Chapter 5

Beauty and the…beast?

It had been 3 days since Chanyeol and Baekhyun had last spoke. Chanyeol had watched her from a far not knowing the reason why he was so nervous to approach her. Was it because we almost kissed? Could i be falling in love with her? He thought. He wondered if she had the same feelings he had as he watched her feeding a bird. He couldn’t help but smile as she did. A sudden thought swept across him and his smile quickly faded. What if she doesn’t feel the same.


Dinner time came around and as he sat down at the table alone once again, he heard a small cough and looked up. 

It was Baekhyun. Once Chanyeol saw her, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was wearing a yellow gown and her hair was out and wavy. “You look...beautiful” Chanyeol said without noticing. He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

“I didn’t know that you were coming down for dinner” 

“M-may i join y-you?” Baekhyun asked nervously. Chanyeol nodded his head and walked over to hold the chair out for her. Once she was seated, Chanyeol went and sat in his seat. Dinner came out and they sat in silence, but it strangely felt comfortable.



Once they had finished desert, Chanyeol decided to change into a suit as it seemed Baekhyun felt uncomfortable being the only one dressed nicely. Even though before when Chanyeol was wearing his usual jeans with a baggy hooded jumper to hide his face that Baekhyun thought was beautiful, she thought he looked perfect. 


He came back dressed in a black, freshly ironed suit and lead her to the ballroom that had been just recently cleaned only moments before they stepped inside. They walked out into the middle of the room. Chanyeol cleared his throat...silence, he coughed louder...silence.


“Sorry” Luhan's voice came from a far.


The music started to play but Chanyeol and Baekhyun had not moved.

“What’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked.

“I-i can’t d-dance” Baekhyun confessed, feeling embarrassed. Chanyeol chuckled.

“Don’t worry, just follow my lead” as Chanyeol started to move, Baekhyun followed but after a few steps Baekhyun stepped on his foot. Chanyeol hid his pain with a smile. They started to move again but one step after the other Baekhyun kept stepping on Chanyeols feet. “I’m so sorry” Baekhyun stopped and looking down ashamed. Chanyeol felt bad for her as even though he didn’t care about her stepping on his feet every two seconds, her face was becoming redder and redder with every mistake. Chanyeol suddenly thought of an idea. He lifted her onto his feet and held her close. He gave her a bright smile and started taking small steps to the music. Baekhyun was in complete shock as she didn’t expect him to do that but mostly because now they were so close.


Baekhyun arrived back in her room and as soon as she closed the door behind her, a huge smile spread across her face. She placed a hand over her heart and could feel it beating a million times a second. Even though she hadn’t been there long, she couldn’t believe how fast she was falling for him. 


Later that night Baekhyun quietly snuck out of her room and walked up to the 3rd floor which she was forbidden to go to. She walked down to the end of the hallway where their was two giant glass windows. She pushed them open and felt the cold nights air upon her skin. She sat on the window sill and looked up at the night sky that was filled with bright stars. She felt someone standing behind her and turned around to realize it was Chanyeol.  He sat down and joined her. As he looked up at the sky the bright moon shone on him. Even though his face was unlike anyone else she had ever seen, she thought he was beautiful. 

Chanyeol could feel her eyes on him and nervously coughed before facing her. 

“So what are you doing up here so late at night. You do realize that i warned you not-”

“To come up here. Yeah, i know but i was wondering around the castle before and when i walked up the steps- by accident, of course- i noticed this window and how you can see everything from here. Besides you don’t sound so angry with me being up here” she said.

“Oh, well...i-i...just don’t come up here again” he said with a startled stern voice. 

“Want to play 20 questions?!” Baekhyun asked excited.

“20 what?” Chanyeol asked confused as he had never really played games much growing up.

“20 questions”

“How do you play?”

“We just take turns in asking questions about each other but we can’t ask more than 20. It’s so we can get to know each other better”

“That’s just childish”

“Is it? Anyway i’ll go first” Baekhyun smiled.

“Wait. I didn’t say i was going to play”

“What’s your favourite colour?” she asked.

“What? Did you not hear me? I am not playing”

“But i already started~ You can’t decide to not play in the middle of a game”

“But i never even...” Chanyeol trailed off not knowing what to say as he found Baekhyun so unbelievable. 

“Black” he sighed and finally gave up to her unintentional puppy dog eyes.

“Now you ask me one” Baekhyun explained anticipating his question.

“Um... what....kind of cheese do you like?” He asked half-heartedly.

“That’s not a proper question...your not even trying” 

“Well, then what question should i ask you then?” Chanyeol started to feel frustrated.

“You have to think of that yourself, that’s how the game works” she explained.

“This game is stupid. I’m not playing anymore” as Chanyeol got up to leave Baekhyun couldn’t help but want to keep Chanyeol to herself for a little while longer.

“Fine, i’ll ask the questions all you have to do is answer” Chanyeol stopped, turned around and decided to join her again.

“Fine. Ask me a question.”

“Ok, What is your favourite movie?”

“School of Rock”

“Favourite food?”

“, Galbi...i like both, i can’t choose”

“Lucky number?”


“Favourite band?”

“2ne1...your questions are really childish” Chanyeol said raising his eyebrow handsomely.

“Fine, i’ll think of better questions...hmmm. Ok, how about this one. Why do they call you a beast?” Baekhyun asked finally. Chanyeol froze. He looked down wanting to hide his face. He wanted to run away and hide.

“It must be your bad temper, right?” Baekhyun smiled. Chanyeol looked up confused.

“My temper?”

“Yeah. When you get angry, you can be quite scary. And you get frustrated so quickly and easily. I’m right, aren’t i?” Baekhyun asked.

“No, your wrong. I’m called a beast because of face” he said ashamed.

“Your face? Why? What’s wrong with it?” Baekhyun asked confused, not understanding what was so wrong about his looks.

“Baekhyun, i know your trying to be nice. But i already know i look hideous” 

“How could you say such a thing about yourself. You don’t look hideous at all, you look-”

“There you are Baekhyun. I’ve been looking for you every-oh, i am so sorry. Did i disturb you?” Sehun said, looking from Baekhyun to Chanyeol then back to Baekhyun again.

“Uh.. no, it’s fine. I was about to go to bed since i’m really tired. I’ll see you tomorrow Chanyeol” Baekhyun bid him goodnight with a small smile. Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun walked away until he couldn’t see her anymore.


“Liar” Sehun said to Baekhyun as they walked back to her room.

“What? I don’t know what your talking about?” Baekhyun pretended.

“So, did you confess or did he? Oh, it doesn’t matter. When i saw the look on his face when he was staring at you-”

“No one confessed. You must be delusional. Why would Chanyeol confess anyway, he doesn’t like me” Baekhyun said once they reached her room. Sehun tried to hold in his laugh.

“Anyway, goodnight Sehun” She smiled.

“Yes, goodnight Baekhyun” Once the door closed behind him Sehun smiled to himself, “If only you knew Byun Baekhyun.”


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Beauty_xoxo #1
Chapter 8: Yeah...sequel!!!
Chapter 8: Hope you make a sequel or an epilogue or something :)
Beauty_xoxo #3
Chapter 7: Oh my...chanyeol definitely have to find ways to comfort baekhyun..kekeke^^
kdaked #4
Chapter 6: Omo omo!! I just found this ultimate awesome fic.. Disney princess series has been my fav since i escaped my mom's womb.. and now this incredible fic come to exist and it features my ultimate favourite OTP!!!! thank u authornim.. keep up the good work
Beauty_xoxo #5
Chapter 4: Its okay!! Rest well
Beauty_xoxo #6
Duh..Im smiling too here..its getting lovey dovey here so plz update!! Tq
Beauty_xoxo #7
Chapter 1: dream come true.. Beauty and the Beast will always be my favourite and Im happy that my fav couple starring this story!
heart heart