
Steamed Buns and Ungodly Hours
SALES // Chinese New Years
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Seungcheol was practically choking with laughter when he saw the message Hansol had just received from his Church Boy. A somewhat desperate plead of forgiveness that was not needed at all really. In fact, he was tempted to snatch away Hansol's phone just to reply with "U dont have to apologize, just give me more kisses" with a few emojis. Sadly, he chose not to but still could not help but to laugh at the comical side of the reply which most likely wasn't intended. Hansol was smiling like a cute little dummy. "You see, hyung. Gosh, I hate this loser for making me like this." He said. However, the gummy grin on his face betrayed his words. Seungcheol smiled at the boy. It wasn't the first time he had seen Hansol like this. All gummy smiles and blushy. 
It was the first time he had seen him flustered like that. He was normally cool about his crushes, so cool he was borderline cold to them, but he looked as if he was going to jump off a love cliff and land on a bed of fluffy pillows. It was a cute thing to witness. His son, growing up and finding love. "Hey!" Hansol snapped his fingers then pointed at his phone screen. "I don't know what to reply with." Seungcheol noticed that he looked somewhat shy when he said that. A larger smile fit into the boy's face. "Let me see." He said, the smile on his lips, and his arm extended for the phone. 
Hansol reluctantly handed him his phone. He was concerned that the elder was going to send some dumb message but remembered how it probably would be a really bad message. He let go of the phone but immediately felt regret wash down his heart when he saw the sly, mischievous flash in the elder's eyes. "Hyung, no wait!" He shouted. Seungcheol was moving his thumbs at lightning speed across the screen and handed it to Hansol who looked ready to throw him from a 10 foot story building. "Hyuuunnng!" He pouted when he went to check what his hyung had just sent. Seungcheol looked very amused at Hansol's screams of terror. "HYUNG!" His voice cracked severely. They both started laughing hysterically. 
"Gosh, I'm so ed." Hansol sighed after laughing. The curse word was met with a slap on the arm. "Hey, loverboy!" Seungcheol said in a fatherly tone. At least, what he thought was a fatherly tone of voice. Hansol pouted again. "But you sent him such an UGLY MESSAGE!" He shouted. The mere thought of the messaged tickled Seungcheol pink. Literally. Hansol groaned but still smiled. 
From Hansol DiCaprio: I enjoyed the rooftop tonight^^ We should do it again sometime soon.
Silence. Then screams. Jisoo grabbed Seungkwan by the shoulders and began shaking him. "OH MY GOD!" He screamed in english. Seungkwan joined him in screaming "OH MY GOD!" In english as well. Somehow, they managed to harmonize their OH MY GOD's so well that their neighbouring dorm mate knocked on their door. "SHUT UP SEUNGKWAN!" It was Wonho. "SORRY!" Jeju's Boy replied in english. A resigned sigh was heard on the other side. "WAIT! Does this mean he likes me?" Jisoo asked, stopping the screaming fest before more neighbours stopped by. Seungkwan gave him an icy look for asking such a question. Jisoo grinned. "I really don't know." 
Seungkwan sighed and pulled out a book from under his mattress, then tossed it at the latter. "How to: Crushes." Jisoo read the title aloud. He looked up at the boy with suspicions rising. "Why do you have this?" The boy coughed dramatically and ran into the bathroom with an equal amount of drama. Joshua smiled while rolling his eyes. His fingers traced over the side of the pages until he hit a bookmarked page. One line was highlighted. Only the large capital letters were highlighted but Joshua knew it meant that he was supposed to read all of it. 
How do you know if your crush likes you? Take this quiz to find out! 
Joshua groaned to himself as he took out a pencil to mark his score  without getting a mark on his dorm mate's book. "It doesn't take that long to take the quiz, you dramatic boy." Seungkwan yelled from the bathroom. 
Question 1: Do they look at you?
1 point - Never 
2 points - Barely[mainly only in conversations] 
3 points - Most of the time [even outside of conversations] 
4 points - Always 
Jisoo clenched his teeth together in a lighter manner and wrote down a three. Honestly, he'd find it creepy if Hansol stared at him all the time.
Question 2: Do they usually initiate conversations with you? 
1 point - Never 
2 point - Barely [only when absolutely necessary] 
3 point - Most of the time 
4 point - All of the time 
The American boy's eye weaved through the ceiling pattern as he thought of who started most of their conversations. It was mostly Hansol. Once again, he picked a three. 
Question 3: Do they initiate sk-
He was interrupted by a sudden quick rap at the door. Seungkwan's muffled-by-toothpaste voice was heard saying "Open it!" Jisoo put the book down on top of his pillow without much of a second thought and calmly made his way to the door. When he opened it, a slightly shocked expression presented his emotions momentarily. Hansol was standing there with a sheepish grin on his lips. "I think I like you." He said quietly. Jisoo's eyes widened. Hansol smiled and shifted on his feet to comfortably give the latter a hug. It stayed as a hug until Jisoo felt a pair of warm lips against his own. Tranquility. He found another word to describe his moments with the youth. He smiled into the kiss and the other chuckled a bit.
Helllo!!!1!!1! Fellow Carats!!!! [i'm still not over the fact that we have an official fan name now omfg] This chapter is pretty short tbh and i'm sry if it disappoints!! but i hope u still somehow enjoy it!! i know i haven been updating a lot recently but stress has been kickiNg mY lately.  well, i hope u guys arent really stressed out or anything like that. [if u are, Nujabes is my favourite artist to listen to to calm down, so i 10/10 recommend.] 
have a good night/evening/ morning/afternoon!!! 
[[[[[[[p.s i'm also working on a Jeongcheol fanfic that i will upload tonight and stuff. it's pretty angsty so yeah. i'm still trying to think of a title but we getting there.]]]]]]]
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17teenz #1
Chapter 18: this is sooo cute *-* definitely one of my fave fics !!
Chapter 13: I freaked out when I saw "Undertale OST - Snowy" cuz YASSS UNDERTALE
Chips_ahoy #3
Chapter 18: so cute! and a very nice story
Chapter 17: This was so calming to read, it was nice without horrible drama.
Chapter 17: *start of the chapter* yesyesyesyesyes
*end of the chapter, while slamming fist on wood* no it cannot end!
*reads authors note, calms down* please give us bonus chapters
*does aegyo*