Park Jungsu

If Super Junior were Santa...

This is for my Unnie Joanna aka @thatchinesegirl -

She is gonna be the OC for this Oneshot


"Did you put the wookies and milk out?"

"Yes dear now go to bed" Joanna's Umma sighed rolling her eyes 

It was Christmas Eve and after asking for lots of presents and gifts she couldn't wait, bouncing up the stairs with excitement she ran into her room thinking 'the sooner I sleep the sooner my presents will be under the tree'. Grabbing her iPod from near by she fell asleep for a few hours, when she awoke a few hours later she disconnected the headphones and padded down to the kitchen for a drink of water. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked towards the sparkly Christmas tree, still no presents.

"It's four AM how comes he hasn't been yet?" She asked to no one in particular "Aish!" 

She groaned and walked out to the kitchen for a cup of water, she gulped down the contents and put the cup in the sink. As she walked back to the stairs she heard a faint mumbling and some words being spoken in hushed a tone 

"Ouchies" the voice grumbled

Joanna whipped around to see a man dressed in a duck suit stuffing presents under the Christmas tree.

"Hey you aren't Santa!" Joanna startled the man

He quickly straightened and spun round to look at Joanna, he took in the sleepy looking girl dressed in the panda pjama's looking at him like he was some wierdo in a duck suit 

"Since when did Santa where duck outfits?"

The man smiled showing one dimple on his cheek making Joanna's heart flutter at the sight

"Aaah you see I'm not a normal Santa Claus"

"Go figure" 

"Ya!" The man pouted and sulked

"I'm sorry ... Can I open some of my presents now?"

"Aniya! wait until the morning!" He gently scolded 

The man turned around to leave by going back up the chimney but stopped half way, a line of soot covering his cheek

"Oh Merry Christmas by the way" he smiled showing his little dimple again 

"Can- Can you stay with me until my family wakes up? I-I won't be able to sleep and I have so much to ask you" Joanna requested

"Sure...Park Junsu Imnida" He bowed

"I know... Hey Teukie. Joanna Imnida" she bowed back

Joanna skipped off to the kitchen and came back with hello panda biscuits and two mugs of hot chocolate, she handed one to Jungsu and the two of them sat awkwardly for a few minutes.

"So Oppa...I can call you Oppa right?"

"Ne you can" he eye smiled 

"Okay Oppa.. what did you ask for, for Christmas?"

Jungsu blushed but chuckled before admitting "I asked for my Youngwoon to be returned to his Hyung's and Dongsaengs safely - and for Heechul-ah to take care of himself. Mostly for the other members health and safety oh and to find someone to spend the rest of my life with..."

"Wow Oppa! t-that's very sweet but don't you have Kangin Oppa to spend the rest of your life with?"

"What if I told you I was holding out for someone else...someone who wanted only what was best for me..who can call me Jungsu and still think i'm the most special thing in their world" His words sounding a little bitter towards the end

"O-Oppa I think your special, I-I think your sweet" Joanna admitted her cheeks blushing madly

"You think so?"

"Jungsu Oppa what would it take for you to believe me?" Joanna crossed her arms determined to prove the man wrong

"Make my Christmas wish come true" he responded

"Which one you kind of had a few" Joanna nervously laughed

"The last one..." it was now Jungsu's turn to blush deeply

Joanna was drawing blanks as she went through the lists of Junsu's Christmas wishes... health and safety for the Member of Super Junior, well she doesn't live in Seoul and she probably won't be aloud within 100 feet of any of them; then it dawned on her.

"oh and someone to spend the rest of my life with..."

Her eyes widened as Jungsu stared at her, he was looking up at her through his eyelashes. His sweet features contorted in hope as he watched Joanna make up her mind; she eyed him and smiled a little watching him get a little nervous as he chewed furiously on his bottom lip

"Ne Oppa"

"Y-You will make my wish come true?"

Joanna smiled as Jungsu opened his arms and hugged her tightly. His eyes lit up as he pulled out of the hug cupping Joanna's face sweetly.

"You've made a duck very very happy" he smiled as he placed a kiss on Joanna's lips 

She sat nestled in Jungsu's arms waiting for her family to wake up when a question sprang to mind

"Oppa... how did you know i'd be your person to fall in love with?"

Jungsu didn't meet her eye but looked away stuttering nonsense

"I'm sorry what now?"

"Fate led me here...we were just meant to be"

Happy the answer she nestled back into his arms 

"What kind of Santa Claus wears a duck suit to deliver presents?!"

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awww i lyk the shindong one, so sweet! ^^
Malioo #2
Please write some New Year onehots ;) <br />
I live especially the Sibum one although it was sad...<br />
Merry Christmas and thank you for updating so often <3
thatchinesegirl #3
omg omg omg kangteuk omg omg omg my poor heart :((((
OMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!<br />
KANGTEUK!!!!!<br />
thatchinesegirl #5
Shindong's one hahahahaha daebak!!
thatchinesegirl #6
SiBum needs to be reunited in real life. The Kibum one made me tear up.
thatchinesegirl #7
the donghae was sooooooo cute D:
thatchinesegirl #9
oh my man the kyuhyun one is my most favourite so far! brilliant!!!!! :D
thatchinesegirl #10
awwwwwwwwww Mimi :')