Chapter 8

❣ The Rebound
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The past few days had been hell for you, you had no idea what you had done to go through this much pain. Just like yesterday and the day before you were lying in your bed, your eyes puffy and red from crying but there were no longer any tears flowing, you were out of them. For days you had done nothing else than cry your pain out, it the hope that would slightly heal your broken heart, but nothing worked. You had eaten chocolate and ice cream but still you felt as if your heart had been thorn into pieces. Even though you had known that loosing Baekhyun would hurt you, you hadn’t thought it was going to be this bad. You couldn’t sleep without dreaming about him, couldn’t pick up your phone without seeing his name… Seriously, you couldn’t. He had been calling and texting you nonstop since the party so his name was always on your screen. But still you hadn’t thought it would be so hard to forget him, to move on from him. 



He had broken your heart, you were angry at him for using you and hated him for throwing your feelings to the side. Mira had broken up with him before so who said she wasn’t going to do it again? But then, he didn’t need to come back for you anymore, then you wouldn’t open the door in the middle of the night if he stood there, crying his eyes out. She had broken his heart, and now he just picked her over you again, you almost couldn’t believe he could be so stupid. Did he seriously have no respect for himself? How could he love someone so much? You sat up in bed and looked over at your phone, which was ringing once again. You hadn’t once answered his calls and hadn’t read one of his messages, neither had you listened to his voice mails. You didn’t want to hear his apology, how sorry he was, he could keep it all to himself. You didn’t want to hear that he had just followed his heart and that he just loved her more than he loved you. 



So while ignoring your phone once again you got out of your bedroom and walked into the bathroom, thinking you might need a bath. When you looked into the mirror and checked yourself, all you saw was a big mess and a broken girl. You wished you were stronger than this and would be able to show him that he couldn’t hurt you with what he did, but you weren’t that strong. You walked over to the bath and let the water run, thawing some soap inside of the tub, before going back to your room to get your phone. Maybe while you were relaxing in your bath you could order something to eat, because you did feel a little bit hungry and you felt in the mood for something else than candy. So you ordered a pizza, knowing that would be able to cheer you up and then undressed yourself before heading towards the bath. 



While sticking your legs into the hot water you realized how much you needed this, instantly all your muscles seemed to relax and you felt a lot better. You sat back against the tub and played with the foam, trying to put your mind off of things. But the only thing you could think of was Baekhyun and how he would be with his new girlfriend right now, trying to forget how much he had hurt you. Would he ever regret his decision? Would he ever come running back for you? Well, what you did know was that you didn’t need him anymore, he was a part of the past now. It would took a while before you’d get over him, but one day you were sure you would and then you’d get stronger from this whole thing. Maybe there was someone out there who wanted to fix you and who wanted to love you, even though you were broken. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back, trying to shut your thoughts down and just enjoying the lavender smell hanging around in the room. 



But no matter how hard you tried the image of Baekhyun and Mira kept appeared in front of your eyes. The way she had been hugging her, almost as if she had been desperate that he would let her go. He had hugged her back, but it had been different, still you couldn’t describe it. But it had been clear right? He had picked her over you even though he had known that you wouldn’t want to be friends with him anymore after that. You tried to shake the thoughts off and make the sight disappear, but it was harder than it seemed. When the doorbell rang you frowned and watched the clock on the wall. It had been a while since you had called for your pizza, but it seemed like they had become faster over the time. That didn’t really matter though, you were hungry and you wanted food, so the quicker they brought it the better. You got out of the tub just to realize that you didn’t have any clothes with you. When the bell rang again you grabbed one of the towel that was hanging on the sink and wrapper it around yourself, hoping it wouldn’t be a ert. 



Quickly you rushed towards the hallway and the lights. When he rang again you were starting to get slightly annoyed, he could see that you were coming right? “I’m there!” You yelled as you unlocked the door and pulled it open, making you shiver as the cold air hit the parts of your body that were still wet and . But as soon as you had opened the door your jaw dropped, seeing that the deliverer hadn’t gotten any faster, since it wasn’t him. Baekhyun eyes you up and down, his eyes a little bit big as he saw how you looked and his cheeks flushed. You felt how you started to blush yourself but quickly squeezed your eyes together in anger. “What are you doing here?” Your voice was low and harsh, but that was how your angry voice always sounded. He loosened his eyes from your towel to point them back on yours, you could see they were a little bit red and you immediately made your conclusions. 



“I don’t care if she dumped you again! I’m so done with it!” You said and wanted to smash the door close in his face, but he was faster and stopped you by placing his hand on the door, pushing it back open. “She didn’t dump me _________-ah, the only one who dumped me is you.” As he said that you stopped trying to fight him and you felt how the door slowly opened again so that he appeared into your sight once more. It was hard to believe that he almost looked as miserable as you did, but he looked like a mess as well. His words had confused you and you tried

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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 8: Aw this was very sweet
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww the sweetest
Chapter 8: I know the feeling when you fall in love with your own best friend. It really . Lol. This story reminded me of him. Btw, i love it. Such cute and sweet!
I’m crazy about Baekhyun and you are a talented one, thank yoi
Chapter 8: Awww so sweet ;)
Chapter 8: Thanks Lord, I found this beautiful story..
I love this awesome story of yours, dear author ~~ Really thanks a lot \(^0^)/
baekhyun_xx #7
Chapter 8: yES
irem88 #8
Chapter 8: It was a great story, I loved it. The flow and the characters were well expressed. However, it would have been great if there were less typos. Keep up great work, author-nim, I enjoyed this story too much so thank you for writing it ^^
Clauijoy10 #9
Chapter 8: That was so fking good! No other words to describe it!
14 streak #10
Chapter 8: Great story loved it! Is your bias baekhyun? Haha