The Ring

Never Ending


Suddenly the thought smacked L.joe right in the face.

"! Where is it?" the rapper gasped.

For hours the shortie checked every square meter of everywhere. From the mini van, to the dorm, to the dance studio to the-

"Wait a minute." he said to himself.

The bathroom.

He left it in there because he was washing his hands and took it off before doing so and left it on the counter beside the sink. Dispite his tiny legs, he dashed to that bathroom, hoping it would still be there. He needed that ring.

L.Joe entered the bathroom to find that it wasn`t there. What would you expect if you left something so small around here with everyone for hours? Someone must have picked it up. Disappointed, he left the bathroom. Where could it be now?

He leaned against the wall outside and overdramtically sighed.

"I`ve already f**ked up enough recently." He thought


"You don`t think about anybody but your damn self!"

*end of flashback*

L.Joe shook his head, as if shaking your head would shake away a bad memory.

"Hi L.Joe Hyung!" a certain high-toned voice called out.

"Oh. Hi Sunyoul." The younger boy gave him a weird look.

"Why are you just standing there?" he asked.

"Have you seen a silver ring around here?" The rapper let out in a desperate tone. "I lost it and I really need it back as soon as possible."

Sunyoul pulled a face of deep thinking. "Hm...Nope. Sorry Hyung. I`ll keep an eye out though."

L.Joe let out another sigh. "Thanks."



With their hair and makeup done to perfection, and dressed in white and silver glitter outfits, the six guys were ready to go on stage. All the members were engrossed with their phones except Ricky who looked so interested in that mirror in front of him, and L.Joe who occasionally looked over to Chunji, only to see Chunji barely even acknowledging him anymore. But L.joe couldn`t complain. It was his fault things were like this. If only he didn`t think of himself all the time, If only he would actually listen to his boyfriend, if only he would just be descent and responsible. Just wait until he finds out him losing his loyalty ring. All of the members, in fact.

It was time to go on stage, but before they did, Ricky spoke up.

"Should we do 'fighting'?"

All six of them put their hands together. Only a couple rings being worn were to be seen.

"There`s only two people who wore their loyalty rings today?" Changjo asked, obvious disappointment in his voice.

Ricky continued. "Let`s be honest. Who didn`t put their rings on today? Who is it?"

L.Joe spoke up. "I really don`t know where mine is."

Chunji turned to Niel. "Let`s put on our rings, shall we?"

Ricky, who clearly looked timid, turned to Cap who did actually look like he was ready to stab somebody for some unknown reason. "Hyung...Y-you..." The leader paid no attention.

"Wow only 3 people." the maknae said, still obviously disappointed.

"It`s not that, I was just really busy today that I forgot." The emotional singer defended himself.

"Okay I understand." Ricky said. He suddenly turned to L.Joe. "I heard you lost yours hyung."

As soon as he said that, all eyes was now on him. All looking so judgemental and annoyed.

"Thanks Ricky" L.Joe thought sarcastically. "I really appreciate it."

"Our friendship with you is over." Chunji boldly said. L.Joe obviously knew it was a joke but he could still sense some truth from his words. Even if it was a tiny bit. Niel threw his arm out of the circle, and the other 5 continued without him.

"One, two, three, fighting!"

And with that, the boys walked towards the stage, leaving L.Joe to awkwardly laugh and walk behind.



The members of UP10TION were in the dance room practicing their debut song one more time before taking a well earned break. Some of the boys collapse to the floor, others walked to get their waterbottles and wipe their sweat. During the break, Wooshin decided to slip out of the room and go to the toilet to wash his face.

In the mirror his forehead was beaded with perspiration and his silky black hair was starting to get soaked with it also. He ran the water and washed his face. The cool water felt refreshing against his warm face. While he was drying his face, he noticed something small and shiny in the corner of his vision. It was a ring. Wooshin picked up the small piece of jewlery and examined it closer. His eyebrows furrowed together as he thought of who it could belong to.
His thoughts flashed to when he first met Chunji. He remembered seeing a ring the same to this one he held in is hand right now on the once pink-haired boy`s index finger.

"Could it be his?" Wooshin thought to himself.


Niel. Chunji and Ricky were with UP10TION in the dance studio filming for Rising! UP10TION. The 'Neapolitan ice cream guys', as Wooshin reffered them as, all wore the same ring, all on the same finger.

*End of flashback*

"So do all of Teen Top have these?"

Wooshin glanced over his shoulders to make sure no one was there before slowly sliding the ring onto his slender finger. It fit perfectly.

"Well....It is a nice ring."

The visual took off the ring and slipped it into his pocket.

"What they don`t know won`t hurt them."

Then, he exited the bathroom, a slight smirk on his lips.


I might just make Wooshin to be a complete a***hole in this fanfiction XD

I`M NOT SUGGESTING WOOSHIN STOLE L.JOE`S RING IN REAL LIFE I don`t think he`d be that mean but here he can be evil.

And seriously when Chunji, Niel and Ricky stood together when they had pink, brown and blonde hair, they looked like neapolitan ice cream.

Keep commenting what you think! <3 I hope it`s okay >_>

This chapter isn`t Xiaohee but you guys thought evil/ two-faced Wooshin was cool ^^


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Chapter 8: When will you update soon??? I love this story all ready!!!
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 8: I loved it ! I hope you'll continue this story :)
twice10tion #3
Chapter 8: I want to see Wooshin said that in front of them! They need to know their hyung is not a meanie~
But how about the ring? Still with Wooshin?
The mentioned ice-cream at chapter 2 make me laugh.. ^~^
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 8: so Wooshin isn't that mean, he's just very lowkey caring
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is so cute^~^ I'm grinning like such an idiot right now (๑≧♉ฺ≦)
very_ship_them #6
Chapter 5: Awwwww I want more but you stopped writing T-T
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 1: I'm the one who almost died from nervousness XDDDDD
Chapter 5: AWWWIEE This is so cute! Thankyou for making XiaoHee fanfics/drabbles because i ship them so much eversince i started watching Rising UP10TION <33 And WooHoo couple too ofcourse XD ANDAND Kuhngyeol too oh gosh so many otps in up10tion >.<" can't wait for your next update~
twice10tion #9
This will be my favourite story of those two makne line... ^^
2002LA #10
Chapter 4: But Woo Shin is actually very cute , shy ,quiet and sweet boy...