
I Heart You

Mario pov :

W-where.. am I ? I looked at my right, I saw Kahi noona.. She was saying something at me.. I can't hear it.. Then pain.. AH ! The pain is too much !


Doctor : "Miss, please step aside. Nurse ! Take him to the emergency room now !"

That was the last words that I hear before I passed out.


Jungah pov :

I was at the police station station. There were lots of reporters out there waiting for me to say something about this but first I have to explained everything to the police. After I went to the police station to settle everything about my case and Hyun Bin, I quickly avoided the reporters and went to the hospital. I got no time to answer all those questions from those reporters. To me, Mario is more important now. As soon as I arrived at the hospital, I saw they were lots of reporters also waiting outside. I put my cap on so the reporters won't recognize me. I covered my face and quickly went inside. After I went in, I saw Mario's manager. I was about to walk towards the manager but then I heard someone's shouting my name.

? : "Jungah!!" I could feel a pair of arms hugging me. I turned around and I saw Kahi unnie.

Me : "Omo.. Unnie !" I hugged her back. I missed her so much. 

Kahi : "Are you okay, Jungah ? Did he hurt you ?" When Kahi unnie asked me that, my eyes getting teary.. reminding me the night Hyun Bin rapped me.. again. Reminding me Hyun Bin keep abusing me this whole week. "Jungah yah ? Are you okay ? Answer me.."

Me : "I'm.. I'm.." I burst into tears. "Unnie !..." I hugged her tightly. 

Kahi : "Shhh Jungah.. it's okay. You're safe now. Shh.." She tried to calm me down. "Omo !! What happen to your arm ?!" She noticed the bruises on my arm. It was all from getting hit by Hyun Bin. "He did this to you ?!"

Me : "Its.." I keep on weeping.

Kahi : "Ugh ! That bastard ! Don't worry Jungah.. I'm sure he's suffering now.. He'll pay for what he had done to you.." She keeps comforting me. "Come.. have a seat.." I sat down at the empty seat with Kahi unnie.

Me : "Unnie.."

Kahi : "Yeah ?"

Me : "Mario...shi.."

Kahi : "*sigh*.. I don't know, Jungah. He's bleeding pretty bad..."

Me : "Where is he right now ?"

Kahi : "In the emergency room..."

Me : "... he got shot.. because of me..."

Kahi : "No Jungah.. its not because of you. Don't blame yourself.." Then I saw Mario's manager came towards us.

Manager : "Mind I sit here ?"

Kahi : "Oh no.. Have a seat.."

Manager : "He's.. gonna be fine.. " He looked at me.

Jungah : "Oh.. yeah.. I hope..so.." I looked down. 

Manager : "He... really loves you.." His words caught my attention. "Here.. I think.. you should read this.." He gave me a book. It looks like a diary.

Jungah : "What's... this ?"

Manager : "A diary. Mario's diary haha."

Jungah : "Huh ?"

Manager : "Well, read it." 

Jungah : "But.. its.. a diary. Nobody should read this except the owner.."

Manager : "Who cares.. haha. Well, it's up to you if you wanna read it or not.. But fyi, the content of the diary is super sweet.." Me and Kahi looked at each other.. confused.. "Ugh.. I can't believe I just said that.. Anyway, I got to go now. Believe me, Jungah. Mario's gonna be just fine.." He smiles at us and left.

Kahi : "Wow.. I wonder if our manager read my diary too.. Aish, make me feel so insecure haha.."

Jungah : "hehe.. Unnie.. should I read this ?"

Kahi : "well.. its up to you..but if i were you, i'll read it haha"

I was feeling a lil bit guilty about reading someone's diary without their premission. Then I saw Mr Han Sung Soo, our CEO. I got up and bowed at him. 

CEO : "It's been a long time Jungah."

Jungah : "Nee.." He smiles at me.

CEO : "Are you okay ?"

Jungah : "Yes.. much better."

CEO : "Good.. I was worried about you"

Jungah : "Ah, there's nothing to worry about now Mr Han.."

CEO : "well, I got something to tell you.. but I think here is not a suitable place to say this.. Hmm, how about meet me at the office tomorrow morning. 9am."

Jungah : "Oh.. sure Mr. Han."

CEO : "Good. Kahi, you're okay ? I rushed to the hospital as soon as I heard about this."

Kahi : "Nee Mr Han. I'm fine.. Well, only Mario-shi.. got shot.."

CEO : "hmm.. poor kid. I hope he's fine. hmm.. jjah.. I'll see you guys later. Both of you, go get some rest."

Me + Kahi : "Nee Mr Han." We both bowed at him.

Mr Han. He is a nice guy. Always care about us. I was still a lil bit sad for making him dissapointed by quitting from After School. Well, I got no choice that time.

Kahi : "Jungah-yah.."

Me : "Nee?"

Kahi : "Let's go home. You look tired.."

Me : "Home ? No unnie. I'm fine. Really.."

Kahi : "but.."

Me : " I wanna stay here.. until Mario wakes up.."

Kahi : "Jungah.. he's gonna be fine. You should get some rest..We'll come back here tomorrow okay ? Now.. let's go home.."

Me : "Unnie.. I got no home.."

Kahi : "What ?"

Me : "I got kicked out from my house.. by my parents.."

Kahi : "Jungah.. I'm not talking about THAT home.. I'm talking about OUR home. Our dorm.."

Me : "but.. I'm not part of After School anymore.."

Kahi : "Who said that ? You ? pfft.. You're always part of After School, Jungah.. "

Me : "but.. the kids.. they must be mad at me.."

Kahi : "I am 200% sure they're not mad at you. Why would they mad at you ? If they mad at you because you left them, they probably already know the real reason you left them by now." She grabs my hand. "Come.. Let's go home, Jungah.. " She smiles at me

Me : "..Oh.. nee.."

We got into our manager's car. It's been a long time I've ride in this car. I'm going home now. I can't believe this. I'm free from hyun bin. I'm free. I can do aanything I want. I can talk to Kahi unnie till late night. I can cook for the kids again. I can spend more time with Mario.. Mario.. ah ! I hope he's gonna be okay. Please God. Save him.

Kahi : "arent you going to read that ?" She pointed at the diary.

Me: "Oh?.. Oh!" I almost forgot about the diary. Eventhough I felt a lil bit guilty, I read it anyway.


Saturday, 17 January 2009 :

Well, nothing much happened today except AH !~ Haha, OMG ! I'm hooked with this song ! Kekeke I'm liking this new girl group called After School kekeke AH !~ Wish we can collab with them someday hehe ~ They really remind me of PCD.. mhmm. Inati's friend, Kahi is the leader, CooL ~~ hmm, im off to bed now. Goodnight diary ^^


Monday, 2 February 2009 :

DIARY !~~ I bumped into someone's gorgeous today !~ haha, she is so beautiful ~ Her name is Jungah. ^^ and and and.. since I bumped into her, Inati keeps teasing me ~~ T_T He keeps saying I love Jungah hahaha. He is such a kid :P Hmm..Hope tomorrow will be a good day ~


Wednesday, 18 February 2009 :

YAY ! After School gonna be the special guests for next week Idol Army !~ Kekeke ~ We'll be filming it tomorrow ~ WOOOHOO~ I get to meet.. Jungah haha



Thursday, 19 February 2009 :

Diary ~ I don't know what's happening to me @.@ I think.. I'm inlove with Kim Jungah @.@ Ahh.. what should I do now ? We just ended filming Idol Army with After School. I was paired up with Jungah. Hmm.. my heart beats faster whenever she was standing close to me. AH ! what is wrong with me >.>


Kahi : "Aww.. how sweet" 

Me : "Ommo ! Unnie ! You can't read this !"

Kahi : "Haha why not ?"

Me : "Because..."

Kahi : "Haha fine fine.. " Kahi put on her earphones and continue playing angry birds on her ipad.



Monday, 12 January 2010 :

Today.. I confessed to Jungah noona. She was shocked but I know.. I know that she loves me too. I can see it from her eyes. Jungah noona.. she's in trouble. I gotta save her.. but I don't know how. Hmm, she's getting married with the guy that beat me up. ah, I got beat up infront of Jungah noona.. how embarassing.. Jungah noona, I will take you out from this mess. You can count on me. Soon, you can smile again. Laugh again. I really miss your smile Jungah noona. 

Kim Jung Ah... I love you <3


That was the latest update from his diary. My tears started to fall after reading this. I never know he cares so much about me. To know that his life is in danger right now, make me feel more sad. "Hang in there Mario.. Hang in there..." I whispered.

Me : "unnie.. " I tapped Kahi's shoulder.

Kahi : "Oh ? Jungah-yah.. why are you crying ?"

Me : "Promise me you'll take me to the hospital tomorrow so I can meet Mario.."

Kahi : "Pfft.. what are you talking about ? Of course I'll take you there.." She wiped my tears. "He's gonna be alright, Jungah." 

I hope so, Kahi unnie. I really don't wanna lose him.


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nice fic~!
Envytweet #2
hey readers :)<br />
im sorry for not updating this fic for so long. Ive been busy with college life hehe<br />
but now its holidays,i can start writing again :)<br />
please wait patiently ~<br />
oh & merry christmas :)
chaymmc #3
if you are not too busy, i hope you can update this fic. this is one of the most beautiful fic i've ever read. advance merry christmas!
NieyaOzil #4
This is such an amazing FF
Envytweet #5
haha, sorry for the late update. i've been busy with classes T_T<br />
hmmm, yup.. its coming to an end... or maybe not.. haha just wait and see ^^
chaymmc #6
woah finally mario knew everything! looking forward for the next chapters. please update soon. thanks!
Envytweet #7
I thought this fanfic will end @ Chapter 20.. but I guess not lol
Envytweet #8
Lots of chapters for you guys because I may not be able to update tmrw.. but I'll find a way tho if I can :) Thank you for reading ~~ Please patiently wait for the next chapter :)
chaymmc #9
wow a lot of chapter in just one day. me gusta. please update more.i'm officially addicted to this fic
Envytweet #10
aww, thank you ~ I heart all my readers ~ hehe ^^