Lee Donghae

If Super Junior were Santa...

EunHae part 2


It was no secret that Donghae loved Christmas, he loved the dark nights watching christmassy films snuggled under a blanket, he liked being outside shopping for presents when the brightly lit streets would make his journey even more happier just by being so festive and jolly. His boyfriend on the other hand wasn't so festive, he never really knew what the Christmas holidays meant. But Donghae was resiliant he wouldn't give up until Eunhyuk was in a festive spirit.

He tried making his hyung visit Santa in the mall grotto despite his age, the year before they went to Midnight mass and Eunhyuk didn't even feel moved by any of the words spoken there. They played in the snow, watched Christmas movies and had the mother of all feasts. It even came to spoiling him with presents but still Eunhyuk wasn't very festive.

But the adorable fishy got an idea and decided to put it into action. He visited the SM building and found the Santa costume, he donned the suit plus black boots and a white beard just for fun. He knew that when he returned Hyukjae would be sleeping and this would be the perfect oppertunity to make his boyfriend get in the festive spirit...or he'll be incredibly grouchy as he's been woken up.

Donghae crept into the dorm with a red sack of presents for Hyukjae on his back and gently shook him awake. Hyukjae groggily opened his eyes and jumped up and back against the headboard

"T-Take whatever you want and please don't hut me" he stuttered

Donghae had to chuckle at his scared boyfriend

"Calm down...I come bearing presents!"

"O-Oh...." Hyukjae held his arms out for the gifts

"However you haven't been very festive in getting in the Christmas spirit Mr Lee so these gifts can't be given to you" The santa Donghae explained


"Change you ways and the presents will be there under the tree on Christmas morning" Santa Donghae promised

Hyukjae dilignatly nodded his head and went back to sleep. The next day he dragged Donghae around the mall buying last minute decorations and presents then stopped for hot chocolate and then by the convenience store for milk as Ryeowook was baking cookies. Hyukjae kept his promise and embraced the Christmas season and Donghae was happy. Come the night before Christmas EunHae were putting their gifts under the tree Hyukjae pouted upon seeing that not many were for him. He grumpily fell asleep next to Donghae, the fish couldn't help but snicker. He made sure Eunhyuk was asleep before slipping out of their room and getting the red sack of presents and donning the santa suit once more. 

He crept into their room and pounced on the bed, Hyukjae groaned but opened one eye and glared at the supposedly Santa Claus in front of him.

"You kept your word Hyukkie, here's your presents" Santa Donghae emptied the sack on the bed

Hyukjae took one look at the presents then at the 'Santa' infront of him and yanked the beard to revealing a chuckling Donghae.

"You are too guillable Hyukkie really" he chuckled

"You are a mean boyfriend" Hyukjae turned over and went back to sleep

"Hyukkkie! No don't ignore me. I only wanted you to be festive!"

"And I would of been okay...It takes me a while okay..." he sulked

"Open one..." Donghae handed him a small present

"If he gets to open one then we all do!" Yesung called from the door

Everyone looked towards Leeteuk who groaned "Aish fine! One! you guys understand? One present then back to sleep!"

Being a leader of these guys was hard at times...

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')