Are you still holding on?

Better Off



“Oppa! Andwae!” said Son Naeun, giggling as Taemin tickled her from behind. The young couple was out for a breezy morning walk.
“Whyyyy. I like hearing your giggle. I’ll do whatever I can to hear it” said Taemin as his tickles shifted into a warm backhug.
“Jinjja??” Naeun asked.
“Neh” Taemin enthusiastically replied.
“Jinjjaaaa??” she repeated.
“I said yes, didn’t I? I really do” said Taemin who then proceeded to smell Naeun’s strawberry scented hair.
“Ya!” Naeun cried as she was surprised by Taemin’s sudden head-sniffing. She turned her head to give him a playful mean look. Taemin wasn’t  worried of the look Naeun gave him because he knew she was only pretending.
“Hey, I know you like it when I smell your head” said Taemin, giving her a stupid grin. He placed his hands on her cheeks, slightly pushing them together, squishing Naeun’s lips into a pout. His hands stayed there for a while as he stared into her big round eyes. His stare turned her eyes from frowny to jolly. She then took his hands, held them tight and gave him a sweet wide grin. Taemin leaned forward to rub his nose against hers, causing the lady to blush as her heart fluttered. The sight of her red tomato cheeks tickled Taemin’s heart.
“Oppaaaaa” whispered Naeun sweetly.
“Yes dear?”  Taemin curiously asked
“I got something for youuu” said Naeun in a playful melody
“Mhmmm?” Taemin’s eyes grew brightly bigger in excitement.
“Look here” Naeun took out her open palm. Taemin’s mouth opened a bit, he was puzzled to see nothing in Naeun’s hand. It was just her palms wide open. As he looked at her hand, Naeun swiftly struck Taemin’s face with a heavy slap. The impact spun Taemin and dropped him on the ground, flat on his stomach. He was unconscious. His vision slowly faded to black as the pain stung deeper into his face.

*heavy panting*

Taemin woke up in cold sweat. His dream, it was an early memory of him and Naeun distorted into a nightmare. “Oh man…..I didn’t need to be reminded of that…” said Taemin, slightly disgusted over how he used to be a little too sweet and cheesy. As he opened his eyes, he found himself in a dimly-lit room. He realized he was on his own bed. He was back in their dorm. He buried his face in his hands, relieved that he was back in the comfort of his home.  Taemin had a blurry memory of how he got home the previous night. He sighed heavily, trying to get himself together after a horrible night and an odd dream. At least getting sleep comforted him even if it was just a little.


Taemin turned his head quickly to the sudden sound of movement. He found his older friend, Jonghyun, sitting on a chair on the right side of his bed. He was holding in his laughter as he held a video cam in his hands.

“You were talking in your sleep. You had a stupid look on your face” chuckled Jonghyun as he stood from his chair to sit on Taemin’s bed.
“You filmed me didn’t you?” Taemin glared at Jonghyun.
“ ‘Naeun you are so cute when you giggle hihihi I like it so much‘ Oh please Lee Taemin. Cheesy as ever” mocked Jonghyun, holding in his laughter.
“I don’t have time for this, Kim Jonghyun. One more and I’ll kick your ” said Taemin sternly, trying not to be impulsive towards his hyung. Jonghyun’s laughter turned into concern. He knew Taemin would always be up for fun and will not be affected by such simple teasing. Normally he would react with uncontrollable laughter, fire back with more teasing and start a mini riot. That wasn’t the case now. Jonghyun knows it when there’s something wrong with his younger friend; after living under the same roof for a decade or so, how could he not tell? Taemin grew to be more like a younger brother to him.

“What’s up? You’ve been quite sullen these past 2 weeks and you’re not getting any better. It’s a great relief that we’re all on a break period. If you felt like this during our promotion schedules, that would stir so much issues. You’d find it difficult to perform. Taemin-ah, you can tell me what’s wrong. I’m all-ears, man. ” said Jonghyun, showing him that he was there for him.
 “Remember where our last conversation stopped?...” replied Taemin.
“Her?” asked Jonghyun, starting to remember what was troubling him.
“Her” said Taemin, making it more clear for Jonghyun.
“Explains why your eyes are all puffy and you didn’t even bother to change clothes. You didn’t remove your coat as if you just plopped onto the bed and passed out” said Jonghyun “But anyway, I’m guessing it went…..harsh. The questions you were asking yourself? Did you get the answers to them?”
“None of them were answered. In fact she left me with more questions” replied the freshly-wounded boy.
“W-wait, what? She left you? Just like that? That was.....drastic” said Jonghyun, who gripped the bed sheets out of shock.

“She left, hyung. I think…it’s over. This time it’s for real. It was quick but it felt like we were there for hours, without the connection we once shared. She said was she didn’t want it anymore because it wasn’t ‘healthy’ for us anymore” said Taemin, with his voice cracking a little.
“What else did she say?” asked Jonghyun, eagerly wanting to know more of the incident.
“She wanted me to be happy, but she shouldn’t be my happiness. Son Naeun, she wouldn’t do this out of nothing, there is a reason I’m sure. But I know it’s a reason she wouldn’t want me to know. I keep thinking if there was something I did or something I lacked….but she said it was not my fault…” said Taemin, staring down on his palms.
“Are you still holding on?” asked Jonghyun.
“I did and I showed her that I was. But everytime I held on to her, she slipped her way out. Not just literally. Her whole aura was different…it was alien. The way her eyes looked, the way she smiled, her voice was in an unfamiliar tone, it’s all different. I feel like she outgrew me” said Taemin.
“What are you gonna’ do now?” replied Jonghyun, trying to know his dongsaeng’s response to the situation so he would know how to help.
“I don’t know, man….I really don’t know. I feel like I should give up, but that’s not me. I can’t just throw her away. Our relationship is too precious to be thrown away just like that. She changed me, she taught me how to truly love. I was also able to pass down that unconditional love to my family, to you guys. Naeun took care of me even in my darkest days. I spent countless hours trying to take care of her, just for her to be happy/ It’s not that simple, and you know how much we’ve been through just for it to end in a snap. I want to hold on, but it seems that there’s nothing to hold on to anymore.” said Taemin.
“Well, if you feel like she outgrew you, maybe it’s time you outgrow her” suggested Jonghyun, expecting Taemin wouldn’t be convinced right away. He knew how dear Naeun was to him. He knew that even if Taemin liked many other girls before, it was only Naeun whom he really loved. He knew Taemin gave her his all. He knew how much Taemin had to sacrifice. Jonghyun also knew Naeun as a very goodhearted young woman and that she really loved Taemin to his very core, seeing though his many flaws. Jonghyun knew all that, and her sudden leaving bothered him the way it bothered Taemin. He knows it’s not going to be easy, and it isn’t going to be easy for him either having Taemin to let go of her. But he wanted to help Taemin out who seemed to have no choice left.
“Outgrow her?” Taemin asked, not getting what exactly he was trying to say but not rejecting the idea either.
“You know, maybe you grew too dependent on her that you forgot to live as an individual. Maybe you took care of her too much that you forgot to take care of yourself. Maybe, that you spent too much time on her that you missed out on other opportunities for yourself. If I were in your shoes, it would be hard to let go of her either, knowing how deep your love was. But if you have no choice left but to do so, these questions could help you move on. Maybe it’s time for you to be with… and just you” explained Jonghyun with fingers crossed. Hoping it’d clear Taemin’s mind.

“Come to think of it….” replied Taemin.
“People change, Taemin, especially the young ones. The risk of having a relationship at a young age is, well, people shed off their young ways, mindsets and standards. Leaving the other half confused and heartbroken. This is the pain of young love, and it digs deep holes in one’s heart. It’s natural that people grow. Grow a little bit more first and establish yourself firmly. Work on yourself first, before you work on a relationship.” added Jonghyun, glad that Taemin took it pretty well. Taemin was held back by all the memories, the love he gave and received, the sacrifices, the regrets, and everything that rooted to his first love. He wanted to let go but his love for her won’t let go of him.
“Hyung, I’m going to need m-more time..” said Taemin
“Take your time, Taemin-ah. You’re still young and it really won’t be quick. Do you realize how many songs I had to write to drown all my heartaches? Why don’t you try doing the same in your own way? Y'know what i mean?” suggested Jonghyun. Taemin stood up from his bed and headed towards the door. Before Taemin headed outside, he looked back at Jonghyun. Although he looked sullen and didn’t say a single word, Jonghyun knew exactly what Taemin had on his mind. Jonghyun gave him a nod and Taemin ran out the door.

“Aigoo Lee Taemin..” sighed Jonghyun as he the video cam. “Didn’t even take a shower”

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 16: Son naeun ????????
TaeYoon #2
Chapter 16: "beautiful angel who smelled like fresh, good laundry" HAHAHAHA
Chapter 14: Can we get a hug too? ㅋㅋ
fyeahminkey #4
Next jebal juseyoooo
Woah Oppa's writing a fic ㅋㅋㅋ i think i will like it.

hi sayo XDDD
TaeYoon #6
Chapter 14: Yasssssssssssssssssssssss. Hehehehehhehehehhehehehhehehehhehe. Once again I smiled without myself noticing at the interaction part XD
fyeahminkey #7
TaeYoon #8
Chapter 12: That cliffhanger T-T
TaeYoon #9
Chapter 11: That Joy pun XD
TaeYoon #10
Chapter 10: Every time when those cute moments happens, I had to take a breath then continue reading. This is like my fav fic now