Comments: Immortals [The Otherworld #1]

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COriginal #1
Chapter 31: Lmao im dying. I did not expect Minseok as a freaking satyr
Chapter 31: omg Minseok is a satyr. Wow, thats something I didnt see coming.
And yaaaaay, an update. I remember when I found this story and I read it I checked your update time and it read 3 days ago. XDD I think I have some kind of curse because authors always stop updating whenever I read it. :(
BUUUUT lamia. Taeyong. wow. A lot happened. ><
Chapter 31: Hmm..... Can't wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 31: Cracked up at Sehun's comment about "stuffy old people" when they're some of the oldest characters in this story xD Also cracked up at Minseok being a satyr. What a great concept??? Oh my god I love it. I've come across a dryad or two in fics but never a satyr. Takes me back to my Percy Jackson days :')

Excited to see how Minseok and Taeyong interact with everyone, especially Taeyong and Yeri! I still have a bit of hope for Seokjin but if Yeri can get a little brotherly care or guidance from Taeyong, that would be nice... but then again, you can't have everything.
Don't worry! I can totally understand that you don't have the time or energy to write right now though you might really want to (and actually have the next 'like ten chapters' planned out, like you said). I have a ton of exams in May now, so I also don't have the time to update nor actually write just a little (or even read, which is depressing), so I totally understand that you might not be able to update for a while for whatever reason.

So don't worry about that, I can wait XD

xo Tatari
Chapter 30: I'm looking forward to what'll happen next cos wow everything is chaos. Good luck with school to you and your beta! I've just started university this month so I wonder when my academic world will become chaos too, eek
jesyra #7
Chapter 30: Good luck with your exams. Take short breaks between studying, it really helps when you destress. Thank you for the update. I was surprised to see this chapter. :)
Chapter 30: i wish i could help you, but i, myself, am currently working on my research paper ㅠㅠ so yeah... fighting for us! ;)

Baekhyun, you are rational enough to be an Alpha -- i agree with him so... sooo much >.< Poor him tho, i can't imagine baekhyun's reaction when he realized that Hyesun has been 'kidnapped' by her bestfriend.... You're strong Baek! ;) btw those politics situasion, gurl, you rock!

Stay strong for you too Rena, and Tri! ;) Have fun with your school! :D Comeback whenever you guys have time ^^
COriginal #9
Chapter 29: Jihyo? As in Song Jihyo or Jihyo from Twice? But either way, I love them both.
Chapter 29: Yubin seems like she really carros about Hyesun, tho I'm kinda worried about what happened in the end. Where are they? Why are they there? Is Hyesun in danger? This has something to do with the current ruckus within the witches?
Chapter 29: I totally forgot the ing list. But I kept wondering if it was mentioned in the very first chapter because I had something nagging me at the back of my mind. So... I guess I didn't completely forget about it? I even think the princess thing was mentioned there, but I'm totally not sure anymore. Gosh, my brain's mushy and useless now that my midterms are over lol

I think Jihyo had been mentioned before but I'm not sure. There had been so many names in that story by now that I'm not sure if someone's being introduced or already had been introduced before (even if indirectly) lol Oh well, anyway, I'm excited where they're taking Hyesun. Hopefully not to her death(-coven). I really hope Yubin's not a member of Issandra's coven because I totally forgot the name of her coven and I'm pretty sure it had been mentioned within the first seven chapters (Yeri in front of the court or around that time). Would explain why Yubin would be nervous. Plus, the title makes me nervous for what's about to come (tell Tri it's well thought of, though, and a nice choice of words) because I'm not sure what it's meant to predict.

There was something else I wanted to mention but I forgot. . I know it was kinda important to the story. Gah, I hate it because I know it won't come back to me -.-

I just have one critique for you: Make the font bigger. I read it on my phone so it wasn't a problem at all but now rereading parts (computer) makes it hard with the font smaller than the one used for the comments. I'd recommend making the paragraph formatting (?, sorry if the word's different - it gives me the names in German and I have to translate ^-^") to "Normal (DIV)" and the size 14, it's comfortable to read on a laptop or computer and doesn't make the font extremely big for phones ^-^

Otherwise, good luck to both of you for your upcoming exams! :)

xo Tatari
Chapter 29: Holy . What the hell happened? What exactly The Labryinth is? What's Yubin real intention? She's been off lately (hmm... not really, more like 4/5 chapter before) she's keeping something from her right? I think i've read a jihyo somewhere, lemme read back the chapters... God forbid (god im taking this way too serious i just can not forgive me), or maybe she's member of the coven thingy the one where Issandra in? Good luck (tons of it) for you guys! ^^9
jesyra #13
Chapter 29: Oh my. This is so breath-taking. And the pull of emotions. Wow. Thank you. I loved it. Oh Yubin, what now? :( I knew there was something she was keeping from Hyesun and I'm excited to find out what will happen next.
Chapter 28: Hei! I was out of aff for almost 3 weeks, so missed out a lot of my subscribed on-going story, but thank God i only missed one chapter of this ;) Damn boy, this story become even more interesting. Poor Sooyoung >.< Greed is the biggest enemy of we all, mortal or immortal one. First I thought, Hyesun is the descendant of Lamia or smth but Lamia is alive (at least her soul, like Voldemort?) DAMNNNN GURLLLLL I SUDDENLY EXCITED FOR NO REASON WTH im so weird. And yeah, so im going to be an abstain reader who will guess for any theory later because this is too good and i want to enjoy the writing then think about the future possibility later ;) Thanks for updating, guys!! Really, this story beyond my expectation! The whole things are so realllll >.<
Chapter 28: Soooo, I haven't read in a while. Which means more to comment on, yay xD

With the visions of Alyona's life, I think it took me like half of the visions to ing realize it. I remember freezing in the middle of reading, going back a few sentences, going back to where I was just to go back to the beginning again. All the while partly screaming at what I've realized. Because I couldn't believe why I didn't realize earlier lol also a prolonged scream at the very end when it was spoken out lol
btw, I was sitting on the train on my way home at that time.

Yes, people stared.
No, I did not care XD

As for the newest chapter, I'm confused. As hell.
As far as I remember (which I wouldn't trust lol) Sooyoung saw the resurrection the witches did. She got the fatal blow by Jungkook. She died. Like, actually (should have) died.
Now her body's the host for Lamia?

......I think you lost me lol

What I don't understand is that she's down there in the tunnels. There's havoc in.... America, was it? And it's supposed to be her doing. But she's not out there. Probs never really was. But there's someone doing all the damage out there.

.....Yep, you've lost me. And I ing love it.

Btw, am I too late for the DORK train?

xo Tatari

PS: the only thing I'm still able to really follow is everything about the seal lol
Chapter 28: So basically Sooyoung is still alive or something? And was Lamia the one who caused the destruction before?
Chapter 28: Well that's a pleasant sight for the first thing when you wake up.......
jesyra #18
Chapter 28: Oh my gosh. And I was wondering if Sooyoung was part of the witches' spell to bring back Lamia, and there was no way her body would have been taken by the vampires if not for that. What a surprise. When the chapter's title was The Lost Queen, I'm sure there was a bomb about to explode. Like, we already know much off her background, so I was hoping she'd finally be making her appearance.

Ahhh~ I'm so ecstatic. So much revelation in this chapter. Does Sehun know? He'd be able to get help if he does know?
Chapter 28: Bruhhhh you can't just end it on a cliffhanger like that!!!