get there before him and swung the door open revealing all the stolen gifts, the christmas tree shoved into back and the colourful decorations.

"Young man you have some explaining to do!" Sungmin shouted from the door

Kyuhyun sighed knowing Sungmin would indeed be disappionted. He and Siwon began whispering about Kyuhyun's 'punishment' then nodded as they looked towards the maknae.

"You have to re-decorate the whole house, buy a new tree seeing as you destroyed the other and oh buy us all better presents. It's 4pm on Christmas eve and you don't have a lot of time until the shops close"

"But...Aish!" Kyuhyun yelled

"Go go go!!" Siwon shouted enthusiatically


Donghae didn't want to return to the dorm but with much persuasion from the others he sulked and trudge up the stairs. Leeteuk couldn't help but smile when he walked in. Donghae did a double take and screamed in glee the place was like a Winter Wonderland, a Christmas Disneyland if you will. He scanned the room seeing it all perfectly decorated plus a new tree with lots of tinsel, baubles and lights twinkling in the dark room. Then he saw Kyuhyun asleep on the floor with a piece of wrapping paper stuck to his face...

Donghae kicked him and he yawned to life, upon seeing Donghae he reached for a present and held it out in front of him. Donghae didn't want to speak to Kyuhyun but when he saw the present he was having second thoughts

"Hyung...umm Hyungs i'm sorry I-I just got so sick of not getting what I asked for, for christmas" he pouted "Every year it's 'oh I thought you said this...' or 'oh I thought you'd like this better..' i'm tired of it! And I don't like being all holly and jolly" he waved his arms about 

"Niether does the pale one!" Siwon spoke up

"Huh?" Kyuhyun looked between the members to see his cupcakes...and the Yesung cupcake. Kyu wasn't fond of the Yesung cupcake for reasons...

(A/N: This oneshot is connecting with my other fic 'When fangirls cross the line').

"My girls!" He opened his arms and hugged the two girls, even the baby Yesugn cupcake came for a hug once she'd been pried off Sungmin

"It looks like Santa's village of the dammed...." Jodie mumbled and Kyuhyun furiously nodded in agreement

"So what did you buy us...." Leeteuk smiled 

"Open them and see!" Kyuhyun smiled


This year Kyuhyun got what he wanted for Christmas, he got a whole bunch of new games, a new laptop, console and clothes as well gaming vouchers and online points for his game profile. He had the company of his hyung's and his beloved cupcakes. 

"Christmas isn't so bad is it...." He spoke to the pale one

"No it isn't but a Ryeowook isn't good either is it?" she spoke worriedly

"No it is not..."

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')