Chapter 2

❣ The Rebound
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“Byun Baekhyun, get your out of bed!” You groaned as you shook his arm in the hope he would finally stop snoring and he’d wake up. You had been asking him friendly for the past five minutes but being the deep sleeper he was he hadn’t heard you. He moaned and slapped your arm away, turning over to get back into a comfortable position and sleep again. You sighed deeply as you jumped on top of his body and began to make weird faces with his cheeks in the hope he would get so annoyed he would open his eyes. After trying to push you off a few times without any success and begging you to stop without you letter go of him he fluttered his eyes open and shot you an annoyed look. “I’m awake!” He said as he grabbed your hands and held them on his chest, making that you couldn’t touch him anymore. Little did he know how fast this made your heart beat. 



“School is starting in one hour and if we’re late because of you then I will kick your .” You said as you pulled your hands out of his grip after enjoying his touch for a while. He pulled a grimace at the thought of school but then his face fell and his eyes got a sad appearance. He probably remembered why he was here and how it could be that you were in his bed. He had been standing in front of your door, crying after his girlfriend had broken up with him and had fallen asleep here, knowing that you would never kick him out of your house and your parents wouldn’t mind him staying here. And you knew what he was probably thinking right now, she would be at school as well and he had no idea if he was able to face her already. You sighed deeply as you stared at his face and wondered about a solution, but what could you do? “Stand up.” You eventually said and got off of him before walking out of the room, thinking he could use some time alone. 



Ten minutes later Baekhyun hobbled off the stairs and sat down on the chair across of you at the kitchen table where you set up some breakfast for him. Even though he had fallen asleep not much after finishing his hot chocolate last time he looked as if he hadn’t rest at all. Honestly, he looked miserable and you were worried about him. Actually you wanted to tell him that he had to man up but you were sure he’d get angry if you would, because after all you had no idea what he was going through. So while putting another spoon of cereals inside of your mouth you remained silent. If you could only tell him how much he meant to you and how much you liked him, but that wouldn’t help him right now. In the worst case that would only make him feel even worse and you didn’t want to do that to him. One day he’d get over her, it would probably take some time but you believed he’d be able to forget her eventually. 



After both chewing on your breakfast for a while Baekhyun finally looked up at you. He had a thoughtful look on his face and you frowned at him. Sometimes what was going on into his mind was a big mystery to you. “What?” You asked, blushing as you noticed how you almost spit your food on him. While choking on his own food he dropped his spoon before he started laughing. With angry eyes and red cheeks you looked at him and waited until his moment would be over. “Sometimes you can be so feminine.” He chuckled teasingly and you stuck out your tongue to him before finishing your breakfast and starting to clean up your mess. Baekhyun had become silent again and once again he was giving you weird looks, it made you feel uneasy. You walked towards the kitchen and placed your bowl on the sink, he coming after you and handing you his so you could put it away as well. “__________-ah…” He said hesitant and you looked up at him with a backed up expression. Most of the time if he said your name like this he needed something of you, but what could it be now? 



“What do you want from me?” You asked with a suspicious voice and he scoffed before he looked at you, hesitant. “Oh, just spit it Baek, I’m sure you’ve asked worse.” You said as you realized this could only be about one thing, Mira. Would he ask you to keep an eye on you to see if she talked to other guys? Would he ask you to go talk to her and ask if she wanted him back? The only thing you knew was that you were supposed to shove your own feelings to the side again to take care of his, slowly you were growing tired of this. “I’m not so sure.” He said quietly and your eyes widened while looking at him. What was he thinking about? Even though you were a little bit scared you were also curious and you wanted to know. You leaned back against the counter patiently and crossed your arms in front of your chest, waiting for him to start. He sighed deeply before standing across of you and g

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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 8: Aw this was very sweet
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww the sweetest
Chapter 8: I know the feeling when you fall in love with your own best friend. It really . Lol. This story reminded me of him. Btw, i love it. Such cute and sweet!
I’m crazy about Baekhyun and you are a talented one, thank yoi
Chapter 8: Awww so sweet ;)
Chapter 8: Thanks Lord, I found this beautiful story..
I love this awesome story of yours, dear author ~~ Really thanks a lot \(^0^)/
baekhyun_xx #7
Chapter 8: yES
irem88 #8
Chapter 8: It was a great story, I loved it. The flow and the characters were well expressed. However, it would have been great if there were less typos. Keep up great work, author-nim, I enjoyed this story too much so thank you for writing it ^^
Clauijoy10 #9
Chapter 8: That was so fking good! No other words to describe it!
14 streak #10
Chapter 8: Great story loved it! Is your bias baekhyun? Haha