Chapter II

Hitched, Ditched, and Left Behind

9:45 A.M Korean Time, Incheon Airport, South Korea

I can't remember the first BTS video I had watched, but I definitely remember everything after it...

The live-streams

The videos sent over Instagram

The music

The fan-fics...

The moment neither Malea nor I could pick a bias...

And now there was a new addition to that list; the fact that out two favorite members happened to be in the same breathing space as us. A pile of bricks had hit me in the chest and knocked the air out of me, I couldn't hept but wonder if Malea was still alive.

"KOOOKIE OPPA!" The screech projected into my ear dragged me back to reality, I did nothing but stare at the girl next to me as if she were crazy....

Maybe she was a saesang...

The next sensation was pain as I looked to see Nicole digging her fingers into my arm. "Yo...yo, you see what I see right? I mean, I'm not crazy...right?" I gritted my teeth in pain. "Yeah, I see them....but you're still crazy." She wasn't paying attention.

My mind was racing as I stared at the two joking around as if no one were there, Taehyung, no, V whispering in the maknae's ear before getting trapped into a headlock....

And then they froze, staring into the crowd like deer caught in headlights.

And then another fact dawned on me; we were the only foreigners, well the only colored girls at least, in that mob...

And they were staring straight at us...

Fact #2: I looked like crap from jet lag...


In the front, Malea had pulled out her phone and was recording the whole scenario, I had finally lost my common sense and just stood there staring back at them wide-eyed, and Nicole had managed to duck the minute they glanced our direction....

Then V waved, and I was positive Christina was about to pass out...

I was still frozen.

The next few minutes were a blur; their managers telling them that they needed to go, Malea nearly jumping from excitement as she turned towards Nicole and I and pointed at her still recording phone, V and Jungkook bowing, the leaving, Nicole muttering a series of "Oh my goodness" and "I'm gonna flip someone"....

And me still frozen in place...

Our time in South Korea was gonna be interesting.


I threw myself on the bed without a word and stared at the ceiling, listening to Malea and Christina practically squealing over the video of what had happened a few moments ago.

-"He was staring straight at us!"

-"Oh my God, I can't believe he waved!"

I frowned, pulling out my phone and using the screen as a mirror...

Yup, I looked terrible...

Good thing they wouldn't remember this night...I hoped.

Malea and Christina got up and plopped down next to me as Nicole walked into the room, dragging the suitcases in behind her. She glared at us before dropping the bags on the floor. "Thanks a lot guys..." The two girls laughed. "You're welcome Nikki." I could only groan; of course they would be in a good mood, they didn't look liked they'd been released out of prison...but I did. Another groan escaped me as Christina shook my shoulder gently. "Look at the video Abbi!" I stared at her wide-eyed. "Why would I do that? I'm trying to forget what just happened Cray, not relieve it in my head." She frowned before getting up to open the shades, it was daylight outside...

Now I'd have to get used to this time-zone,

Our parents had given us money for a place to live, Nicole and I had sent our share of the money a week before our arrival, instead of getting a dorm as we had planned, Cray rented an apartment. Dorms in South Korea were rip-offs, especially for foreign exchange students, which all of us were...

Well, except for Nicole...freeloader.

_"Hey Abbi, when's your orientation?" I thought for a moment, more than happy for the sudden change in conversation. "Tuesday morning...why?" Malea smiled...and that smile got me suspicious. "So you're free on Wednesday right?" I sat up.


This time Nicole spoke up. "Wait, so they didn't tell you?" I looked at the three of them confused. "Tell me what?"

-"About the fan-meeting on Wednesday..." My heart nearly dropped as Christina said those words. "You want me to go to a fan-meeting?" The three of them stared at me blankly.


With that I shook my head quickly. "There is no way I'm having a repeat of today...nope, not going." Malea rolled her eyes. "C'mon Abbi, it's not that bad." My eyes widened further than I thought possible. "Not that bad? My first day in South Korea and I look like this, only for God to decide that this was the perfect timing for two major celebrities to see us...not thank you, I've had enough boy group traumatization for now, I need a break." Today was Monday...


Today was Monday, no wonder this had to happen. Monday's were like hell of earth!

I felt like crying; there was no way I was gonna to ruin the best day of the week with a fan-meeting.

-"I'm not going."

Nicole huffed as she got up from unpacking, throwing a towel at me while pointing at my suitcase. "Yeah you are... and fix your stuff." I ignored the first statement, groaning at the last one as I did as told. "Neh...arasso unnie (Yes alright)." I was met with three pairs of eyes glaring at me as I glanced up.

"Oh, so now you wanna talk in Korean huh?" I grinned.

After the experience at the airport, we continued with our lives only to find one of Nicole's bags missing. So of course, we went to ask the lost and found at the airport, only for me to refuse to talk in Korean though I was the most fluent out of us four. It took about twenty minutes before a translator came, twenty minutes extra that could've been used sleeping in the taxi...

And I didn't regret one minute of it.

-"What? I'm not ready to use Korean yet..." Nikki frowned. "And why not?" I shrugged, reaching over and ping my suitcase. "Just don't want people knowing I speak Korean yet."

Nicole threw her hand up in exasperation. "You make no sense...I can't with you, ugh!"


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Chapter 1: Hmmm...I wish I did see a KPop artist when I went over there. Maybe next time.