Yifan - Fluff

Exo Oneshots

The crowd stays silent, all eyes are focused on the tall basketball player standing on the court. He takes a deep breath before he lifts up the ball in his hands and it's as if everything is going in slow motion when he shoots. The ball curves, for a split second it almost misses the hoop but when it doesn't, cheers and screams echo throughout the entire stadium.

"Kris! Kris! Kris!" The crowd starts to chant your boyfriend's name. You watch him let out a sign of relief when he realizes he's scored and a huge gummy smile immediately takes over the nervous look on his face as he walks over and collapses on the bleachers. He's obviously exhausted, it's been over an hour since the match started.

The basketball players from the opposing school begin to shake hands. It was the final game of the season- and Kris made the winning shot. as the MC announces the team in first place, everyone applauds and you stand to get a better view of Kris.

Kris is already making his way up the stairs in your direction, struggling to get through the crowds of students. You can't help but smile at the way he greets the happy spectators and squeeling fangirls with a light grin and a repeated "Thank you for your support!" He's worked hard for this game, and it seems like all those grueling hours he spent training after school has really paid off.

Kris is almost about to reach you when someone screams his name. Instinctively, he turns his head, his light brown hair flopping slightly as a result of a very delayed appointment at the barbers.

A slim girl with a striking model like figure suddenly appears beside him and she flashes him her mouthful of pearly white teeth accompanied by an as good as forced eyesmile. "Hi!" She exclaims over the commotion the other students are making. "I'm Chae Min Seo and I'm your biggest fan!" The girl introduces herself, a bright smile still plastered on her blemish free face.

Kris awkwardly lets out a chuckle and he's just about to thank her for her support like he's did with the other fans but instead, he's interrupted by Min Seo's continuous chatter.

"You know, I've been to every one of your matches- you're an amazing player! You run really fast and by the way I'm pretty sure I cheer the loudest! Have you heard my screaming? I can do a really high pitched one too, wanna hear?" Min Seo rattles on.

From where you are, the distance is too much to hear what the girl and Kris are saying. You can't exactly read lips but judging by the way Kris isn't making any initiative to end the conversation or walk away, you're guessing they're having a good time talking to each other. You sigh dejectedly and sit, feeling alittle down with the idea that Kris is speaking to a girl that isn't you.

A tap on the shoulder shakes you out of your thoughts and you instantly chuckle when you see Jongin standing next to you. He cheekily grind and then takes a seat beside you.

"What are you doing here alone?" he asks as he raises a brow towards Kris and Min Seo chatting by the stairs. You shrug your shoulders. "Waiting for Kris to stop talking to that girl," You answer, trying your best to hide the disappointment and sadness from your voice.

It doesn't work. Jongin frowns at you and puffs out his cheeks. Finally, he resorts to placing an arm around your shoulder and shifting closet to allow your head to rest comfortably against him. You've known jongin since you were a child so the position seems comforting and not at all awkward or intruding. You exhale deeply and let yourself relax. "Why is he even talking to her?" You whisper softly, alittle hurt that Kris is still with that girl rather than with you.

"Chill, it's okay. She's probably just congratulating him or something," Jongin tries to reassure you. You nod faintly, then shut your eyes to calm yourself.

"Hey!" A sudden deep voice shouting jolts you awake to face a pouting yet angered Kris. He stares at you and Jongin before storming towards you. "What do you think you're doing?" He demands. He looks alarmed though his face is a dark shade of red.

You tilt your head and look at Kris, utterly confused at why he's so furious. "..Huh?" You question.

Kris narrows his eyes at you and instead of answering, he grabs your wrist and yanks you out of Jongin's grasp. He pulls you towards the exit of the stadium without a single word.

Eventually, you break the tension. "What's wrong?" You ask, still completely oblivious.

Kris turns to glare at you. "Jongin was obviously flirting with you- That's what's wrong! How could you even let him do that! I'm your boyfriend, you know!" Kris cries. He looks alittle crestfallen, as though he might start tearing at any moment.

You stand in shock- Was Kris somehow.. jealous?

"Kris, he's only a frie-" You try to explain but kris cuts you off when he abruptly engulfs you in a tight hug. He buries his face into the crook of your neck before quietly whispering, "Please just don't ever leave me."

His words and actions catch you off guard and for a second you don't know what to say.

"I won't," You softly reply after a moment. "I love you."

Kris nuzzles closer. "I love you too."

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coolgirls202 #1
Chapter 2: So cute>_<