Chapter 7

❣ The Rebound
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You knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer it, to your joy it was DO who opened it himself. “You came!” He yelled happily and quickly wrapped his arms around you for a hug. “Of course!” You said back and stepped past him to get into the house, where it was much hotter and the music was even louder, hopefully the neighbors didn’t mind about this little party. “Where’s Baekhyun?” He asked and you forgot that you were supposed to arrive together. You plastered a wonderful smile on your face as you patted his shoulder reassuringly. “He’s grabbing something inside the car, he’ll be here in a few. I was cold so he told me to head in already.” DO nodded without doubting about anything and then closed the door again, making that you were free to go inside. There were a lot of people here and the living room was filled with dancing bodies, but you liked it. Tonight you didn’t have to hang out with Baekhyun, you could just talk with everyone, even with strangers if you wanted and have fun. 



When someone grabbed your hand you shrieked a little bit, but when you saw it was Chen you relaxed visibly and let him pull you with him. It was nice to be around another guy for a while, surely now you were trying to forget one. “How are you?” He asked as he sat the both of you down on the couch with a little puff and then turned to meet your eyes. He was a great guy and a friend of Baekhyun, you liked to hang out with him. “I’m good, how are you?” You asked and he hummed with a gentle smile before grabbing a drink and pushing it inside of your hands. It was a red cup, but the fluid inside of it was transparent, which could only mean there was a lot of alcohol in it. You stared into the cup and Chen must have noticed since he nudged your sides and gave you a look. “No offence __________-ah, but you look like you can use it.” He said and you sighed deeply, could he even see that you felt like tonight? 



Without thinking you took a big gulp of the drink and felt how the alcohol began to warm up your insides. You knew you weren’t good at drinking and that two cups were enough to get you tipsy, but you didn’t want to be responsible tonight, right now you wanted to be reckless and free. Maybe if the alcohol had a good effect on you then you’d be able to forget about everything, then maybe everything would feel alright for a moment. “You look like something horrible happened.” Chen said and you were surprised, normally he didn’t seem a man that was very careful to look for details. You looked up at him and shrugged, knowing that you couldn’t really talk to him about it. “Boyfriend troubles?” He concluded eventually and you smiled with a nod, but you knew it was a sad smile. If he even knew that he wasn’t your real boyfriend and he still cared for you as his best friend, then what would he say? But you kept your mouth shut and took another sip of your drink, feeling how it made your thoughts feel less heavy all of a sudden. 



“Do you know what you need? A great night out! Let’s go dancing!” Chen pulled you off the couch once again and you almost spilled your drink over your dress as he pulled your wrist a little bit to harsh, but you didn’t mind. After all he was right and this was what you wanted, so you voluntarily let him pull you towards the dance floor. It didn’t take long for him to take you away in the music and soon your other friends found you as well and joined you. In a small group you tried to dance your worries away and sometimes you’d just talk to each other or laugh about silly things. So far it had been a great night and you were sure that if you’d keep it up like this that it could only become better. After a while you were all tired and your feet hurt from standing on your heels for so long so you all went back to your seats on the couch. Suho was sitting on your left side, Hyorin was on your right and Chen was sitting down on top of your feet since the couch was all full. All the people you really cared about were here tonight and you were so glad you had them. 



“I knew DO could throw parties, but I must say I’m surprised.” Chen yelled up to you all and Hana, who sat beside him gave him a slap against his arm, saying he was hurting her ears by screaming so loud. You all laughed and you must say that you agreed with him. Everyone who was here seemed to be having so much fun and they were all talking and dancing and smiling, he knew how to organize something. In your mind you made a note that you had to come to these kind of parties more often when you were down, they cheered you up. “There she is!” Everyone smiled as Jia came back with some more drinks and gave one to you. Though you were sure you had enough alcohol for tonight you took a little sip before putting in aside and deciding that it was better not to get mortal tonight, you still wanted to be able to walk towards the car. You smiled as you felt how Hyorin cuddled up against your side, how Chen kept your feet warm and Suho

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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 8: Aw this was very sweet
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww the sweetest
Chapter 8: I know the feeling when you fall in love with your own best friend. It really . Lol. This story reminded me of him. Btw, i love it. Such cute and sweet!
I’m crazy about Baekhyun and you are a talented one, thank yoi
Chapter 8: Awww so sweet ;)
Chapter 8: Thanks Lord, I found this beautiful story..
I love this awesome story of yours, dear author ~~ Really thanks a lot \(^0^)/
baekhyun_xx #7
Chapter 8: yES
irem88 #8
Chapter 8: It was a great story, I loved it. The flow and the characters were well expressed. However, it would have been great if there were less typos. Keep up great work, author-nim, I enjoyed this story too much so thank you for writing it ^^
Clauijoy10 #9
Chapter 8: That was so fking good! No other words to describe it!
14 streak #10
Chapter 8: Great story loved it! Is your bias baekhyun? Haha