Chapter 7

Beauty and the…beast?

Chanyeol was standing on the balcony from his room talking to Kai, Kyungsoo and Luhan pacing nervously. 

“Do you think i was too harsh?” he asked them.

“You did go a bit overboard-”

“A bit?” Kyungsoo cut off Luhan mid sentence with raised eyebrows.

“Distance does make the heart grow fonder” Kai chimed.

“It’s absence” Kyungsoo corrected.

“What? Who’s absence?”

“No. It’s absence makes the heart grow fonder not distance”

“That’s what i said” Kai looked at her puzzled.

“She probably hates me. She’ll never forgive me. What do i do?” Chanyeol looked at the three of them desperately. 

“No, she doesn’t hate you. We just need to think of a way to fix this” Luhan said, thinking.

Chanyeol had noticed how less informal they had been with him lately but he honestly didn’t mind it.

“Wait, is that Baekhyun over there?” Kai asked looking over the balcony. As soon as Chanyeol heard her name he stopped pacing and looked over the balcony and into the garden. Sure enough Baekhyun was there with a long dark blue, hooded winter cape.

She looked around before pulling out a bag full of bread crumbs. Once she filled her hand with crumbs, she held it out and about 6 or 7 smalls birds flew over and started eating out of her palm. Her smile and lit up eyes brightened Chanyeols world as a smile of his own spread across his face.

“I must admit. It’s impressive that she snuck out especially with all the security you’ve placed around her” Kai spilled.

“I know. She hasn’t been out of her room for days, i was starting to worry about her starving. Do you think she’s been sneaking into the kitchens when no ones around?” Luhan questioned.

“Well, she does look thinner but she definitely doesn’t looked starved” Kyungsoo added.


Chanyeol came back to reality hearing the word ‘starve’.

“It’s not my fault. She chose to stay in her room and besides i had food sent to her room. I can’t help with the fact that she didn’t want to eat.” Chanyeol said trying to look as if he didn’t care but deep down he was worried about her. Luhan sniggered knowing that Chanyeol hadn’t slept and hardly ate since their fight.

Chanyeol shot Luhan a glare which stopped him from sniggering.

“I really couldn’t care less anyway” He stated. All three of them gave him raised eyebrows and a look that said “Are kidding me?”

“What? I don-” Chanyeol paused as an idea sprung to him.

“I know what to do!” he claimed with a victorious smile and walked back inside. The others looked to one another confused before following him inside eager to hear his grand plan.




The very next day Chanyeol knocked on Baekhyuns door and opened it once Sehun approved that it was alright. Baekhyuns nose and cheeks were red and her lips a light shade of blue. Chanyeol guessed that she must of snuck out to feed the birds again. He smiled to himself at that thought.


Baekhyun looked worriedly over at Sehun hoping that Chanyeol didn’t see them arrive back in her room just minutes before he came. She saw a glimpse of the hood of her blue cap hanging out from under her bed. When Chanyeol wasn’t looking she pointed to the cape and thankfully Sehun quickly recognized it and swiftly moved to the bed and as he kicked it under the bed let out a bundle of fake coughs to which Chanyeol looked up and over to Sehun with a suspicious look on his face.


“So...uh...i am really sorry for what i said and calling you a-”

“Prisoner” Baekhyun cut him off.

“Yes...that. And i am hoping that you will forgive me”Chanyeol said looking down. Baekhyun answered with a gentle smile.

“Would you like to come and feed the birds with me?” Baekhyun offered. Yes, she had just come back from doing just that but she really wanted to do it with Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol took a moment to think. After looking to Baekhyun once he pushed any negative thoughts out and said, “of course.”

“But before we go you should put on something warm otherwise you’ll freeze to death” he walked over to the bed and grabbed her cape that was under bed, then walked back over and fixed it on her. Baekhyun blushed beetroot red and bit her lip embarrassed.


They walked out into the snowy garden. Baekhyun lifted up Chanyeols hand and opened it. Sehun came over with the bag of bread crumbs and gave it to Baekhyun. She reached in and grabbed a small handfuls before dropping them in Chanyeols palm. 

“Now just hold your palm out and let them come to you. Don’t be nervous, they smell fear” Baekhyun giggled. Chanyeol did as he was told but closed his eyes hoping at least one bird would come. Within a couple of minutes he felt something gently land on his wrist. He opened his eyes and saw the little blue bird eating from his hand. He heard Baekhyun giggle again and finally realized that it wasn’t just one bird but he was covered in little birds. As he burst out laughing the birds flew away quickly. Baekhyun and Chanyeol both turned to each other with giant smiles on their faces.



“So i was wondering if you would like to join me for a helicopter ride” he asked and smiled sheepishly, flushing red. Baekhyun looked at him confused for a second, not sure she heard him right.

“A helicopter ride?”

“Yes...with me” he answered. Baekhyun tried to hide her smile. She had never been in a helicopter before.

“I guess i could come” she said trying to be as subtle as possible. Chanyeol lit up immediately at her answer.

“Great” Chanyeol gave her a smile before taking her hand and leading the way.


Once they were up in the air Baekhyun was completely amazed. They were up so high and everything below them was so small. The view was beautiful and breathtaking. 

“I’m sorry for the way i acted” Baekhyun spoke up.

“It wasn’t really your fault” Chanyeol smiled, forgiving her and Baekhyun returned it. She laced her fingers with Chanyeols and looked out the window again.

“There’s my house...and that’s the hospital over there” she pointed at the locations.

“I miss the hospital so much and my house must be a mess after being away from it so long” she said, looking at the tiny house and hospital building longingly. Chanyeol looked at her sad face then to the buildings and knew what he had to do. 

“You may leave if you wish” he told her before he could change his mind.

“What?” she turned to him and looked into his sad eyes which he tried to hide with a fake smile.


“If it will make you happy then you can really leave” And with that her face brightened up and she couldn’t help but give Chanyeol a great big hug.




They had gotten back to the mansion and she was ready to set off to her home again. Even though she knew her heart would lead her back again she wanted to say goodbye. 

She cupped Chanyeols cheek and smiled. 

“Thank you for everything.”

As soon as she moved her hand away he missed the feeling of her gentle touch. Chanyeol watched as she walked out of the mansion, leaving him behind.

Baekhyun never once looked back as she knew if she did she wouldn’t be able to leave.


Her house was a mess and dust had conjured up in every corner just like she had suspected. At once she started cleaning.


She was now drowsy after completely the chore of cleaning the entire house and making it spotless. Baekhyun put the broom away and fell onto her bed and closed her eyes, letting the sleepiness take over her. She groaned at once after hearing her phone ringing. As annoyed as she was at who ever it that was calling, she reached into her pocket and answered.

“Finally! Are you ok? Your not hurt anywhere, are you? Where are you? Have you eaten? Have you slept? You have no idea how worried i’ve been!” Jessica’s voice rang through the phone. 

“Calm down, one question at a time” Baekhyun said, feeling overwhelmed but smiled thankful that Jessica cared for her.

“Are you alright?” Jessica asked.

“Of course, i am perfectly fine”

“I need to talk to you about something. Could you meet me at the hospital?”

“Ok, i’m on my way now.” And with that they hung up. Baekhyun was curious as to what Jessica would need to talk about.


Baekhyun groaned once again as she pushed her tired body up from her bed. She had a quick shower and got dressed. When she stepped out of her house she noticed the flowers in her garden were dead. Why didn’t i notice my garden sooner, she thought. She made a mental note to fix it when she got free time as the dead flowers made her house look even more abandoned and broken.


The hospital looked more brighter than when she left it. As she walked in, one of the nurses noticed her approached her with a relieved smile.

“Baekhyun, it’s good to see you. Where have you been?” she asked.

“No where special. Have you seen Jessica, she said she had something to tell me”

“The last i saw her she was in the children’s cancer ward.” the nurse told her. Baekhyun thanked her and headed to the ward. She was surprised as the once white dirty and peeling walls were now replaced the fresh bright yellow and green paint. Some walls were even filled with little hand prints.  


A gasp made Baekhyuns head turn to a surprised yet happy little girl that was all too recognizable to her.

“Baekkie!” the little girl in the wheelchair, wheeled towards her with a huge smile across her face.

“Minnie!” Baekhyun embraced her. Minseok’s smile transformed into a frown.

“How could leave! I missed you so much. Do you know how bored i’ve been since you left!” Minseok announced.

“I’ve missed you so much too. I promise i will never leave again”

“Pinkie swear?” the little girl held up her pinkie with a cautious raised eyebrow. Baekhyun laughed and entwined her pinkie with Minseok’s. 

“Minnie~” Minseok cheeks blushed as a little boy that looked a bit younger than her ran over.

“Minnie. My mother brought some of my toys from home. Come and see them. You can play Mr. Bunnykins” The boy blushed as he handed her a white floppy bunny with a red bowtie. 

“Thank you, Jongdae. Oh, Jongdae this is my best friend, Baekhyun. She’s also the best nurse ever!” Minseok said. Jongdae looked up and smiled brightly.

“Do you want to play too?” he asked.

“Of course, why wouldn’t i” she smiled as Jongdae ran to his bed to grab another toy.

“So, you were saying how bored you were without me here” Baekhyun teased. Minseok blushed even more.

“Do you perhaps like Jongdae?”


“And are you wearing this wig because of Jongdae too? You shouldn’t hide yourself. You look beautiful just the way you are.” baekhyun told her as she tucked Minseok's brown hair behind her ear.

“What if he doesn’t like me when he finds out i don’t have hair?” the girl looked down at the bunny sadly. Baekhyun lifted Minseok’s chin with her finger.

“Minnie, he already likes you for who you are”

“Do you really think he likes me?” Minseok asked with hope in her eyes.

“He was totally blushing when he saw you” Baekhyun and Minseok giggled together.


“Baekhyun you can play with Miss Teddy” He held up a small, pink teddy bear.

“Baekhyun?” a familiar voice came from behind her. Baekhyun turned and saw Jessica.

“Would it be ok if i could come and play later?” she asked Jongdae and Minseok. Jongdae nodded and wheeled Minseok away as he was explained all his favourite toys to her.

Baekhyun smile before turning back to Jessica. 

“What did you want to talk to me about?” Baekhyun asked.

“Well, first of all, are you ok?” Jessica looked at her worried.

“I already told you, i’m fine” she assured her.

“Where in the world were you?”

“I went to persuade Chanyeol to donate the money we needed for the hospital”

“You mean Mr. Park? But why were you gone for so long?” she asked curiously.

“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain...” Baekhyun trailed off not knowing where to start but wanted to change the subject as quick as possible.

“What was that you want to tell me anyway? Did something happen with one of the patients? Is it something to do with you? Are you ok?” Baekhyun was was starting to get worried.

“I’m fine and so are the patients but you will need to go to the police station quickly. Hopefully they haven’t gotten to his place yet” Jessica said.

“Police station? Who’s place are you talking about?”

“Well, i was so worried that i called the police and told them you were missing and the last place you went to and well, to cut to the chase they are arresting him” Jessica looked down.

“Arresting him? Why? He didn’t do anything” Baekhyun was completely confused.

“We kind of discussed the idea of him kidnapping you and taking you hostage” Baekhyun was completely shocked. No words came to her. Her only thought was to get to Chanyeol as quickly as possible. She heard Jessica calling out to her as she started running.

As she was running through the hospital she finally notices all the missing persons posters with her face plastered on them all around the hospital.




Chanyeol was sitting on his chair in front of the fire place feeling devastated over Baekhyun leaving. Kyungsoo, Kai, Luhan and Sehun were trying to comfort him but it was no use. It hurt him so much that she didn’t look back once. She must of been dying to leave, he thought. He missed her so much that he didn’t think that life was worth living for anymore. At least not without her. before he could spare another thought, there was the loud sound of his front doors bursting open and then a large group of men in uniforms ran into the room surrounding him pointed their guns at him.

“Put your hands up and tell us where your keeping the girl hostage!” The chief officer said.

“Your too late...she’s gone” Chanyeol looked down, miserable.

“You beast!” The officer spat.

“Mr. Park you are under arrest for kidnapping and murdering Miss Byun Baekhyun” another officer said as he approached him with handcuffs.

“What? But i didn’t...” Chanyeol sighed, giving up and letting them take him. What was the point in fighting when the one person he cared about and loved couldn’t be with him.

“You’ve got it all wrong. Chanyeol didn’t...he would never-”

“It’s ok Luhan”

“But Chanyeol-” 

“I’ll be fine” he told them.

“I’ve never seen someone so ugly” one of the officers whispered as the other laughed at the comment. Chanyeol gave them a threatening glare.


Just as they walked out of his house, Baekhyun was running towards him. 

“Stop! He didn’t do anything wrong!” Baekhyun told them but they didn’t listen and continued to drag him away.

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun called out as an officer held her back from running to him.

“Baekhyun, you came back!” Chanyeol smiled and tried to struggle out of their grip.

“Of course. I was always going to come back” she confessed. With those words Chanyeol fought back the best he could and used the handcuffs to his advantage. Baekhyun tried her best to wriggle out of their grip. 

Chanyeol knocked down the last of the officers holding him back. Baekhyun got out of their grip and used her fist and kicks to the groin to keep them away. 

Once Chanyeol got to her he awkwardly cupped her face with his hand-cuffed hands and smiled.

“Baekhyun, i thought you would never come back. I missed you so much, i want you to be by my side forever, i...i love you Baekhyun. I love you so much” Chanyeol smiled and placed a kiss on her sweet pink lips.

A shot sounded and Chanyeol broke away from their kiss before falling backwards. Baekhyun was in shock but managed to catch him before his head hit the ground. She settled him down on her lap as tears poured down her cheeks. She grabbed his hand and held it tight and cupped his cheek with her other hand.

“Chanyeol, i...i...” her words trembled through her sobs.

“I love you, i love...” Chanyeol breathed out as his eyes slowly closed.

“Chanyeol, you can’t leave me! You can’t! I love you so much! Please don’t leave me Chanyeol...i love you” he breathed his last breath as she leant down and kissed him just as the last petal of the rose fell. 

She couldn’t help but let more hot tears streamed down her face as she repeated his name over and over again.


Chanyeols breath hitched and his eyes slowly flittered open. Even though the pain of the bullet in his back pained him, he smiled just to be able to see her face.

“What did you just say?” he asked.

“I said that i love you Chan-” She stopped sobbing and looked down to see his smiling face staring back up at her. She noticed that his face was no longer the same. He looked more handsome then he was before and he looked softer and gentler.

“Chanyeol, what happ-”

“You broke the curse. You saved me” he told her and smiled.


Kai, Luhan, Kyungsoo and Sehun noticed that they were back to their young selves again. Luhan smiled at Sehun and embraced him. Sehun lifted up her chin and kissed her gently.

Kyungsoo stood on her tip-toes and kissed Kai, biting his bottom lip lightly. Kai moaned and pulled her closer.



She kissed him repeatedly relieved. 

“I love you, i love you, i love you, i love you” she said between kisses.

“You know i’m going to marry you, right?” Chanyeol said.

“That was the best proposal ever” Baekhyun laughed.

“Was that a yes?” he asked.



And they lived happily ever after.


A/N: Thankyou to all my subscribers and thankyou to everyone who read this fanfic. I hope you enjoyed reading it^^ i really enjoyed writing it.


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Beauty_xoxo #1
Chapter 8: Yeah...sequel!!!
Chapter 8: Hope you make a sequel or an epilogue or something :)
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 7: Oh my...chanyeol definitely have to find ways to comfort baekhyun..kekeke^^
kdaked #4
Chapter 6: Omo omo!! I just found this ultimate awesome fic.. Disney princess series has been my fav since i escaped my mom's womb.. and now this incredible fic come to exist and it features my ultimate favourite OTP!!!! thank u authornim.. keep up the good work
Beauty_xoxo #5
Chapter 4: Its okay!! Rest well
Beauty_xoxo #6
Duh..Im smiling too here..its getting lovey dovey here so plz update!! Tq
Beauty_xoxo #7
Chapter 1: dream come true.. Beauty and the Beast will always be my favourite and Im happy that my fav couple starring this story!
heart heart