Authored (33 fanfics)

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Just To Please You

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  sciencefantasy   seseok 
Characters Lee Seyoung, Kim Yongseok
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 500 views, 2 comments, 748 words
Status Completed

Yongseok would do anything to please Seyoung.

Fanboying 101:Tips For The Uninitiated (Or Shin Wonho's Guide to Becoming the #1 CandY)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  crossgene 
Characters Cross Gene
With 1 chapters, 6 subscribers, 710 views, 2 comments, 1996 words

What the title says...really. Summary: Shin Wonho will do everything it takes to be a proper fanboy. And he'll be teaching this to his listeners.

Star Dance

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fantasy   romance   crossgene   seseok 
Characters Kim Yongseok, Lee Seyoung
With 1 chapters, 2 subscribers, 470 views, 1 comments, 538 words
Status Completed

A star in the sky won't shine without its twin. Seyoung is Yongseok's twin. But one day they lose each other. Can they still shine without the other?

Why Do You Like Me?

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  crossgene   takushin   takujae   takujaeau   theloverau 
Characters takuya terada, lee joon jae, shin wonho
With 2 chapters, 3 votes, 20 subscribers, 2150 views, 5 comments, 1732 words
Status Completed

In which Takuya thinks Joon Jae's obsession with Takuya of Cross Gene is annoying. And where Takuya thinks Shin's fascination with Takuya in The Lover is bothersome.  

Yongseokkie' s X-Files (Or How Yongseok Found Out about the Secret Couples)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  seyoung   crossgene   shinwonho   takuya   casper   yongseok   sangmin 
Characters Terada Takuya, Shin Won Ho, Casper, Kim Yongseok, Kim Sangmin, Lee Seyoung
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 18 subscribers, 1830 views, 5 comments, 10161 words
Status Completed

Yongseok was bored. He didn't have anything to do and there was too much time on his hands. He came across an article about how to know if there are secret couples around you. Because he was bat bored, he decided to try it. What he found out really shook him out of his boredom.

Missed (Version 2)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  crossgene   shinwonho   takushin   takuyaterada 
Characters Shin Takuya
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 1080 views, 5 comments, 2460 words
Status Completed

What if we almost met the person meant for us but we missed them because of life?

Fan Love (a TakuJae Valentine fic)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  takujae 
Characters Terada Takuya, Lee Jae Joon
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 11 subscribers, 1480 views, 2 comments, 1975 words
Status Completed

Jae Joon and Takuya had been busy with activities so they couldn't make concrete plans for Valentine's day. Takuya of course wouldn't let the day pass without doing anything for his hyung. :)

The Reality in a Dream

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  takushin   takujae 
Characters Terada Takuya, Lee Joon Jae, Shin Wonho, MinJae-sshi
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 1330 views, 2 comments, 3311 words
Status Completed

Title: The Reality in a Dream Pairing: TakuJae, TakuShin Rating:PG-13 Length: one shot Genre: romance, drama, POV elements, AU  

Passing Love Messages (oneshot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   romance   yoosu   yunjae 
Characters Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun, Shim Changmin
With 1 votes, 14 subscribers, 1160 views, 15 comments, 1690 words
Status Completed

Summary: Yoosu will help Yunjae to get together through passing on little notes (which were love notes really).

Crystalline (oneshot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  drama   fluff   oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 560 views, 1 comments, 1252 words
Status Completed

Summary: Junsu falls in love with Yoochun under a blanket of crystalline drops.   A/N: This is the next version in the story ‘Rain’. Please read and tell me which is better, Kiss the

Kiss the Rain (oneshot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 840 views, 2 comments, 1015 words
Status Completed

Summary: Two people meet and fall in love with the help of a little drizzle.   A/N: This is inspired by the season here in my country. It’s raining hard most of the time. I want to love the rain so I made this. I’ve thought of making stories with different versions. I don’t know why. Kkkk And this is the first version of the story Rain. After I finish the two versions, tell m

VIOLIN (series)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  drama   romance   yoosu   chaptered   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 3 chapters, 17 subscribers, 920 views, 15 comments, 17863 words
Status Completed

Junsu needed a break and Yunho just provided him an opportunity to do it. His vacation started well but then took a really mysterious turn when he first heard the sound of the violin.   A/N: Another Yoosu series. I think this is the first series I have written for Yoosu and that's why it's special to me. I hope you guys like it. ^^x

Scent of an Angel (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   romance   yunjae   pg13 
Characters Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu, Shim Changmin
With 13 subscribers, 1180 views, 5 comments, 4850 words
Status Completed

Yunho couldn’t forget the scent of the angel who saved him in the past.   A/N: For my sister.    

June Bride (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yunjae   pg13 
Characters Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho
With 2 votes, 21 subscribers, 1100 views, 8 comments, 2207 words
Status Completed

Yunho saw the most beautiful bride one day.   A/N: Thanks to all the people who read the last story. I really appreciate it. And as much as I'd like to make a sequel, I can't. Muses are not cooperating. And I mostly write only Yoosu so...the YunJae stories are a bit random for me. Hope you understand. But here's another YunJae. I hope you like it. ^^x  

Here Comes the Bride (oneshot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yunjae   pg13 
Characters Kim Jaejoong, Jung Yunho, Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 6 votes, 22 subscribers, 1520 views, 8 comments, 3227 words
Status Completed

Jaejoong saw Yunho in a wedding expo. That means he’s getting married, right? Jaejoong didn’t like it one bit.   A/N: Summary , but anyway, I got inspired to write this when I saw an ad for a wedding expo. I knew then that I just had to write Jaeho, or Yunjae, not sure. Kkk Hope you like this one. ^__^  

A Thousand Nights of Light (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  angst   jyj   oneshot   romance   yoosu   characterdeath   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 1 subscribers, 310 views, 3 comments, 3063 words
Status Completed

Yoochun is waiting for Junsu to return to him. He promised that he’ll keep a light for him so he won’t be lost. But why is Junsu still not coming home?   A/N: This is inspired mostly by Clay Aiken’s song A Thousand Days. It’s just a powerful song to me. And from something I watched on TV about light houses. I know, I get the weird ideas sometimes. But I hope you still like

Bully of My Heart (Chapter Five) End

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  jyj   romance   yoosu   chaptered   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 2 votes, 7 subscribers, 600 views, 4 comments, 1418 words
Status Completed

Yoochun didn't know why Junsu was always bullying him.   A/N: This is the last part guys! ~__~ I’m really happy that you liked this series. This was supposed to be only a one-shot story but a little voice told me to make it into a series. And so here it is! Enjoy!

Bully of My Heart (Chapter Four)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  jyj   romance   yoosu   chaptered   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 2 subscribers, 390 views, 1 comments, 1283 words
Status Completed

Yoochun didn't know why Junsu was always bullying him.  

Bully of My Heart (Chapter Three)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  drama   romance   yoosu   chaptered   pg13 
Characters Kin Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 2 subscribers, 660 views, 2 comments, 939 words
Status Completed

Yoochun didn't know why Junsu was always bullying him.

Bully of My Heart (Chapter One)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  romance   yoosu   pg13   chapteredstory   chapter1 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 5 subscribers, 450 views, 1341 words
Status Completed

Yoochun didn't know why Junsu was always bullying him.

Please Buy Me! (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 4 subscribers, 440 views, 3 comments, 3132 words
Status Completed

Yoochun needs money so Junsu buys him.

And Hop He Goes (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters park yoochun, kim junsu
With 4 subscribers, 550 views, 1712 words
Status Completed

Junsu and Yoochun always have weird conversations, Jaejoong thought. But this one is the weirdest yet.

Under the Moon's Light (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters park yoochun, kim junsu
With 2 subscribers, 420 views, 2 comments, 5250 words
Status Completed

What if you knew that the person you love, loves someone else?

Love In Chocolate Kisses (L.I.C.K.) (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   junsu   oneshot   romance   yoochun   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu
With 7 subscribers, 910 views, 4 comments, 4192 words
Status Completed

Summary: Yoochun is a chocolate critic. He hears a new shop being opened that boasts of the best chocolates so it’s expected he’d come. But is he really ready to taste the best chocolate?

STRUCK (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   junsu   oneshot   romance   yoochun   yoosu   pg13 
Characters park yoochun, Kim junsu
With 640 views, 1 comments, 3318 words
Status Completed

An uncanny accident happened to Junsu one day and it was all because of Yoochun..  

Losing Love (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 1 subscribers, 410 views, 2 comments, 1539 words
Status Completed

Junsu and Yoochun both discovered a rare perfume. But this perfume was very mysterious. All the people seemed to love it but both of them wanted to never smell it again.   A/N: The second version of the arc ‘Perfume’. I hope you like this one too. Tell me which

Chasing Love (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 1 votes, 1 subscribers, 380 views, 1797 words
Status Completed

Junsu and Yoochun, the best perfumers in Korea, both caught an undeniably unforgettable scent one day. They both wanted to catch it again so they could recreate it, but it was difficult. Would they be able to do it?   A/N: This is another take at Versions. I haven’t done this in a while so I wanted to write stories for it again. This is the first version. Both stories are inspired from the brilliant movie ‘Perf

Run Away (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 1 votes, 5 subscribers, 300 views, 2 comments, 2856 words
Status Completed

Yoochun and Junsu are going to a wedding. But one of them is going to be heart-broken.

If You Look My Way (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 5 subscribers, 430 views, 1 comments, 3055 words
Status Completed

A story about a man with great observation skills and a man who deliberately goes out of his way to be seen by him.

I Hate Cops! (one shot)

By ellaine_mae Updated
Tags  fluff   oneshot   romance   yoosu   pg13 
Characters Kim Junsu, Park Yoochun
With 2 subscribers, 260 views, 3 comments, 1793 words
Status Completed

Yoochun hates cops…really. But one day, something happens that put someone in his path that may change his view about them. ^^