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The Most Beautiful Moment In Life 화양연화
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Namjoon's POV

I have always been the top student in my whole cohort ever since middle school. I told myself I need to stay at the first place no matter what because not only I have high expectations of myself. As the only child in my family, my parents naturally have high expectations on me too. I even gave up on my passion which is music because of studies, because of not wanting to disappoint my parents. 

During weekends, while my classmates hang out with their friends, I stay at home to practice more assignments for the entire day. I don't even have time to have a short hang out with the kids. It have been so long since I last saw them and I missed them terribly. 


~The day before the results were released~

"Namjoon, do you have confidence in doing well for your previous exam?" 

"Of course I have, omma. I have confidence in maintaining my position in my cohort." I said with a lot of confidence.

"Your appa and I have the same confidence in you too. What do you want as a reward for getting first position again this time?" 

"I want us to travel together as a family. As for the destination, it doesn't matter. I just want our family to spend some quality time together because it have been ages since we done that."

"I'm sorry, Namjoon for not being able to spend much time with you due to our work. I will talk to your appa about that alright?  Now, go upstairs and rest. You still have school tomorrow. Good night." Omma ruffled my hair with a smile. 

"Good night omma." I gave a peck on omma's cheek before heading to my room upstairs. 


Today is the day where the results for our second semester is being released. I worked extra hard during second semester so I have confidence in maintaining my good grades. I made my way to the notice board to check for my result. To my surprise, I wasn't in the first position anymore. I have dropped to the fifth... My hopes and my wish to travel with my family just get destroyed like this. 

No....this can't be! Why did my position dropped so drastically??? What on earth exactly happened? I can't believe this!!!  


I decided to skip the rest of the lessons as I really have no mood to attend them. I wander around the streets till nightfall. I don't feel like going home because I won't be able to break this news to my parents, I don't wish to see their disappointed faces. 

I went to the abandoned railway, spending my time there, balancing myself on those abandoned rail tracks. I used to go there whenever I'm feeling unhappy or when I'm with

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7/6/16: Thank you so much for the 200 subbies~ Love you guys so much ♡


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red_knight #1
Chapter 11: Is there dust in my eyes??!!! You did it really good, Authornim!!
Chapter 11: Oh my ㅠ.ㅠ how could you....
Ah i feel like lost of words now.
sehunzy4beast #3
Chapter 11: YASS WHOO ~~ Looking forward muahahaha
Aikosan #4
Chapter 10: I don't know why but this gave me wolf rain and kingdom hearts feels TT^TT
Chapter 10: *wipe tears* i love how their friendship make them together even during a hard time and till the end of their life. Goodjob thumb ups
Chapter 10: It was short and sweet... and of course saddening too... you wrote it so well... ㅠㅠ I did not regret suscribing to this^^
sehunzy4beast #7
Chapter 10: Awww... Although its sad but they were together till the very end. Congrats author-nim in finishing this story! I love this alot ♡♡ Do write new stories soon :)
aishahdaebak #8
Chapter 10: Who sings the song???
pacatcomel #9
Chapter 10: soul is fragile . not all have the luck to wrap it prettily.
Chapter 10: