Wake up, Lee Taemin

Better Off

It was 2:30 in the afternoon; Joy, Wendy, Seulgi and Yeri had already given their farewell hugs to Juhyeon and went on their way home. After a long night of eating, movies and talking Juhyeon felt an unexplainable joy in her heart and wore a wide smile on her face that she just couldn’t hold in. Was it just because of the fun she had with her friends that she missed so much? Was it the food, movies and bondings? Or maybe it was Lee Taemin? She didn’t know for sure; but she loved the feeling.

Taemin had overslept and wasn’t able to bid the girls farewell. He had trouble sleeping after all that has happened the previous day and night; happenings that caught him off guard, happenings that didn’t go as planned, happenings in which his nervousness had caused him to do the most unexpected things. It was a rollercoaster kind of a day. Although it was a rather good day, it didn’t end so well. Taemin spent all night thinking of the things that took place and his memory loss, depriving him of his sleep. His thoughts just didn’t stop bothering him. His heart was heavily filled with several different emotions mashed into one big ugly feeling. The other side of his bed suddenly felt colder than the usual. A part of him yearned for a certain something that he couldn’t decipher. Time passed by quickly and he didn’t realize. His mind kept running while his body was tired. It kept running and running until he eventually out and fell into a deep and numb kind of slumber; no dreams, no relaxation. It was sleep without rest.

The same happened to Juhyeon but in a lighter way. She was so filled with a new kind of positivity and joy that kept her heart fluttering that even her friends noticed. For the first time ever, she didn’t feel any fear after being left alone in her house. She cuddled herself on her couch and bit her lip in unexplainable joy. She checked her phone to see if any of the girls had sent her a message. As she looked at the phone’s screen, she saw the time and realized how late it already was. Taemin still hasn’t gotten up to eat. Juhyeon then stood up from her couch, grabbed two slices of pizza from the table, placed them on a plate and headed towards Taemin’s room. She felt compelled to wake him up but at the same time she didn’t want to bother his sleep. She went in the room and saw how he laid uncomfortably on the bed; he was sleeping in such a bad position. She went over to him, placed the plate of pizza on the table by the side of the bed, fixed his sheets and blankets, and repositioned him on the bed gently. She wondered why he had been sleeping too much and why he and his bed looked messy. He had a very bothered look on his face and looked like he wasn’t having such a pleasant sleep so Juhyeon decided to wake him up as sweetly as possible; after all, it was already way past lunchtime, he must have been very hungry.
“Lee Taemin, it’s time for you to wake up..” said Juhyeon as she patted on Taemin’s cheek. He grunted in response, shook his head and pulled the blanket up to cover his head.
“Heol~” sighed Juhyeon and pulled the sheets down causing Taemin to let out an annoyed grumble.
“Urgh…hyung, let me sleep more..” he grumbled with his eyes closed, half-conscious.
“But opp--” said Juhyeon then paused as she thought of a way to wake him up.

 “Um uh….” said Juhyeon and cleared .

“Taemin-ah, there’s no more time to sleep, um uh……you’re going to miss your um, concert…yeah…get up!” said Juhyeon trying to deepen her voice, attempting to sound like a man after he called her “hyung”. Taemin immediately opened his eyes, pushed away the sheets, quickly shot off the bed and got up on his feet. Juhyeon was shocked by how quickly he responded to what she said. She thought that after years of being an idol, he must have had a very strong adrenaline rush when it comes to his schedules.
“M-mwo!...” panicked Taemin until he realized he wasn’t home and remembered that he was at Juhyeon’s. He looked back to see Juhyeon standing by his bed, waving at him. He stared at Juhyeon with misty eyes, a swollen face and a very worn-out expression.
“Good afternoon” said Juhyeon, shyly waving at him and flashing an embarrassed smile. “I’m sorry I startled you, but you really had to get up and eat. Come here and sit”
“Urgh…” grunted Taemin and dragged his body to the bed. He still wasn’t fully conscious and his body ached a little.
“It seems like you had too much fun last night and had trouble sleeping” said Juhyeon as she handed the plate of pizza to Taemin. “The girls had already left, and they made sure to leave two slices for you”
“Oh...” mumbled Taemin as he took the plate into his hands. Taemin still couldn’t think straight and wasn’t able to give proper responses. He was famished, so he quickly got a slice of pizza and started eating. Juhyeon stared at Taemin as he chewed, waiting for Taemin to say something. But it wasn’t until Taemin had finished everything up that he got to talk properly.
“Kamsahamnida, Baechu-ah..” said Taemin after swallowing the last piece of pizza.
“Neh” replied Juhyeon. Taemin just sat there, blankly staring at nothing. He appeared to be on some kind of hangover. Taemin was unresponsive unlike his usual self and Juhyeon wasn’t used to this side of him.
“Y-you know, the girls really enjoyed your company” said Juhyeon to lighten up Taemin’s mood. She caught Taemin’s attention.
“Jinjja? Tell them I really enjoyed hanging out with them too” said Taemin and looked towards Juhyeon who was sitting on the side-table. She looked beautiful as always. She was so beautiful that it still felt unreal for Taemin that he was staying with her. Even if he was already at Juhyeon’s for 3 days, he still wasn’t used to waking up to such a beautiful angel who smelled like fresh, good laundry. It was a morning surprise that he was always unready for. For years it was always his hyungs or his manager that had to wake him up, and he couldn’t remember a time in which a girl had woken him up the same way Juhyeon did.
“I’ll let them know that you did” said Juhyeon “Was that the reason why you weren’t able to sleep right away? You enjoyed too much huh?”
“Well there was that and….um…” said Taemin.
“I don’t know really, I was just bothered by a bunch of different thoughts and emotions that I couldn’t explain” said Taemin. Juhyeon started to feel nervous. She thought that Taemin must’ve been bothered because of the “moments” they’ve shared last night. She thought that maybe he was uncomfortable of all the unintentional, unplanned hugging.
“What is it? Is…anything wrong?” Juhyeon asked, trying to bring anything else up just in case.
“Oh, not all of them are bad. There are just some things that I didn’t expect, some things I felt that I never thought I wanted..” replied Taemin, smiling faintly. Juhyeon blushed, her heart stopped a little after hearing this. Taemin looked at her causing her to snap out of the trance she was trapped in. Taemin smiled and chuckled at what he saw.
“Y-ya, w-what’s so funny??” asked Juhyeon, trying not too look at Taemin.
“Kyeopta…neomu kwiyowo..” said Taemin without thinking, those words just came out immediately from his mouth.
“M-mwo?” said Juhyeon blinking excessively, blushing even more.
“I said you’re so cute. You’re as red as a tomato, did I say something wrong?” flirted Taemin a little. Juhyeon covered her cheeks, lightly pressing on them.
“A-ani…w-wae..” said Juhyeon shyly. Juhyeon may have seemed shy on the outside but she was uncontrollably smiling on the inside. Taemin stood up, faced Juhyeon causing her to shrink even more. He gave her soft cheek pinches on both cheeks. Juhyeon didn’t protest against it. She instead giggled and lightly patted on Taemin’s arms.
“Ya, why are your cheeks so red” said Taemin after letting go of Juhyeon’s puffy red cheeks.
“You pinched them, how else do you think” replied Juhyeon then gave Taemin a light punch on his arm. They both laughed.
“They were red even before that” said Taemin, then gave Juhyeon a poke on the nose.

At this point, they were both unsure how they had this sense of closeness, like they have been really good friends for a long time.
 “Ya, Baechu-ah. I’m thirsty, let’s go to the kitchen” said Taemin then pulled Juhyeon by the arm. As they got to the kitchen, the both of them went straight to open the fridge. Taemin grabbed the water pitcher, took it to the table and got a glass from the table’s center. As he filled his glass, Juhyeon continued to browse through the refrigerator.
“Omo…” said Juhyeon with a worried tone.
“Wae?” said Taemin after sipping the last drop his glass.
“I’m out of supplies, there aren’t enough groceries for dinner...” said Juhyeon then closed the fridge door. “Eotteohkke..”
“Then let’s go out and shop then” said Taemin excitedly.
“No you stay here. You’re still injured and---”
“You’re afraid people will notice I’m a celebrity?”
“I-it’s not just that…”
“Baechu-ah, why are you more afraid of it than I’m supposed to be. After your friends found out yesterday who I was I feel less worried about that now. So don’t worry. I’ll be more careful, It’s alright. Let’s go?” said Taemin.
“Yaaaaa, just trust me. I’ll protect you…..Daegu Princess” said Taemin with a grin.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 16: Son naeun ????????
TaeYoon #2
Chapter 16: "beautiful angel who smelled like fresh, good laundry" HAHAHAHA
Chapter 14: Can we get a hug too? ㅋㅋ
fyeahminkey #4
Chapter 14: I..i..am SCREAMING OMG
Next jebal juseyoooo
Woah Oppa's writing a fic ㅋㅋㅋ i think i will like it.

hi sayo XDDD
TaeYoon #6
Chapter 14: Yasssssssssssssssssssssss. Hehehehehhehehehhehehehhehehehhehe. Once again I smiled without myself noticing at the interaction part XD
fyeahminkey #7
TaeYoon #8
Chapter 12: That cliffhanger T-T
TaeYoon #9
Chapter 11: That Joy pun XD
TaeYoon #10
Chapter 10: Every time when those cute moments happens, I had to take a breath then continue reading. This is like my fav fic now