
Never Ending
All of the members of UP10TION were in the dressing room either getting their makeup done or engrossed in their phones as they waited for the others to be finished. Hwanhee was sitting alone in one area of the room on his phone. He didn`t talk to Xiao since the night before, which obviously didn`t go unnoticed by everybody since the maknae line were practically inseparable. Xiao couldn`t help but feel a little hurt by the other when the whole morning the other pretty much pretended he wasn`t even there. Did he do something wrong? The last he could remember was that they were watching movies together and everything seemed fine... Wait. Did he fall asleep? "Omo...that`s embarrasing..." he thought to himself. "But wait a minute, I was in my bed the following morning..." The maknae frowned in confusion but quickly shrugged it off and walked towards his friend in an attempt to talk to him. "Hwanhee Hyung!" "Oh. Hi." The older replied quietly. The short and emotionless reply made him feel slightly worse. What was up with him? "What are you doing?" Hwanhee explained something about trying to level up on a particular game which Xiao didn`t really know what he was talking about but just pretended he did anyway. Xiao could sense the lack of enthusiasm in his friend`s voice, and took it as his que to just awkwardly walk away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooshin appeared beside the maknae who was clearly lost in deep thought, but was soon brought back to reality when he felt the older throw his arm over his shoulders and actually realized his presence. "What`s wrong with him?" The visual asked, clearly talking about the boy in front of them who stood awkwardly with the others like a lost puppy. "I don`t know hyung...He hasn`t spoken to me all day..." "Well then there`s definitely got to be something wrong." He joked. Wooshin thought for a minute before his lips curled into a devilish smirk. Xiao felt anxious for what devious plan the older was creating in his mind when suddenly he felt an arm snake around his waist, causing his face to burn up immediately. "Hyung! W-what are you doing?!" the maknae hissed. Wooshin kept silent and didn`t move, a small smirk remaining on his lips. They stood like that when suddenly Hwanhee glanced at the pair and gave the visual a deathly glare. Wooshin dared to pull Xiao closer and whisper in his ear, since it was always so fun to annoy the whiny kid. Hwanhee wished something heavy would just fall down from the sky and crush the visual to death. "He doesn`t hate you." Wooshin whispered before shoving the maknae away from him and walking off. "...What the hell just happened?" Xiao thought. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that day, Wooshin and Hwanhee happened to pass each other, one practically trying to murder with his eyes, the other with a mischievous smile. "." Hwanhee spat. "Now now, there`s no need to cuss." "I`m serious hyung. Freaking stop it. It`s obvious Xiao doesn`t want you molesting him." The older laughed. "Ooo~ Looks like someone`s jealous~!" The second youngest gave Wooshin a disgusted look. "Whatever." And with that, he walked off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once all the members were back at the dorm, Hwanhee was sitting in his and Xiao`s shared room awkardly. He felt bad for just ignoring the other just like that, but everything`s just so confusing. It`s not like he could just hide away from the guy forever. The sound of the door creaking open interrupted his thoughts. "Hey." He heard a familiar voice say. "Hi." Xiao sat down on his bed in front of the other, making the atmosphere grow more and more awkward. "What`s wrong hyung?" You haven`t spoken to me all day! Did I do something wrong?" Hwanhee didn`t want the other to even think that it`s his fault, because it simply wasn`t. He guessed he just needed some time to think. "No." "Then what is it?" "It`s nothing it`s nothing it`s fine Xiao yah-" "It`s clearly not." "Look, I need to go..." Hwanhee poorly excused himself as he got up to leave but was soon brought to a hault when he felt a hand wrap around his wrist. "Why are you like this hyung?! Why are you ignoring me?! What have I done to make you like this?!" "Xiao-" "You don`t understand how annoying it was to sit with Wooshin hyung constantly intimidating me! We could have been hanging around together but you`ve just ignored me!" "Xiao will you just-" "If I`ve done something wrong that you could have just told me instead of-" "XIAO WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO ME?" Hwanhee yelled over the top of the other. The younger instantly fell silent and looked at the other. A faint pink painted the older`s cheeks and the boy trembled slightly. "Xiao yah... I-I like you. Okay? That`s why." Xiao looked at the other in shock, his eyes wide and mouth agape. He could feel his own cheeks starting to heat up and his heart thumping in his chest. It felt like all of time and space had suddenly stopped. And that the only thing that really mattered at that moment was just the two of them. "I-I like you too Hwanhee hyung." the maknae stuttered. The older`s eyes lit up. "Really?" Hwanhee smiled shyly. "In that case...." Hwanhee took Xiao`s hands into his and looked into his eyes. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Xiao smiled at the latter and nodded. "Of course." The two stood there just smiling at each other and never wanted that moment to end. "C-can I kiss you?" Hwanhee asked nervously, in which the younger nodded. The older leaned in until their faces were only centimeters apart, before softly pressing his lips against the other`s. Xiao`s eyes fluttered closed and kissed him back. After a moment, the older pulled away and smiled. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IT`S OFFICIAL. I`M SO AT WRITING FLUFFY STUFF IT MAKES ME WANNA CRY. Like seriously, I can`t do this to save my life. I have such brilliant ideas to write down but then when I get to writing it down it comes out really bad ;-; But anyway, I forgot to mention that so far these chapters are of pre debut (because we all know Xiaohee were married even then >~>) For some reason Asianfanfics has changed and I can`t edit the colour or size or font of texts anymore or is that just me? v-v Anyway, feel free to tell me what you think in the comments below~ (I`M SORRY IF IT`S CRAP I TRIED OKAY? ;-;) I`m currently having an obsession with instagram, and I do post quite a bit of xiaohee stuff so... My name is @rubberducky1004 if you wanna check it out? XD Thanks guys! <3
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Chapter 8: When will you update soon??? I love this story all ready!!!
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 8: I loved it ! I hope you'll continue this story :)
twice10tion #3
Chapter 8: I want to see Wooshin said that in front of them! They need to know their hyung is not a meanie~
But how about the ring? Still with Wooshin?
The mentioned ice-cream at chapter 2 make me laugh.. ^~^
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 8: so Wooshin isn't that mean, he's just very lowkey caring
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is so cute^~^ I'm grinning like such an idiot right now (๑≧♉ฺ≦)
very_ship_them #6
Chapter 5: Awwwww I want more but you stopped writing T-T
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 1: I'm the one who almost died from nervousness XDDDDD
Chapter 5: AWWWIEE This is so cute! Thankyou for making XiaoHee fanfics/drabbles because i ship them so much eversince i started watching Rising UP10TION <33 And WooHoo couple too ofcourse XD ANDAND Kuhngyeol too oh gosh so many otps in up10tion >.<" can't wait for your next update~
twice10tion #9
This will be my favourite story of those two makne line... ^^
2002LA #10
Chapter 4: But Woo Shin is actually very cute , shy ,quiet and sweet boy...