Movie Marathons

Never Ending

Hwanhee was outstretched on the living room sofa scrolling through his newsfeed on his phone, bored out of his mind. All of his hyungs were too busy doing their own things together or fussing over the real maknae - it annoyed Hwanhee to be honest. Xiao wasn`t something he could keep to himself, but he couldn`t help but feel jealous. Especially when Wooshin couldn`t keep his damn hands to himself. The visual was a strange person. One minute he`ll hate the maknae`s guts and then the next he`ll be all over them like some obsessive mother.

Suddenly, Hwanhee felt someone poking his cheek, interrupting his thoughts.

"Hyung! Should we watch some movies? We don`t have a busy schedule tomorrow." Xiao, who suddenly appeared asked. Hwanhee happily accepted the offer and the younger went over to the DVD rack and picked out various DVDs before scrambling over to the older again.

"Which one should we watch first?" he asked while holding up the DVDs to the other. 

"Hmm...That one." Hwanhee pointed at one of them that looked the most appealing.


Soon the two boys were sitting together on the sofa with a mountain of snacks and drinks and only the TV illuminating the room. Wei walked past the maknaes and gave them a weird look. Xiao was the first to notice the expression.

"What?" said the maknae, his mouth full of popcorn.

The rapper gave them an amused smirk.

"You could feed the whole of China with that." he said, talking about the large quantity of food infront of them that wasn`t really supposed to be for just two kids.

"You need to have snacks when you watch movies." Hwanhee defended. Wei shook his head.



As the night grew later and later, the boys watched movie after movie, and the mountain of food gradually got smaller and smaller. Hwanhee swore he saw the other yawn a few times which made him wonder if it would be a good idea to call it a night since they still had practice tomorrow. Suddenly his thoughts were once again interrupted by a sleeping Xiao with his head resting on the older`s shoulder. Hwanhee`s heart fluttered at the touch. The boy looked so peaceful, like an angel sleeping. His soft brown hair framed his cute face, where he had pretty eyelashes and pink lips that were tempting to kiss.

Hwanhee turned off the TV and lazily tidied up the leftovers of snacks and wrappers. Afterwards he looked at the other. Not wanting to wake him up, the older hesitately picked up Xiao bridal style and carried him to their room.

"This is so cheesy." he thought to himself, feeling bashful. To his luck, everyone was asleep so no one would see him and get bombarded with questions in the morning. Hwanhee gently layed Xiao on his bed before pulling the covers over his slender frame. He gazed at the boy once more. He couldn`t help it when he let his fingers lightly trace over the boy`s face, taking in details about the boy he never noticed before. The older pulled away and sighed.

"Goodnight Xiao-yah." Hwanhee whispered.


I HOPE THIS IS OKAY?? Seriously I`ve never really tried to write fluffy stuff in the slightest and yeah >< I need to be okay at it, I have other ideas to write XD

Recently (Well, like for months) it`s been really been bothering me with how the is like NO Chunjoe whatsoever. I have a good feeling what happened between them, but...They were so cute ;-; They used to be my OTP but Xiaohee rn <3

Feel free to comment what you think below~! ^~^


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Chapter 8: When will you update soon??? I love this story all ready!!!
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 8: I loved it ! I hope you'll continue this story :)
twice10tion #3
Chapter 8: I want to see Wooshin said that in front of them! They need to know their hyung is not a meanie~
But how about the ring? Still with Wooshin?
The mentioned ice-cream at chapter 2 make me laugh.. ^~^
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 8: so Wooshin isn't that mean, he's just very lowkey caring
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is so cute^~^ I'm grinning like such an idiot right now (๑≧♉ฺ≦)
very_ship_them #6
Chapter 5: Awwwww I want more but you stopped writing T-T
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 1: I'm the one who almost died from nervousness XDDDDD
Chapter 5: AWWWIEE This is so cute! Thankyou for making XiaoHee fanfics/drabbles because i ship them so much eversince i started watching Rising UP10TION <33 And WooHoo couple too ofcourse XD ANDAND Kuhngyeol too oh gosh so many otps in up10tion >.<" can't wait for your next update~
twice10tion #9
This will be my favourite story of those two makne line... ^^
2002LA #10
Chapter 4: But Woo Shin is actually very cute , shy ,quiet and sweet boy...