The evil Hyun Bin

I Heart You

Jungah pov :

As soon as Mario and his manager left, I laid on my bed. Things getting complicated now. I told Kahi unnie and Mario things that I shouldn't tell. I am worried if one of them report about this to the police. I hit my head twice "AH! Why I told them everything.. I shouldnt.. AHH!!" I am frustrated with myself. I felt so stupid for telling them. If Hyun Bin finds out, my family will be in danger. Then my phone rings. I picked up my phone and looked at the caller ID.. "Ugh.. speaking of HIM!"..

Me : "What do you want now ?!"

Hyun Bin : "Ugh, why you always being cold to me ?! Can't you answer the phone nicely ?!"

Me : "Oh I can ! but not with you !"

Hyun Bin : "You B*tch !"

Me : "Shut up ! Ugh.. I got no time to hear all these bullsh*t from you !" I was about to hang up..

Hyun Bin : "If you're being rude to me again, I'LL KILL YOUR FAMILY !" The words coming from his mouth really stings me. As soon as I heard the word 'family'.. 'my family'.. I was shaking the hell out of me.

Me : "...." I'm scared. Yes I am scared because I believe not even Kahi unnie or Mario can save me from this. No, they can't.

Hyun Bin : "Listen ! Grab all your stuff and meet me at the lobby now ! From now on, you're gonna live with me !" Live with him ?! How can I live with the man that me few years ago ?!

Me : "What ?! NO !" I refused.

Hyun Bin : "B*tch ! Just do what I said if you wanna see your family alive !"

Me : "But..."

Hyun Bin : "Shut up ! Ya know.. this not gonna happen if that bastard didn't come and meet you just now.. ugh that punk ! He deserved all those punches and kicks ! hahha! "

Me : "Stop talking bad about him !"

Hyun Bin : "You're defending him now ?! Hey ! Who's you're future husband ?! ME ! Now shut the up and do as what I said !" He hangs up.

I was trembling. I have to stay with him from now on ?! I can't believe this. I will never be able to meet Kahi unnie and Mario if I have to stay with him. Never. I packed all my stuff and do as what Hyun Bin said. My family lives is one his hands. I got no choice but just to follow everything he says. I went to the lobby and there he was.. giving me that creepy smile again. 

Hyun Bin : "Thats my future wife haha" He tried to hold my hand but I refused. "Hey ! Stop being a b*tch!" at the end, I let him held my hand. "Let's go!~" 

We got into his car. I didn't say a word to him. I felt so angry and sad. I will never be able to meet Kahi unnie and Mario again. The person I trust the most and the man that I love. I heard my phone rings. I picked my phone up and I saw 1 new message from Mario. I opened and it says "Jungah noona, you can trust me. I love you" Then suddenly Hyun Bin snatched my phone from my hands.

Me : "HEY!!" I yelled.

Hyun Bin : "Shut up !" Oh no, he's gonna read it. I saw his eyes widen when he reads the message. He clenched his fists. I'm afraid if he's gonna beat me up. I closed my eyes hoping he won't hurt me. "B*tch.. ugh" He seems angry. Then he opened the window and threw my phone away.

Me : "Damn it !! Thats my phone !!!"

Hyun Bin : "You don't need that phone.. " He.. he threw my phone away.. How am I gonna contact with Kahi unnie and the rest ?! 

Me : "STOP THE CAR NOW !" I demanded. Then I could feel his right hand slapping my left cheek. 

Hyun Bin : "I SAID YOU DON'T NEED THAT DAMN PHONE ! NOW SHUT THE HELL UP !" His slapped left me speechless. Tears started to fall. Now I'm weeping. "Damn it !! STOP CRYING WILL YA ?! Ohh B*tch.." How I wish this guy will die in hell. 

As soon as we arrived at his house, he quickly grabbed my hand and pushed to his room. I'm scared. I'm scared if he'll me again.

Hyun Bin : "I'm sure you still remember the day I you right? HAHA!"

Me : "W-what.. do y-you want from m-me..?" No, please don't let these things happen to me again. Mario.. Kahi unnie.. please help me. Then Hyun Bin pinned me on the wall. "AH!" I screamed.

Hyun Bin : "SHUT UP AND LISTEN! If you don't want me to you again.. you gotta follow some rules b*tch.."

Me : "W-what i-is i-it ?"

Hyun Bin : "First, you can never go out from this house.. NEVER.. without me or without my permission. Second, no phone, no laptop or whatever technologies that can connect you to other people. Third, after we get married, your body is all mine.. haha" 

Me : "N-no !" I refused to follow his stupid rules. How am I gonna live with all these ?!

Hyun Bin : "SHUT UP ! Well well, if you don't wanna follow it, you know.. I can you right now baby haha!"

Me : "Noo.. please don't.." I was crying and begging for his mercy. I got no choice again but to follow his rules. "Okay.. okay.. I will follow your rules. I promise.."

Hyun Bin : "Thats my girl haha!" He let me go. "I'm going out.. remember, dont ever get out from this house.. if not, .. well you know the rest haha" He slammed the door as soon as he went out. He is a psycho. He is..


Mario pov :

As soon as I arrived at my dorm, I lay down on my bed. My manager said I have to rest alot. Before my manager went out he asked me whether if there's anything going on between me and Jungah noona. To be honest, I have no idea what our relationship right now. We both already confessed to each other but the situation is a little bit complicated.. with Jungah noona about to get married with that guy. Talking about Jungah noona, I have to help her no matter what. I can't let that guy marry her. She belongs to me. Yes, Jungah noona belongs to me. I can't lose Jungah noona. No, I really can't. The kissed just now, was really the best kiss ever. I never thought I'll made a move like that to Jungah noona. Luckily she didn't mad at me for kissing her so sudden. I sent Jungah noona a message. I want her to know that she can trust me and I really love her. Yeah, I really mean it with each words that I sent to her. As soon as I sent the message, I didn't feel so good. I felt uneasy. I kept on thinking about Jungah noona. I hope shes fine. What shes been through is no joke. Getting married with the guy that she hates the most. ah, I can't let that happen. I must help Jungah noona. I decided to call Jungah noona.. just to make sure shes fine but nobody answer it. I started to worry about her. "Ah.. why shes not picking up my call.." The whole day, I keep trying to contact Jungah noona but failed. "Jungah noona... I hope you're okay.."


Jungah pov :

It has been 3 hours now I'm stuck in this house. I can't stop thinking about Kahi unnie or Mario. They must be started to worry about me for not picking up their calls if they call me. AH ! Why Hyun Bin must threw my phone away. I hate that man. I HATE HIM ! He's making my life more miserable ! Its been 3 hours but Hyun Bin still not home. I decided to sneek out from this house and try to find any public phone so I can call Kahi unnie or Mario just to tell them that I'm doing fine. I don't want them to worry about me much. I took a peek outside of the house and theres no sight of Hyun Bin. I quickly ran as fast I could.. finding the public phone. No matter how far I run, theres still no public phone. I'm hoping Hyun Bin is not at home yet. After 15 minutes searching for public phone, finally I found one. "Thank God.. " Before I could reach the public phone, I could feel someone kicked on my back. I fell on the ground. I looked up and I saw.. Hyun Bin. He was pissed. My eyes widen. He caught me.. for breaking his rule.. Now.. what will he do to me ? Tears started to fall as I know what will happen next.

Hyun Bin : "You broke the rule.. Number 1 rule... You B*tch !" He grabbed my hand and pushed me into his car. He got in to the car and locked the doors. "Prepare b*tch !" He stepped on the gas and started to speeding off. I kept begging him to not me on our way to his house. Tears won't stop falling. "SHUT UP!"

As soon as we arrived at his house, he pushed me into his room and started to unclothes me. 

Me : "MARIO !!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as loud as I can but I know.. I know Mario can't save me from this. He can't.


"Chapter 16 :D ~~"

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nice fic~!
Envytweet #2
hey readers :)<br />
im sorry for not updating this fic for so long. Ive been busy with college life hehe<br />
but now its holidays,i can start writing again :)<br />
please wait patiently ~<br />
oh & merry christmas :)
chaymmc #3
if you are not too busy, i hope you can update this fic. this is one of the most beautiful fic i've ever read. advance merry christmas!
NieyaOzil #4
This is such an amazing FF
Envytweet #5
haha, sorry for the late update. i've been busy with classes T_T<br />
hmmm, yup.. its coming to an end... or maybe not.. haha just wait and see ^^
chaymmc #6
woah finally mario knew everything! looking forward for the next chapters. please update soon. thanks!
Envytweet #7
I thought this fanfic will end @ Chapter 20.. but I guess not lol
Envytweet #8
Lots of chapters for you guys because I may not be able to update tmrw.. but I'll find a way tho if I can :) Thank you for reading ~~ Please patiently wait for the next chapter :)
chaymmc #9
wow a lot of chapter in just one day. me gusta. please update more.i'm officially addicted to this fic
Envytweet #10
aww, thank you ~ I heart all my readers ~ hehe ^^