
Never Ending

Xiao woke the following following morning, the early sky gently lit up the tranquil room. On the other side of the room was Hwanhee sleeping peacefully completely wrapped up in the covers. The younger got up and walked over to the other boy, before crouching down infront of him. Xiao poked the sleeping boy`s cheek. "Hwanhee hyung..." he called softly. Hwanhee murmered slightly before slowly opening his eyes to see his boyfriend in front of him. He noted how cute the younger looked with his messy hair and big brown orbs that were just staring into his like a puppy. Hwanhee`s lips curled into a small smile at the sight.

"I was just thinking..." Xiao continued. "How are we going to tell the others?"

"Hmm....I don`t know. Surely they`d just figure out, right?" Hwanhee replied.

Xiao hummed in response. Before he knew it, Hwanhee softly pressed his lips against the other`s, who was surprised by the sudden action. Before Xiao could regain his senses, the older had already pulled away. The younger blushed a dark shade of red.

"Sorry. I could help it." Hwanhee said with a giant smile plastered on his face. The latter gave a bashful smile and looked away. Suddenly the older got out of bed and took the other`s wrist and pulled him up. "Come on." Hwanhee said. He sneaked an arm around Xiao`s waist, causing him to blush even more furiously. "Let`s go and get breakfast." And with that, the two walked to the kitchen.


Throughout the day the majority of the members had asked if they were dating. There were a variety of reactions. Most of them saying they already knew, others giving them friendly congratulations, and then there was Sunyoul.

Who squealed like an excited mother and crushed the two to near death with his hugs.

And then there was Jinhoo and Wooshin.

Being the warm-hearted leader he is, Jinhoo gave the newly-formed couple his congratulations and told them how happy he was for them but didn`t forget to once again scold them for not listening to him. Wooshin stood beside the leader with his lips curled into a smile. The maknaes were slightly creeped out by this strange...'phenomenon'. It wasn`t like Wooshin to at all to be nice to them. His eyes stared right at the two in an imtimidating manner. He didn`t move at all. The two were starting to worry with his mysterious look, but remained calm. Suddenly the visual stepped forwards, alerting the maknaes even more.

"Congratulations." he said sweetly. That kind of sickly sweetness that made Hwanhee just want to vomit. Wooshin gave them both a gentle smile before walking off with the leader. That man had the smile that could warm a thousand hearts yet hide a thousand secrets. He was a wolf in sheep`s clothing.

Sure, he`s pretty.

But pretty isn`t everything, right?





The band`s debut was just ahead of them. Dance practice became more frequent as well as singing practice. The boys practiced with all their heart, even when times were tough. From dawn to dusk, they worked until everything was pitch perfect. Sure, it was tiring, but at least the members come back to the dorm at the end of the day feeling accomplished.

Xiao let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes, which didn`t go unnoticed by a certain umma of the group. "You should get some rest." Sunyoul said softly.

"Yes I know." the younger replied.

The maknae went to the bathroom to get ready for bed before going to his and Hwanhee`s shared room. The older looked up from his phone as the other came in and went over to him. Hwanhee embraced the boy and rested his head in the crook of his neck, taking in his sweet scent.

"Lie with me." Xiao mumbled. The older let go and the two got into the youngest`s bed. Hwanhee wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and the latter did the same. Hwanhee admiringly looked at the boy who was drifting off into dreamland. The older gently brushed a few bangs out of the other`s eyes with his finger and lightly brushed his lips against his.

"I love you Xiao-yah."



I`m so satisfied I have blue again XD

Anyway, I hope this is okay >_> Like I said, me + fluff = nope.

I seem to lack ideas sometimes, so, if you ever have any ideas for drabbles you`d like me to write, please do give me your ideas and I`ll make a chapter for you? ^~^

Kuhnyeol seems to be happening A LOT recently. OMG another otp <3

Hopefully soon my chapters will be about after debut soon.

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Chapter 8: When will you update soon??? I love this story all ready!!!
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 8: I loved it ! I hope you'll continue this story :)
twice10tion #3
Chapter 8: I want to see Wooshin said that in front of them! They need to know their hyung is not a meanie~
But how about the ring? Still with Wooshin?
The mentioned ice-cream at chapter 2 make me laugh.. ^~^
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 8: so Wooshin isn't that mean, he's just very lowkey caring
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is so cute^~^ I'm grinning like such an idiot right now (๑≧♉ฺ≦)
very_ship_them #6
Chapter 5: Awwwww I want more but you stopped writing T-T
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 1: I'm the one who almost died from nervousness XDDDDD
Chapter 5: AWWWIEE This is so cute! Thankyou for making XiaoHee fanfics/drabbles because i ship them so much eversince i started watching Rising UP10TION <33 And WooHoo couple too ofcourse XD ANDAND Kuhngyeol too oh gosh so many otps in up10tion >.<" can't wait for your next update~
twice10tion #9
This will be my favourite story of those two makne line... ^^
2002LA #10
Chapter 4: But Woo Shin is actually very cute , shy ,quiet and sweet boy...