Dramas, lies, tears. Welcome to the Teenage Years.

We were all having our hot choclate when mum came home. We all greeted her. 

"Oh, i see you brought a friend along?" My mum shook hands with Hoya, who seems shy. 

"Oh please mum, he's Hoya. My prom date" I said while taking a sip of my hot chocolate. 

"Prom date? Oh how sweet of you to ask my daughter out for prom!" 

"Your pleasure Mrs. _____" Hoya smiled. 

"Your daddy is gonna bring us out for dinner later on" 

"Where- dinner!-goin-" Danny and i bombarded her with questions. 

"Alright kids, calm down. It will be at an Italian restaurant." Mum answered. 

"OHMYGOSH ITALIAN!" I exclaimed. 

"And Hoya would you like to join us? We're are having dinner with one of Daddy's work friends." 

"Ohh that's ok i'll just-" Hoya's phone rang. "Hold on it's from my mum... er hey mum."

"Hoya, we're gonna have dinner with one of dad's work friends at an italian restaurant tonight" 

"Really?! Uhmm hold on mum... Where does Mr._____ work at?" he asked. 

"Uhmm at Mayfair co. Why?" I asked him in confusion. 

"Ohkay.. er mum i think i might know who we are having dinner with tonight" Hoya smirked. 

"Really? Well it's Mr_____ by the way. Your father will pick us up at 7" 

"Alright, i'll be home in a few moments." Hoya hung up with a smile on his face. 

"What? Why did you ask?" I asked him. 

"Guess i'm having dinner with you tonight!" He exclaimed. 

"What really big brother?!" Danny asked. 

"Yup. Turns out your father's work friend is my father" Hoya shrug. 

"Oh my how lovely! I guess you should go home and wash up. We'll meet you later." Mum said. 

"Alright then, i'll see you all later! Bye!" Hoya left. 

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