Comments: Immortals [The Otherworld #1]

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Chapter 27: Baekhyun im sorry i can't help but laugh when you almost passed out when hyesun hinted she's sort of a demigod >.< you guys need to consider 'drop-out-from-school' option lol how you guys manage to attend school and meddle with magic stuffs, it's just getting messier, go home-schooling guys ;) AND HOW COULD YOU BE SUCH A SWEET QTPIE >.< he asked permission --- BLESSING -- from her father, i can't >.< Plus our fatherly Lord Jongin.... im speechless at this point, i can't translate my rants anymore into english u,u YASSSS I'll wait for Seulgi vs Issandra part, Seulgi's a badass in here (and sometime irl) The "talk" about bonded thing? Yes, yes, please, if being officially bonded for each other help them (or more like help Hyesun) to, you know, adapting in that new world then let's have them talk soon. I guess lots of readers are throwing confetties here and there, lots comments of prev chapter were proved true. Thank you for updating, Reya (is it?) and the one who want us to comment DORK (idk your name sorry ._.v)
jesyra #2
Chapter 27: Oh wow. I'm glad Hyesun's trying to come up to terms with her real lineage. This is so exciting. I'm happy that Jongin found the last Kyrios, that Baekhyun is being a sweetheart to Hyesun and her parents, and that things are slowly unfolding (like Sooyoung is still alive, and what Junmyeon ranted about). Oh, and I also actually assumed that the beef Seulgi had with Issandra is because the latter killed Alyona and is probably destryoing what Alyona worked hard for. I loved it so much. Thank you for the update~
Chapter 27: Asdfghjkl that was so cute ;-; Honestly can I have a boyfriend like Baekhyun ;-;

On the other hand, I'm really, really excited for how the Apollo/Alyona thing plays out. Now that we know Issandra possibly murdered Alyona...the buildup, OMG.

(Dork XD)
Chapter 27: lowkey super happy seeing Papa Jongin give words of wisdom to Hyesun and Baek being surprised at him ruffling Hyesun's hair.... I am expanding the little vampire family to include Hyesun as Jongin's niece or god daughter thing (pun NOT intended) because he knew her mother hehehe. I also enjoyed Sungjun's light scolding for eavesdropping hahahah
Chapter 26: Oh my. I've somehow forgotten to read the last two chapters though I bookmarked them lol It was nice having three chapters to read :3

At first, I was confused that Hyesung had a vision of someone else than Lamia but halfway through the visions, I stopped reading for a moment because I was shocked because I realized it. At the end of the chapter you confirmed it.

I also think I know a bit of what's coming for us and I think I did notice the things starting to unfold in the background lol I'm not too sure though, so I'll tell you if my predictions were right or wrong when the time comes.

xo Tatari
Narrida #6
Chapter 26: Oooooooo, thinks are starting to get juicyyyyyyy. Can't wait to see what unfolds and also more baekhyun and hyesun fluff, cause its adorabubble. Also keen for more on yeri and her relationships with seulgi and jongin
Chapter 26: this chapter contain too much information, i think i need too consider reread all chapter first, and then sort things out from my mind. like, how the hell Hyesun got a vision of another person, other than Lamia? and god damn (this is just my silly thoughts, but) she's a reincarnation of Alyona(?) or smth? she's alyona's daughter? I really need to sort a lot of things rn damnnnnnnn like we had a lot going in i can't comprehend it for now lol i'm dyiiiiiiiiiing~ blame my slow brain loading. can't help to meet Kim Jongdae later and hear his explanation about everything! ^^

oh, btw authornim, i think you need to put warning in forewords for possible spoiler in comment section for new readers. i restrain myself to read them tho, recent comments contain heavy semi-spoiler of the story ^^v awesome chapter as always ;)
Chapter 26: this chapter contain too much information, i think i need too consider reread all chapter first, and then sort things out from my mind. like, how the hell Hyesun got a vision of another person, other than Lamia? and god damn (this is just my silly thoughtd, but) she's a reincarnation of Alyona(?) I really need to sort a lot of things rn damnnnnnnn like we had a lot going in i can't comprehend it for now lol blame my slow brain loading. can't help to meet Kim Jongdae later and hear his explanation about everything! ^^

oh, btw authornim, i think you need to put warning in forewords for possible spoiler in comment section for new readers. i restrain myself to read them tho, recent comments contain heavy semi-spoiler of the story ^^v
Chapter 26: WHIPPED X1000

there's so much going on right now i cajkhdsbsdkfb
Chapter 26: ... It will be hell on Earth crap. If Hyesun really is who I think she is, then she Will have a LOT of work to do. Specially training. And I wonder how the other factions will face this. And how Yeri fits in all this mess.
Chapter 26: My mind is all over the place rn. A demi god witch, assumed true heir to the throne of the temple of Hecate, misi psyche of a werewolf beta, with the memories of the vampire queen and her own mother /who was also a queen/ inside her. Damn, girl got a lot of things going on and she doesn't even know it. That's rough. Is she gonna have to take down Issandra from the previous chapter? Is her father part of why she has the ~weird mind power~ that is rare for witches? I forgot what it's called, oops. Or maybe the divinity she inherited from Apollo is what makes her able to carry memories from two different people as well as her own.
Wait, is it bad that her mom had a child with someone who isn't her misi psyche? Baek must have freaked when she passed out but I wonder how Jongin reacted since he knows about her visions. Jongdae is gonna get a kick out of talking to Hyesun.
Hoping to see more Greek mythology tbh, my 10 year old Percy Jackson fan self is rejoicing. I'm so sorry I can't organise my thoughts into a shorter comment hahahahha
Chapter 26: Holy...omg...just want to read the next chapter...dying...
jesyra #13
Chapter 26: Oh my Lord. I enjoyed this so much. I had a feeling Alyona was her mom. Wow a demi-god priestess/witch. No wonder she had visions. Wow. I am totally mindblown; I forgot about my migraine.
Chapter 26: Omg theories.

Is Hyesun Alyona and Apollo's daughter and somehow Lamia's soul resided in her or something because they were friends?

What am I even saying
hildanova #15
Chapter 26: She's the last Kyrios isnt she? She's Alyona's daughter? This is getting interesting~
bulblover #16
Chapter 26: Oh my god. oh my god so Hyesun is Alyona and Apollo's daughter. Oh my god. I had this inkling feeling that Hyesun might be a very powerful person in the Otherworld and I at first thought that she might be Lamia and Sehun's daughter but it then doesn't make sense because they're both vampire but I don't know any other powerful beings in the previous chapters and now it's revealed damn. does it mean she'll take the high priestess spot? wait how did heechul know? how did jongdae know? and since alyona and lamia are friends does it mean hyesun is supposed to be friends with her too? god too many questions. but I know the answers will come in due time. thank you so much for updating! xoxo
bulblover #17
Chapter 25: Oh goodness the typos I hope you still got what I mean there's like to many I really don't make any sense wow I can't even english what
bulblover #18
Chapter 25: Wow I don't know what I feel about this. You see I've subscribed to this story floor a long time yet I haven't read it until just now. It was just sitting in my subscription list yesterday. I've never felt so silly for not reading this all right after I saw the foreword. God. This is so so so beautiful, the characters, the politics, the Underworld, oh I love alternate universe and this one is made really (somehow in a way I can't explain) realistic. Even though it's not realistic. I don't even make sense anymore. You see I love Hyesun and her character and just how normal and human she actually is despite being thrown into this whole fiasco of I'm-a-witch-but-I-get-weird-visions-of-vampire-queen-and-I'm-mated-with-a-werewolf? thing. And Yeri and Jaehyun and Seulgi and Jongin and Sehun and Lamia idk the vampire pairings are so perfect (not because I ship the real people but the characters and their history is ugh I can't even form words). And this is basically just a rant of my newfound love of this story I'm sorry there's no like constructive criticism or my actual thoughts about the plot and how things play out I guess I'll comment on the next chapter. I'm sorry I don't make much sense. Thank you for making this story! Xoxo.
Chapter 25: No need to cross it out, I think everyone is cool with calling Seulgi 'mom' instead xD So of course that makes Jongin 'dad' too! Because only their precious daughter can get away with calling the lord by his first name heheh not even their eventual-in-law Jaehyun lolololol
Excited to see what 's gonna go down between mama Seulgi and that priestess after the two leave!! Woo~
Chapter 25: Yeri is like Jongin and Seulgi's daughter tho xD