chapter 1

Beauty and the…beast?

Chanyeol was a handsome 22 year old man who was rich, actually he was one of the richest man in the world and had anything and every thing he could ever want but even that wasn’t enough for him. He was unkind and had a bad temper.

One cold stormy night there was a loud knock on the door. His butler answered the door but brought Chanyeol to the door as he was requested. Standing on the other side of the door was a poor old man who was completely wet from head to toe. He could do no wrong. He asked Chanyeol kindly if he could stay the night as he was starving and shivering. Chanyeol looked at the man in disgust and refused by telling him to go away and slammed the door in his face. A few moments later there was another knock on the door but there was no old man to be seen. In his place there was a healthy good-looking man. The man could see no love in his cold and selfish heart. Chanyeol was cursed, and the man took away Chanyeols good-looks and told him that he would have to learn to love and if he doesn’t find a girl who truly loves him and gives him true loves kiss after a month at midnight then he would forever be as ugly as a beast. The man left him a rose that had as many petals as the days of the month. He placed a curse over his mansion and all who lived there. After the man left, Chanyeol closed his doors and vowed never to open them again as he did not want anyone to ever see how disgusting he looked. He found an old magical mirror that allowed him to see the outside world. Chanyeol thought that there would be no one who could ever love him looking as hideous as a beast, so any hope he had was lost. 




Baekhyuns eyes fluttered open once the sunlight crept through her window.  She got up 

and looked in her wardrobe to pick out clothes even though she hardly owned any. She put on a white long sleeved shirt and added a short blue dress over the top. She brushed her hair using an old comb and placed a black bow clip in her hair. Once she finished getting ready she left her small, cosy, shabby home her parents had left her. She had a flower garden at the front of her house to try and brighten up the place but it didn’t seem to work. 


Even though baekhyun was only 18, was poor and had deceased parents she had high hopes and dreams of making the world a better place. She arrived outside the gates of a hospital where quite a few people were holding signs and shouting a jumble of things in protest. She walked past the shouting protesters and over to a stand where about a dozen women dressed in nurses uniforms were handing out signs and asking by passers to sign a petition. 

“Baekhyun, you made it” said one of the nurses. Baekhyun smiled and signed the petition knowing it was to help save patients at the hospital. 

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world Jessica” she said picking up a basket full little stuffed bears to sell to try and raise money for the hospital. She kneeled down in front of a little boy who handed her money. She handed him a bear in return before smiling and patting his head. The boy hugged the bear tightly and thanked her then ran towards his mother showing her the toy excitedly. 

“Jessica!” a nurse ran over to her with a her face full of worry.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

“He refuses to attend and he said he won’t donate any money at all” the nurse said.

“What are the heck are we supposed to do now. The hospital will have to be closed down if he doesn’t” Jessica said concerned.

“What’s this about?” Baekhyun asked as she overheard them talking. Jessica looked over to Baekhyun.

“The only person who could donate the money we need in such a short time is a man named Chanyeol but he has refused to do it” Jessica explained with saddened eyes.

“Which means the hospital will have to be closed down and all the patients that are hear will have to find another hospital to be transferred to”

“But the closet hospital from here is 4 hours away!” Baekhyun was completely shocked.

“I know but there’s nothing we can do” Jessica sighed in defeat. Baekhyun though for a moment before an idea came to her.

“Yes there is! How long do we have to get the money?” she asked.

“10 days” Jessica replied.

“Ok” she said to herself then put down the basket and was about to walk away but Jessica’s voice pulled her back. 

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m going to this Park Chanyeol myself and i’m going to bring back the money to save the hospital” Baekhyun told her, as she was now fully determined. Jessica told her the address and stared at her in awe as she walked away.


She stood in front of a huge rusted gates that had a gigantic mansion behind them. She couldn’t help but think that the place looked dark and scary and kind of gave off a haunted vibe. Using all her strength Baekhyun pushed the gates open and walked up what seemed like a hundred steps up to the front door. She knocked on the door but she was met with silence.

“OPEN UP THE DOOR!” She yelled through the door hoping that someone would hear her. 


“DON’T IGNORE ME!” silence.

“IF YOU DON’T OPEN THE DOOR I”LL...i’ll...i’ll BREAK IT DOWN!” she threatened.

“GO AWAY!” A mans voice roared. Baekhyun scoffed. How rude, she thought. She huffed out a loud breath, then turned away and started walking down the steps. I can’t leave like this. Everyone at the hospital is counting on me, she thought encouraging herself. She turned back around and walked up to the door and knock on the door again but this time the door seemed to open up by itself. She slid in and looked around but it looked completely empty. She heard a thud and turned to where the noise came from. An elderly man was on his knees and hands and was scrubbing the floors. He looked at her then quickly looked at the floor again and started coughing. Baekhyun ran over to him and helped him stand up. He leaned all his weight on her and since he was so heavy, she was finding it hard to hold him and herself up. “Are you ok?” Baekhyun asked but all she got from the old man was more sickly sounding coughs.

“You need to sit down and rest. You shouldn’t be scrubbing floors at your age and especially in your condition” she said and the old man frowned and nodded. She helped him walk around the house to find somewhere for him to rest. 


The old man told her directions to a huge room with a comfy looking armchair in front of a huge fire place. The fire was already lit with its flames dancing. Baekhyun helped the old man into the chair before finally asking “What’s your name?”

“Jongin but everyone calls me Kai” he managed to say before coughing again.

“Jongin. I can’t believe you. We are going to be in so much trouble if he catches you and... oh my gosh! A girl!” An elderly woman walked into the room.

“Hi” Baekhyun smiled.

“How could you get angry at an elderly man who is VERY sick” Kai said in a weak voice.

“Oh stop faking you old hag. Hi, i’m Kyungsoo and you’ve already met Jongin. We both work in this mansion as you already probably guessed but i’m afraid i’m going to have to get you to leave. Our boss would be very-”

“Oh! A girl! I told the master not to loose hope. Would you like something to drink? Are you hungry? Or tired?” Another elderly woman bombarded baekhyun with questions.

“Um.. i’m fine thanks but Kai doesn’t seem to be well”

“Oh don’t worry about him, he’s as healthy as a horse. Oh i forgot to introduce myself, my name is Luhan” The woman introduced herself. Baekhyun looked at all of them and noticed that yes, they all looked very old but they didn’t look sick at all.

“Are you sure your not hungry?” Luhan asked. Baekhyun opened to speak but was stopped.

“Why is a stranger here?” A man who covered his face wearing a hoodie walked him.

“Well you see she was just-”

“SHUT UP!” The man yelled as he pulled the hood down revealing his face. Baekhyun gasped at the sight. Two scars were shown under his fringe, a long scar ran under his left eye and stopped at the top of his left ear and he had a small scar just above his lip. He had a burn that covered the right half of his face. Black veins were visibly shown down his neck and his hair was a harsh shade of crimson.

“Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” he asked looking angry.

“i-i w-was j-just-”

“Leave. GET OUT!” he yelled. Baekhyun remembered the hospital and decided she couldn’t leave until she got what she came for.

“No” she said firmly.

“What did you just say” the man said anger rising in him.

“I said i’m not leaving until you donate that money to the hospital” she told him. Luhan looked at her, knowing what she was talking about and thought of an idea.

“I will never give my money to that pathetic hospital!”

“How can you be so cruel. Don’t you care about anyone other then yourself”




The more Chanyeol looked at the girl, the more he kept thinking that she was beautiful and slim. She was a lot shorter than him which just made her even cuter. Her skin was flawless and looked soft. Her blue eyes were the bluest he’s ever seen. Unfortunately Luhan snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Chanyeol- i mean master, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for her to stay here” Luhan whispered to Chanyeol. He glared at Luhan, looking as if he was about to hit her.

“Think about it master. She could break the curse” Luhan told him. Chanyeol thought about this for a second and remembered that he had 14 days left to break the curse.

“Fine!” Chanyeol came to a decision. Baekhyun looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

“So you’ll donate the money to the hospital”

“No, don’t be stupid. From today onward you will be my prisoner.” 

“What! You can’t-”

“I can and i will. You were the one that walked into my house and now you’ll have to pay the price” he said. She had no words that came to her and she had no choice in this situation.


“Follow me and i’ll show you to your room” he said and walked out of the room.

“My room?” she asked. 

“Why, do you wanna sleep in the dungeon instead” he said angrily.

“No” she said shaking her head.

“Then follow me”


They were silently walking along a hallway filled with portraits of men that were previously in his family. As they walked along Baekhyun noticed every single one of there faces. All of them look wonderfully kind. All except one. He looked charming with powerful brown eyes. On the gold plaque under his portrait it read that his name was Joonmyun.

“Who is he?” she asked. Chanyeol turned around to see what she was talking about. He recognized the man in the portrait all to well.

“My father” he replied.

“Where is he?”

“He’s...he’s gone”

“Where did he go?”

“HE’S JUST GONE. Stop asking so many questions” he said, not wanting to talk about his father who died when he was 6. Baekhyun frowned and looked down as they continued to walk. Luhan nudged him signaling for him to break the silence.

“ may go anywhere in the mansion except for the 3rd floor” he told her.

“What’s on the-”

“It’s prohibited!” he said sternly.


They finally got to the end of the hallway. Chanyeol stopped in front of two grand doors and pushed them open. He stepped aside for Baekhyun to walk in.

“This is your room. If you need anything just ask Sehun” he said.

“Who’s Sehun?” she asked.

“That would be me” an elderly man walked through the door. He winked at Luhan who blushed and let out a small giggle. Chanyeol rolled his eyes. 

“Are you not going to ask her to dinner?” Luhan asked in a low voice as Baekhyun greeted Sehun. Chanyeol cleared his throat to get her attention but failed. He tried again but once again failed. “BAEKHYUN!” he yelled and she finally turned around and looked up at him.

“You will join me for lunch. Thats an order! And if your a minute late then you will be thrown into the dungeon”

“That’s too harsh” Luhan whispered.

“Well, i’m not hungry” she replied stubbornly. Annoyed that he was ordering her around. She slammed the two doors in his face and locked them. He was completely shocked. No one had ever treated him this way before. Everyone had always done exactly what he told them to do. He felt the anger rise in him.

“WHAT?!” he yelled.

“I’m not hungry!” she called out through the door.


“No” she refused simply.

“Fine, then STARVE!” he stomped away feeling frustrated and angry about how she treated him. 




“Who does she think she is?” he asked rhetorically. “No one’s ever said no to me.”

Luhan walked over with a cup of tea and handed it to him. “I must say she’s very brave” Luhan said. “OUCH! ITS TOO HOT” Chanyeol yelled after he burnt his tongue from the tea. He threw the cup to pieces and let the tea become a small puddle on the ground.

“Well, you were supposed to let it cool down” Luhan told him as he cleaned up the mess he made. “Who am i kidding. How could she be the one to break the curse, she probably thinks i’m disgusting” Chanyeol said feeling ashamed.

“She could be the one to break the curse but it’s hard with that bad temper of yours and stop feeling ashamed of how you look, she doesn’t seem disgusted by you” she reassured him. Chanyeol couldn’t see how anyone could fall in love with someone so ugly. Kai walked in after over hearing their conversation. “Your thinking about this too much. It’s as easy as you fall in love with her, she falls in love with you and before you know it by tomorrow morning we’ll be back to our normal selves again” Kai smiled, proud of his theory that didn’t make hardly any sense.

“Love isn’t that simple. Love takes time.You need to give her some time. She must be very emotional right now after you refused to donate money to the hospital and then you took away her freedom all in a few minutes. You need to learn more about her and try to understand how she feels-”

“We don’t have that much time and i mean she’s beautiful and well he’s...” Kai cut Luhan off and trailed off during his own sentence while looking at Chanyeol.

“Like i said she doesn’t seem to be grossed out by him and if she is then we can help her see his inner beauty”

“And how do i do that?” Chanyeol asked.

“I know your depressed about how you look but you should really try and look presentable and act like a real gentlemen” Luhan told him as he looked Chanyeol up and down and noticed he was wearing a hoodie and baggy sweatpants. 

“Yes, when you see her next show her your irresistible smile. And you have to play hard to get. Let her chase you-” Kai said but was cut off by Luhan.

“But not too much other wise she’ll give up and think that you don’t like her-’

“You can impress her with all that you’ve got-”

“But don’t pressure the poor girl and be gentle-”

“Show her your confidence-”

“but show her you can also be sincere-”

“But the biggest thing of all is that-”

“You must control your temper” they said in unison.

“This is all too much! What would you two know anyway” He said in anger after he couldn’t digest all that information.

“More then you” Kai muttered but Chanyeol heard.


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Beauty_xoxo #1
Chapter 8: Yeah...sequel!!!
Chapter 8: Hope you make a sequel or an epilogue or something :)
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 7: Oh my...chanyeol definitely have to find ways to comfort baekhyun..kekeke^^
kdaked #4
Chapter 6: Omo omo!! I just found this ultimate awesome fic.. Disney princess series has been my fav since i escaped my mom's womb.. and now this incredible fic come to exist and it features my ultimate favourite OTP!!!! thank u authornim.. keep up the good work
Beauty_xoxo #5
Chapter 4: Its okay!! Rest well
Beauty_xoxo #6
Duh..Im smiling too here..its getting lovey dovey here so plz update!! Tq
Beauty_xoxo #7
Chapter 1: dream come true.. Beauty and the Beast will always be my favourite and Im happy that my fav couple starring this story!
heart heart