Kim Ryeowook

If Super Junior were Santa...



Ryeowook hummed a light tune out loud as he whipped the cake mix in the bowl. He added a few dozen chocolate chips then seperated the baking cases and placed them on a tray. He spooned the mixture into the cases and hummed his happy little tune as he did so, he flipped open the oven and smiled at his little creations; he smiled happily at them and put them in the oven. He set the timer for 25 minutes, that way they'd be done to perfection - not over cooked or not burned. 

He busied himself for 25 minutes readying himself for school, he returned to the kitchen with a big box and set the cookies on the wire cooling rack to cool down. He sighed happily they were cooked to perfection, light and fluffy, crumbly around the edges and mouth wateringly tasty. Once they had cooled he carefully closed them all in a box then wrapped them up in a festive gift wrap and topped the present off with a bow and a name tag when he wrote -

JongWoon Hyung,

I know you didn't ask for much and you don't like people 'wasting' there money on you, so here are some homeade w-cookies. Merry Christmas, I hope you get everything you asked for! ~ 

Love your Secret Santa

Ryeowook gripped his present in his hands as he placed it under the Christmas tree in the common room in school. He heard JongWoon approaching with his friends and ran away. He saw the boy eye the gift and he picked it up and smiled. He twirled around looking for who it could of been but he frowned, blowing the hair out of his eyes and puffed out his cheeks.  He felt a blush creep upon his face and suddenly the two of them made eye contact, Ryeowook stuttered and held his head low before running off to his class JongWoon  smirked 'maybe it was him?' he thought but shook the thought away.

Ryeowook has a long standing crush for his hyung but he couldn't overcome his crippling shyness to confess or at least talk to the older boy.  They only shared a few classes but in every one Ryeowook would always end up bashing into JongWoon or making a fool of himself in some way or another. Oh and the bright crimson blushes gave him away in an instant making him feel so utterly foolish but was until JongWoon had finally spoken to the younger boy

"You look sweet when you blush"

Ryeowook still hated his blushes but now he found that he didn't mind them so much just because his hyung seemed to find them sweet One day in his science class Ryeowook was put with his crush and the awkwardness between them was unbearable. The teacher began discussing the projects and each partners would get a cetain topic. JongWoon and Ryeowook were given the heart and a series of questions their teacher wanted them toanswer and present to the rest of the class. The questions were

1. Can your heart actually break?

2. Can people make your heart beat faster?

3. Do you have a key to your heart?

The teacher Mr Park gave them 45 minutes to find out as much information as possible before presenting their findings out to the rest of the class. JongWoon stuck to the computer and used the internet to find out any information on their questions but he couldn't find anything useful. Ryeowook used the class text books but drew up a blank too. Both boys sat at their work stations not wanting to fail the other one so they decided to wing it and answer the questions themselves using what knowledge they already had...

"Okay everyone can you return to your seats it's time to share answers" Mr Park smiled showing off a lone dimple

All partners shared there facts and explained their answers and this only made JongWoon and Ryeowook even more nervous seeing as they hadn't found out actual infomation. Mr Park called on the two boys to come up to the front and started...

"So what did you find out...Can your heart actually break?"

JongWoon took it upon himself to answer this question "Well Mr Park hyung medically I really doubt that it can but if for some reason like a personal tragedy your heart can actually break...someone cn break it and destroy your soul along with it"

Mr Park nodded at the emotionally challenged boy in front of him "True Mr Kim very true, like a horrible relationship you mean?"

"Exactly sir" JongWoon nodded

"Okay Kim Ryeowook can you answer the second question please?"

Ryeowook nodded and cleared his throat "I believe people can make your heart beat faster by merely looking at them, if you find someone so breathtakingly handsome or if they are the love of your life then definately yes they can make your heat beat faster...but in a good way. There is always the tings that make your heart beat faster for a bad reason...being physically unfit, being emotionally being rejected and of course being nervous and hearing your heart pounding through your chest like it's going to explode..."

Mr Park scribbled down a few notes "Last question. Can you both put forward your views please?"

They both nodded

Ryeowook started first "I do have a key to my heart but you see the person who has the key must unlock to get my love. There's only person who has the key..." He glanced up and looked lovingly at JongWoon who was staring straight back at him

"JongWoon you view on this question?"

JongWoon stared at Ryeowook even after Mr Park had asked him to explain his answer he still looked at the younger boy seeing the familiar crimson tint his cheeks and he smiled

"I have a key to someone's heart already I just didn't know if they wanted me to have it... and yes I have a key to my heart I hope they know they have to unlock me too" he smiled down at his feet

"Thank you boys" Mr Park smiled and let the two boys take their seats.


After the lesson Ryeowook jumped off his seat and ran to his locker to hide his embarassment, he put his books away and remembered he had cooking next. The teacher said they could make whatever they liked

"Hmmm what shall I make?" He pondered aloud

"How about some more delicious wookies?" the voice called from behind him

He froze upon hearing the soft angelic voice flow to his ears but slowly turned around to met by JongWoon. 

"Thanks for my present earlier" he smiled warmly

"H-How did you know it was me" Ryeowook asked he was certain he'd not signed his name at the bottom

"You wrote 'wookies' then crossed it out and put cookies" JongWoon chuckled

"Oh..." Ryeowook blushed madly at his error

"So do you want your present now?"

"Y-You were my secret santa?"

"No Donghae was but I asked him to swap as I got do you want my present?"


"Shut your eyes and count to 3!"


JongWoon closed the gap between them and gently tilted the smaller boys chin up so he could clearly see his face and then ever so gently placed the warmest of kisses upon the younge boys lips sending him into a burning deep shade of red. They parted and JongWoon smiled as the boy stuttered in front of him

"Wookie unlock my heart pease? ... it's going to break if you don't" 

Araso, araso but you'll unlock mine too right?"

"Of course"

The two once again crashed their lips together and embraced in eachothers arms until they heard eachothers hearts beating in time together. The awkwardness seemed to drift away and was replaced with welcoming pure blissed love. JongWoon took Ryeowook's hand and began walking him to his cookery class

"I'll make some more wookies just for you"

Ryeowook walked into his class but JongWoon pulled him back and whispered

"I will get everything I wanted this Christmas because I already have you"

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')