Video Games

Never Ending

It didn`t take long for Hwanhee to see that Xiao wasn`t always as bubbly as when he first met him. One evening, the maknaes spent time together playing video games. The light was off so the TV illuminated the room. Both boys sat crosslegged on the floor, both with a can of cola beside them, both pairs of eyes glued the screen and thumbs violently pressing buttons on the controllers.

After a long time of battling eachother`s characters, Xiao`s was starting to lose his stamina critically fast which was delightful for Hwanhee. Hwanhee glanced at the younger, and if looks could burn, Xiao would have set the TV on fire by now.


And with that, Xiao`s xcharacter collapsed to the ground, and Hwanhee was at victory.

"THAT WAS SO UNFAIR! I DEMAND A REMATCH!" the younger exploded.

"Xiao it`s a-"





The youngest fell silent and shot daggers at Hwanhee with his eyes.The older noted how the other had pretty eyes. Even when he was about to give him a gruesome death any second. Hwanhee accidentally let his lips curl slightly, which didn`t go unoticed, earning him a slap on the shoulder.

"AH!! Whyyyyyy?!" he whined.

Suddenly the lights flickered on, and at the doorway stood someone who the maknaes really didn`t want to see standing there. Wooshin slowly entered the room, giving them both a cold hard stare as he approached them. Xiao shuffled closer to Hwanhee, all the while staring at Wooshin like he was some angry bear who was unpredicatable of what was going to happen next.

"...Mianhae Hyung... We'll keep it down." Xiao mumbled. The apology had no imapact on the visual, as he crouched down in front of the youngest and glared at him so intensely it made Xiao`s blood run cold. The older grabbed a hold of Xiao`s shoulder and gripped it painfully tightly, making the younger wince slightly.

"I don`t wanna hear another peep from you." Wooshin glared at Hwanhee, who was also tense. "Or you."

"Wooshin-ah! Where are you?" The three heard Jinhoo`s voice calling out.

"I`m in here! With Xiao and Hwanhee." he replied. The visual gave the two one last glare before exiting to look for the leader. The maknaes let out of a sigh of relief.

"He`s scary." Xiao stated.

"He acts so innocent around others, but why is he mean to us?"

"I don`t know....Wait a minute, I`m supposed to be made at you!" The youngest returned to glaring at Hwanhee.

The older laughed and shaked his head. "A blood type B for sure." he thought.

"Come on."

Hwanhee threw an arm around Xiao`s shoulder.

"Let`s go upstairs."


FIRST CHAPTER~~~~ I hope it`s okay? Feel free to comment what you think below! I mainly used this idea because 1. Xiao is indeed a blood type B and blood type B`s are deadly when they lose a game @-@ Changjo and Chunji losing bowling in Guam tho XD I felt sorry for L.Joe that day.

2. I`ve noticed Wooshin can be a tiny bit of a bully, AND I'M NOT SAYING HE`S A REALLY MEAN PERSON I just thought that an evil/ two-faced Wooshin would be an interesting thing to include in fanfictions. Hopefully you`ll see more of two-faced Wooshin because I have a pretty cool idea for it.

I keep getting dirty thoughts when I made Hwanhee say: "Let`s go upstairs." I HONESTLY DONT MEAN ANYTHING DIRTY XD My mind is poisoned ;-;

Anyway, I hope you enjoy(ed)~!




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Chapter 8: When will you update soon??? I love this story all ready!!!
TalkativeChibiko #2
Chapter 8: I loved it ! I hope you'll continue this story :)
twice10tion #3
Chapter 8: I want to see Wooshin said that in front of them! They need to know their hyung is not a meanie~
But how about the ring? Still with Wooshin?
The mentioned ice-cream at chapter 2 make me laugh.. ^~^
Canxiubemybaby #4
Chapter 8: so Wooshin isn't that mean, he's just very lowkey caring
Canxiubemybaby #5
Chapter 5: Aww this is so cute^~^ I'm grinning like such an idiot right now (๑≧♉ฺ≦)
very_ship_them #6
Chapter 5: Awwwww I want more but you stopped writing T-T
very_ship_them #7
Chapter 1: I'm the one who almost died from nervousness XDDDDD
Chapter 5: AWWWIEE This is so cute! Thankyou for making XiaoHee fanfics/drabbles because i ship them so much eversince i started watching Rising UP10TION <33 And WooHoo couple too ofcourse XD ANDAND Kuhngyeol too oh gosh so many otps in up10tion >.<" can't wait for your next update~
twice10tion #9
This will be my favourite story of those two makne line... ^^
2002LA #10
Chapter 4: But Woo Shin is actually very cute , shy ,quiet and sweet boy...