Chapter 3

Beauty and the…beast?

The next morning Chanyeol woke up feeling light hearted. He couldn’t stop thinking about Baekhyun and how she took care of him last night. He felt like he had to repay her for her kindness but he had no idea what he could possibly do that would make her happy. Thankfully Luhan walked in at that moment.

“Good, your already up. Breakfast is ready and Baekhyun is already waiting for you in the dining room downstairs so i suggest you hurry it up if you want to eat with her” Luhan told him.

“I really want to do something for her as a thank you for taking care of me last night but i can’t think of anything” Chanyeol said. Kai walked in to see what was taking so long and “coincidently” overheard what Chanyeol said.

“Well, i don’t like to boast but i am a bit of a ladies man so i think i would know more than Luhan when it comes to these things” Kai said.

“But i am a girl-”

“Are you? Or are you a boy in disguise? I guess we’ll never know”

“There is something seriously wrong with you” Luhan said and looked at him in disbelief.

“Look any ideas at all would be helpful right now” Chanyeol spoke up.

“Well from experience woman usually like chocolates, flowers, diamonds are a favourite but strangely that didn’t work for Baekhyun”

“No, no, no. You have to give her something special. Something that she is passionate about. You know, something from the heart” Luhan said but Chanyeol just stared back at her cluelessly.

“You really don’t know what i’m talking about do you?” she asked and Chanyeol simply shook his head having no idea at all what she was talking about.

“The hospital, Chanyeol” She said. 

“We’re thinking of ideas not...oh, i get it. Can you give them a call Luhan?” he asked.

“Of course master” she said smiling. 


Later that day Chanyeol knocked on Baekhyuns door. When she opened it a smile spread across her face.



“I was wondering if you have some time right now?” Chanyeol asked. She nodded and followed him to his office which was coincidentally inside his very own library. Which was of course, huge. High ceilings, books filling every shelf. Baekhyun wondered if any of the books had ever been read. They were all dusty and looked like they had never left the shelf.

“This is amazing. I’ve never seen so many books in my life” she beamed and started looking around and blowing the dust off some of the books.

“You like books?” he asked surprised.

“Of course. Adventures, sword fights, royalty, scandals, true love. Every story is simply magical. Don’t you think?” she asked and looked over at him. He scratched the back of his head trying to think of what to say.

“Um... anyway, i have something i want you to hear” he said and motioned for her to come over to his desk.She did so and looked at him confused. He pressed a button on a machine and a message started playing.


“On behalf of everyone, we would like to thank you for donating $800,000 to the hospital. We are so grateful that we can keep our hospital open and treat our patients. It is greatly appreciated. We have sent a basket of peppero as a token of our appreciation. Again we thank you for your generous donation”


Baekhyun looked at him, then to the machine, then back at him.

“Did you...” she trailed off. Chanyeol nodded his head.

“Does this make you happy?” he asked, hoping she would like his gift.

“Wait, you did this for me?” she asked and he nodded once again. She gave him a huge smile and wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug.

“Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how happy i am right now” she said excited. Chanyeol stood there in her embrace and was in complete shock of her sudden action. He didn’t understand why his heart felt like it was pounding out of his chest. He had never experience this strange feeling before.



Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting at the dining room table the next morning. Since Chanyeol had donated the money needed to the hospital the atmosphere between them had completely changed. As Chanyeol looked down nervously at the table, Baekhyun couldn’t help but stare at the taller male. Even though his face was different from anyone Baekhyun had ever met, he looked rather handsome. She noticed that he had a certain charm that pulled her in and made her want more. 


As Chanyeol looked up Baekhyun quickly looked away pretending to be looking at something else. Chanyeol noticed this and decided to speak up first to push out the awkwardness. “I-i was wondering i-if y-you would l-like to g-go somewhere with m-me t-today?” he stuttered nervously. 

“Where?” she asked curiously.

“My beach”

“Your beach?”

“Yes, i have my own private beach and-”

“You have your own beach! That’s so cool!” Baekhyun beamed.

“So you’ll come?”

“Of course!” she said excited.


Blue skies and not a cloud in sight. It was the perfect weather for a day at the beach. Luhan, Kyungsoo and Kai had set up a volley ball net and had prepared a special picnic for the two of them. 


Baekhyun stepped out of the car feeling the warm sun on her sun-screened skin. She looked around to see absolutely no one in site. Chanyeol was next to step out of the car.

“Wow, you really do own a private beach” she said amazed. Chanyeol smiled, happy that he impressed her. Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol and gave him an excited smile before running at top speed into the ocean. Chanyeol laughed and ran into the ocean as well to join her. 

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun called.

“Yes” Chanyeol turned around only to be splashed by water. Baekhyun laughed at his shocked expression. Chanyeol smirked before splashing her with a big wave of water which resorted in them both laughing and having a mini water fight.


The waves began to get bigger and bigger and baekhyun was starting to find it hard to keep her head above the water as she had never learnt how to swim. She could no longer feel the bottom of the ocean and felt herself start to panic. A large wave washed over them and once Chanyeol got to the surface Baekhyun was no where in sight.

“Baekhyun! Baekhyun!” He yelled looking around but there was no response and he couldn’t see her on the beach so he knew she hadn’t gone back to shore. He felt panic rise in him and decided to dive under the water. He looked around until he saw her slowly sinking to the bottom. He pulled his head out of the water to get a breathe of air before going back under the water again and swimming down to get her. He grabbed the wrist of her out stretched arm and pulled her up and out of the water. He started swimming back to  the shore quickly to get away from the rising and crashing waves. He carried her onto the dry sand and laid her down. 


“Baekhyun...Baekhyun” he said shaking her slightly. He decided to use CPR on her and thankfully after a minute or two she regained consciousness and coughed up water. She breathed heavily feeling scared and was still a bit shocked with what just happened. Tears spilled out of her eyes as Chanyeol pulled her into a tight hug and giving her words of comfort.

“It’s okay. Your safe now” he soothed.


She finally calmed down after about 15 minutes. They decided to have lunch from the special picnic that was made. “Thank you for saving me again earlier. It must be tiring having to save me all the time” her cheeks blushed feeling embarrassed.

“No, not at all. We had drifted quite far from the shore. It would of happened to anyone” he tried to reassure her.

“Not for people who can swim” she muttered but Chanyeol heard her.

“Can you not swim?” he asked to which she just shook her head silently.

“M-maybe i could t-teach you s-sometime” he stuttered, looking anywhere but at her.

“Really? You would really teach me?” she asked disbelieved.

“Sure” he smiled. A huge smile crept upon Baekhyuns face and she felt much better.


They ate delicious kimbap for lunch. Chanyeol had placed a slice of chocolate cake on a plate and got out two forks and handed one to Baekhyun. Baekhyun her lips with feasting eyes as she stared at the chocolate cake. She placed a forkful in and no surprise, it tasted amazing. Chanyeol let out a small charming laugh to which Baekhyun looked at him confused.

“What’s so funny?” Baekhyun asked.

“You got chocolate on your...” he trailed off and pointed to the side of . Baekhyun wiped the side of embarrassed.

“Is it gone?” she asked. Chanyeol let out another laugh as she had not wiped any of it off. Chanyeol leaned forward and wiped it for her. When his finger touched her lips, he paused and couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful pink heart-shaped lips. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked into his eyes. They sat in silence for what seemed like hours before Chanyeol noticed his heart beating so fast he thought it was going to explode. He quickly moved his hand away and turned away from her. Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol confused. “It’s gone now” he told her.

“oh...thanks” she said trying to smile.

“We should, uh...probably get going. It looks like it’s going to rain” he said and started packing up. Baekhyun helped him but still couldn’t help but feel sad and confused. 


The drive home was filled with silence and awkwardness.

Chanyeol walked Baekhyun to her bedroom door before saying “i hope you had a pleasant time today.”

“Yeah, i did” Baekhyun gave him a small smile before Sehun accidentally interrupted.

“Baekhyun, your back!” Sehun smiled broadly. Baekhyun gave him a simple smile back.

“Baekhyun” Chanyeol called just as Baekhyun turned around to enter her room. 

“Yes” Baekhyun turned around quickly anticipating for what she hoped would happen next. Chanyeol scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks blushed a light shade of pink.

“uhh...i was just uhh...”


“I was just going to say that you should probably wash up before you come down to dinner” he said and walked away as quick as he could while mentally slapping himself a hundred times over in his mind.

Baekhyun couldn’t hide her hurt expression. She walked into her room with Sehun.

“Wow. That was weird...what happened with you two today?” Sehun asked and Baekhyun told him all about her day that she and Chanyeol just had.

“...then he turned away and acted as if nothing ever happened. I guess i was expecting something-”

“You wanted him to kiss you” Sehun said simply with a smile on his face.

“Well...yeah” She said feeling embarrassed.

“Maybe you should make the first move” Sehun suggested.

“But what if he rejects me?” Baekhyun asked sadly.

“Trust me he would never reject you” he muttered under his breath.

“What did you say?”





“Why did i say something so stupid” Chanyeol rhetorically asked after telling them what happened. Luhan, Kai and Kyungsoo were all in his room as Chanyeol paced back and forth.

“Maybe she didn’t hear you” Luhan suggested.

“Oh don’t be stupid, of course she heard him” Kai said. Luhan glared at him.

“Why didn’t you kiss her at the beach anyway?” Kyungsoo asked. Chanyeol blushed as he thought back to that moment.

“I-i don’t know. I just get these weird and crazy feelings when i’m around her.” he told them.

“Good crazy feelings?” Luhan asked.

“Yeah, i-i guess s-so” 

“Problem solved. He obviously likes her” Kai said and Luhan and Kyungsoo agreed.

“M-me l-like her?” he fake chuckled before suggesting it.

“So when are you going to ask her out again?” Kai asked.

“I don’t think she would want to see me again after what happened”

“Are you serious? Just because one little thing happened doesn’t mean you give up.” Luhan told him.

“I really think you should try again as-well. After all we don’t have that much time left” Kyungsoo reminded Chanyeol.



Silence and an awkward atmosphere filled the room. The only noise that could be heard were the clinking of forks on plates. Baekhyun could no longer take the silence and decided to speak up first. She thought that now was a better time than ever to ask him out.

“I was wondering-”

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me again?” Chanyeol asked, cutting off Baekhyun. He looked at her anticipating.

“I would love to” Baekhyun smiled. A smile crept onto Chanyeol face.



Jessica was outside Baekhyuns house for the second time. Jessica knocked on the door once again but there was no answer. She must still be out, she thought. It had been two days since the hospital had received a very generous donation from Park Chanyeol and Jessica wanted to tell Baekhyun all about it. A ringing noise came from her bag. Jessica pulled out her phone and answered it.


“Jessica you need to get back to the hospital. Mr Jang is having another seizure” 

“Ok i’m on my way” with that she hung up. I guess i’ll have to tell her tomorrow, she thought and left.



Back at Chanyeols mansion it had started raining and the date that Chanyeol had planned was now ruined.

“Master, i’m sure she’ll understand-”

“She’s going to hate me! Everything’s ruined!” Chanyeol yelled frustrated, cutting off Luhan. Kyungsoo, Luhan and Kai were sitting in one of the many lounge rooms in the mansion.

“So who cares if it’s raining, it’s not like the whole day is ruined. Just do something else instead” Kai said with a relaxed expression.

“Something else? Like what?” Chanyeol asked wanting to hear more of Kai’s brilliant idea.

“Well, it’s not my date is it. You think of some-”

“What’s wrong?” Baekhyun asked as she walked into the room with Sehun following behind her. Luhans eyes lit up as soon as she saw Sehun. Sehun noticed her immediately and walked over to her with a huge smile on his face.

“N-nothing’s wrong” Chanyeol told her nervously. He didn’t know what to do now that his original plans were wrecked.

“The plans that were arranged for your date can not go ahead due to the weather. i hope you are not too disappointed” Kyungsoo said.

“Maybe we could sneak out later and have a little fun in the rain ourselves” Kai whispered in Kyungsoo ear with a y grin on his face. Kyungsoo paused for a moment as if he was actually considering this. He elbowed Kai in the chest in reply.

“I love it when you play rough” Kai whispered causing Kyungsoo to blush.

“What are you two talking about?” Chanyeol asked Kai and Kyungsoo when he noticed them whispering amongst themselves. 

“N-Nothing” Kyungsoo said startled with heated cheeks. 


“Well, we could always do something else” Baekhyun suggested.

“Like what?” Chanyeol asked.

“I don’t watching a movie together or something” she said.

“I guess so...” Chanyeol trailed off and then looked to Luhan.

“Oh, of course. I’ll go set everything up” Luhan said and started to walk away but Sehun grabbed her wrist gently.

“I’ll help you” he said and left with her. Baekhyun watched them leave together and couldn’t help but smile.


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Beauty_xoxo #1
Chapter 8: Yeah...sequel!!!
Chapter 8: Hope you make a sequel or an epilogue or something :)
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 7: Oh my...chanyeol definitely have to find ways to comfort baekhyun..kekeke^^
kdaked #4
Chapter 6: Omo omo!! I just found this ultimate awesome fic.. Disney princess series has been my fav since i escaped my mom's womb.. and now this incredible fic come to exist and it features my ultimate favourite OTP!!!! thank u authornim.. keep up the good work
Beauty_xoxo #5
Chapter 4: Its okay!! Rest well
Beauty_xoxo #6
Duh..Im smiling too here..its getting lovey dovey here so plz update!! Tq
Beauty_xoxo #7
Chapter 1: dream come true.. Beauty and the Beast will always be my favourite and Im happy that my fav couple starring this story!
heart heart