Chapter 1

❣ The Rebound
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You groaned as the ringing of your phone woke you up from your deep sleep. Who was calling you in the middle of the night? Blindly you reached out for your phone that was on your nightstand and without even looking at who it was because you didn’t want to open your eyes and see the bright light, you picked it up and held it against your ear. “Hello?” You mumbled, your voice hoarse as you tried to realize this wasn’t a dream and you had to try to wake yourself up. For a second you thought your ears were letting you down since you didn’t hear anyone answer you on the other side. Thinking the person had hung up you were about to do the same. “_________-ah?” With that your eyes fluttered open and you sat up in bed, feeling completely awake now. It wasn’t because what he had said but because how he had said it, the tremble that had been inside of his voice when he had spoken.



“Baekhyun are you okay?” You asked as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and tried to keep your attention up. No matter how badly you wanted to go to sleep again, if he needed you right now then that was more important. “I’m in front of your door. Could you let me in?” Your eyes widened as you hopped out of bed and got out of your bedroom. There must be a very good reason for him to be standing in front of your door at this hour of the night. Even though he was your best friend this had never happened before. You reached out for the handle and pulled the door open, hanging up the phone in the process. He stood there, his phone still pressed against his ear, not even realizing there was no one left to talk to anymore on the other side of it. But the look on his face made that you forgave him that right that moment. 



“What happened?” You asked as you looked at his tear strained face and it was clear that he was still crying. He shook his head in defeat before stepping inside of your apartment. You immediately wrapped your arms around him for a hug and ran your hand through his hair, trying to sooth him. You closed the door behind him and led him towards the couch, knowing it would be easier sit. What would have happened that he was this upset? You had seen Baekhyung cry before but this was different. He cried some more against your chest while you just held him, not knowing how to cheer him up because you had no idea what he was crying about. Eventually he pulled away and dried his cheeks with his hands, suddenly feeling embarrassed about his behavior. Though he knew he didn’t have to keep up his image around you, here he could let it all out and cry all he wanted. 



“It’s Mira, she broke up with me.” He sniffed and you looked at him with sad eyes. Luckily for you he didn’t know you were already having a crush on him for about a year now, so he didn’t think you’d feel even slightly happy about this. But the sadness on his face made that you couldn’t feel happy about it, not even if you tried. You hated it to see him like this, he didn’t deserve it. “But why? You two were such a great couple.” Each time you said something like that you could feel your own heart ache, but those were the words he had to hear right now so those were the ones you would give him. He nodded, also convinced about that matter but then shrugged hopelessly, after all that didn’t matter anymore since they were no longer together. “She said she didn’t feel the spark anymore.” He explained and you shot him a sad smile as you patted his hand. He looked so broken because he had lost her, you knew he loved her a lot. 



“It happens more often after a long term relationship. I’m sure she’ll regret her decision soon though. It won’t take long for her to realize she let an amazing guy walk away.” What else could you say? You hadn’t been in a relationship for a long time now, you weren't familiar with break ups and also not with cheering someone up after one. “I miss her though, I really didn’t see it coming.” He trailed off and he looked as if he was lost in his own thoughts, thinking back if something had changed the past few months in her behavior towards him. You had no idea, you hadn’t seen Mira that often because you hadn’t want to be around this lucky couple. It hurt you to see Baekhyun with something else but it also hurt you to see him cry like this, it was all so complicated. You let out a big sigh and Baekhyun looked up at you again, on which you smiled. “I’ll go and make some hot chocolate, that will make you feel a little better.” You said and stood up after squeezing his hand. “You’re too good to me _________-ah.” He said sweetly, his voice broken by all the crying he had done. 

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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 8: Aw this was very sweet
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww the sweetest
Chapter 8: I know the feeling when you fall in love with your own best friend. It really . Lol. This story reminded me of him. Btw, i love it. Such cute and sweet!
I’m crazy about Baekhyun and you are a talented one, thank yoi
Chapter 8: Awww so sweet ;)
Chapter 8: Thanks Lord, I found this beautiful story..
I love this awesome story of yours, dear author ~~ Really thanks a lot \(^0^)/
baekhyun_xx #7
Chapter 8: yES
irem88 #8
Chapter 8: It was a great story, I loved it. The flow and the characters were well expressed. However, it would have been great if there were less typos. Keep up great work, author-nim, I enjoyed this story too much so thank you for writing it ^^
Clauijoy10 #9
Chapter 8: That was so fking good! No other words to describe it!
14 streak #10
Chapter 8: Great story loved it! Is your bias baekhyun? Haha