Chicken and Carrot Cakes

Better Off

“Yeri-ah” Joy whispered into Yeri’s ear as she pushed Yeri out of the kitchen.
“Neh eonnie? Why are you pulling me out of the kitch---”
“Shhh! Whisper!” Joy whispered aggressively.
“Oh, mian” whispered Yeri.
“Did you see how Baechu-eonnie was wiggling her eyebrows while eating the pancake with the blinky-blinky eyes?” asked Joy while pressing on Yeri’s shoulders.
“Wae, the pancakes she made were sooooo good, even eonnie herself was amazed by the taste” replied Yeri. Joy then pulled Yeri’s pigtails causing the little girl to gasp.
“Ow! Eonnie what was that for??”
“Pabo-ya, that’s not what I mean” furiously whispered Joy, frustrated that Yeri wasn’t getting her point. “You saw how sweet this Taemin was towards her right? She kept eating like she didn’t hear us, like she was high. You know eonnie’s eyebrows wiggle involuntarily only when she’s happy or delighted and it’s uncontrollable right? And a boy never made her eyebrows wiggle the way the clothes iron does? RIGHT?” whispered Joy. Yeri faced Joy and gave her a sinister smirk.
“I say we keep an eye on this guy” asked Joy.
“Right ahead of you, started this morning” replied Yeri.
They gave each other a high five that turned into an arm wrestling grip as they stared into each other’s eyes with a zap. This was their bestfriend’s handshake.
“Yehhh?” asked Yeri in their secret language.
“Yeeehhhhh~” replied Joy.

“It seems like you two watch way too much wrestling” said Taemin who just came out of the bathroom as he passed by Joy and Yeri on the way back to the kitchen. Joy and Yeri released their grip and quickly composed themselves, nervous that Taemin heard their whole conversation. Joy gave Yeri a slight push on the back and the both of them followed Taemin to the kitchen. Joy and Yeri took their seats. An air of awkward silence breezed through the kitchen as the four of them sat there. Not one word was heard or spoken. Joy and Yeri were just staring intently at Juhyeon and Taemin, Juhyeon stared blankly on the table as she on the remaining blueberry syrup on her fork, while Taemin’s eyes were just traveling around the room. As Taemin’s eyes moved around, his vision passed by the two younger girls and saw that they had their eyes on him.
“Well this is awkward. Are they still wondering what happened to my face?” Taemin thought to himself, bothered by how silent the whole circle was.

“So um…..what’s for lunch?” Taemin blurted out the first random question on the top of his head to break the silence.
“I ordered some chicken” said Joy with a dreamy look on her face.
“Wow! Can’t wait” said Taemin, full of excitement. Joy felt threatened by Taemin’s enthusiastic response. She felt both scared and aggressive.
“It seems like this guy’s gonna be eating a lot, I better eat as much chicken as I can. This is war” Joy thought to herself, feeling determined.
“Our Joy ordered us food so we could have fun freely and not worry of cooking” said Juhyeon to lighten up the mood.
“No problem eonnieeeee” said Joy who then reached out her hand towards Juhyeon. She was quite glad that Juhyeon liked her idea.

After a few moments, the chicken delivery guy arrived at the doorstep. Joy paid for the chicken then took it to the kitchen dining table.
“Jajang! Chicken is here!” exclaimed Joy as she placed the box of chicken in the middle of the table. She opened the box causing the sweet savory smell of the deep-fried, soy garlic chicken to fume all over the kitchen. The sight and smell of the chicken made everyone so hungry and impatient to eat; everyone except Juhyeon. As the scent entered her nose, her insides started to react badly. She remembered the last time she ate chicken in which her head grew extremely painful and her skin turned paler than how it already was. There was even a time in her childhood when her mother bought her chicken all week and after that, she grew sick of it and kept throwing up. She doesn’t know why this happens but she thinks her body just really doesn’t accept chicken.
“Omo. The food is already here. I don’t want to tell Joy that I’m uncomfortable with chicken. She’s been so kind to not let me worry about cooking, I don’t want to hurt her feelings” Juhyeon thought to herself. She was very worried how she would tell the others about her condition and what she would eat as an alternative. Juhyeon was growing more and more nervous as the three were already digging in the box. Joy held two pieces of chicken in her hands, Yeri was nibbling on her drumstick and Taemin was enjoying every bite. Juhyeon thought there was no other choice left for her but to tell Joy but she had to break it down to her gently. Juhyeon went behind Joy and gave her a backhug while she was munching down ravishly on the chicken, not minding everyone else.
“Joy, thank you so much for the chicken” Juhyeon lovingly whispered to Joy. Joy was shocked by Juhyeon’s sudden expression of gratitude that she dropped the pieces of chicken on her plate.
“Neh eonnie, no problem. But why are you not eating yet”
“Joy, I really appreciate the thought that you don’t want me to worry about cooking but I can’t eat I’m sorry”
“Eonnie-ya….wae? What’s wrong?”
“Remember the last time I tried to eat chicken?”
Joy tried to recall and remembered that day when they rushed Juhyeon to the ER after eating chicken at Lotteria. Joy suddenly felt bad that she forgot that Juhyeon couldn’t eat chicken. She remembered how she grew worried that day. She remembered how lifeless Juhyeon looked in the emergency room and it broke her heart. She felt like her efforts to keep Juhyeon from worrying about cooking was useless. She felt that she burdened Juhyeon instead. Joy wiped her fingers with a napkin, stood up from her seat and faced Juhyeon to give her a warm hug.
“Mianhae eonnie. I’m sorry I forgot that chicken makes you sick. I’m so selfish. I’m sorry I only thought of myself because I loved chicken so much” Joy said gloomily as she hugged Juhyeon. The little lady hugged her back and patted on her shoulders. Juhyeon knows that Joy may be playfully evil at times but she knows that Joy means no harm at all. Juhyeon felt how sorry Joy was over this as Joy expressed her warm side. The baby Joy was starting to show.
“Awww my Joy, I know you didn’t mean it. Eonnie is sorry too, I also forgot. I should’ve told you earlier. I’m still grateful, because at least you, Yeri and Taemin are enjoying. I’ll find something else to ea--”
“Aniya eonnie, what do you want, I’ll go out to buy you something else”
“No no it’s okay”
“No eonnie, what do you want to eat, I’ll go buy you food! Please let me!” cried Joy. Yeri and Taemin were startled by Joy’s sudden change in volume. The two of them looked at Juhyeon and Joy with curious looks and Juhyeon gestured to them to keep eating and that she’ll take care of it. Taemin and Yeri looked down as they continued to eat, trying not to snoop in between Juhyeon and Joy’s conversation. In order to prevent Joy from further humiliation, Juhyeon hugged her tighter and sat her down gently.
“Eonnie…” mumbled Joy whose tears were starting to fall.
“You’re so selfish…what if Eonnie didn’t remember and ate the chicken…what if she got sick again…you’re so stupid” Joy blamed herself in her head for “nearly killing” Juhyeon. Juhyeon then placed her palms on Joy’s cold cheeks and wiped her tears with her thumbs.
“Don’t worry about eonnie, I got two loaves of carrot cake in the fridge and that would be more than enough for my lunch. Don’t cry dear, mianhae” gently comforted Juhyeon who felt bad for saddening Joy, but she had no choice but to do so for the sake of both of them. Juhyeon kissed Joy on the forehead then Joy hugged her once more while she sat down.
“Go enjoy your chicken and cheer up. Don’t worry about eonnie” said Juhyeon. She Joy’s hair, went to the fridge to take out two loaves of carrot cake and headed to the couch to eat. Joy went back to munching on her chicken cheerlessly.

After all these, Taemin couldn’t resist but ask Yeri about what happened.
“Yeri-ah, what’s up with Joy and Juhyeon” whispered Taemin.
“From what I heard Joy-eonnie feels bad for buying chicken, it seems like the both of them forgot that Juhyeon eonnie gets sick whenever she eats chicken. I never knew that chicken makes eonnie sick until I heard her say it just a while ago” Yeri whispered back. She happened to have heard the whole conversation.
“She still looks bummed out, I’m sure she didn’t mean it” said Taemin.
“Yeah she must be blaming herself for it again” replied Yeri. Taemin knew so well what it felt like to blame himself for something he didn’t mean to do or for failing. The look on Joy’s face was eerily familiar to him. It was the same look that he saw in front of him on the dance studio mirror years ago. He saw how caring and sensitive Joy was to Juhyeon and he didn’t want her to feel what he felt before. Taemin realized that he wasn’t really so hungry anymore after eating plenty, so after eating his last piece, he thought of giving Joy his remaining share of chicken. He knew that Joy would love it more than he will for his stomach yearns for steak more. He gave it a shot for Joy to stop being hard on herself. He pushed the chicken box towards Joy. Joy looked looked towards him, looking confused.
“I’m not hungry anymore” said Taemin.
“M-mwo? W-wae?” asked Joy curiously.
“Have my remaining share, Joy-ssi. Cheer up” said Taemin with a smile that was filled with sympathy. Blood rushed up Joy’s chubby cheeks, and her heart started beating with joy (pun intended). Just when Joy thought Taemin was going to steal away her beloved chicken, Taemin gave up his chicken for her. She was surprised. Whenever she eats chicken with guys around, she feels like she’s in a competition because everyone’s always in such a rush to eat as much as they can. Usually guys would leave her with less chicken to eat, but Taemin was the first guy to actually leave some for her and she found this so sweet. She suddenly felt bad for calling him a “greasy grey monkey”. She started to see that Yeri was right about him being nice and decent even if his face looked dirty.  She started to see why Juhyeon was willing to call him oppa. She started to realize why Juhyeon didn’t mind letting him stay with her.
“K-kamsahamnida…Taemin-oppa” Joy said quietly without thinking and Taemin responded with a wink and a smile. She didn’t mean to call him oppa but she didn’t regret doing so. She then shyly pulled the box closer to her and started to put more chicken on her plate. Thus, Taemin put the ‘Joy’ back in ‘joyful’. Yeri beggingly looked at Taemin and whispered “Oppa what about me?” with a pout. Taemin hugged Yeri and whispered, “Your Joy-eonnie needs to feel better, let her have the rest of the chicken, we ate enough. I’ll get you something else next time”
Yeri nodded cheerfully. She liked Taemin’s idea and she liked how he thought of it before she did.

Meanwhile, Juhyeon watched the other three in the kitchen from the living room. She saw how Taemin acted like a real oppa. She was happy for him because it seems like he finally felt what’s it like to have younger siblings and he was actually doing great at it. He was very sweet and caring towards Joy and Yeri, and it made Juhyeon glad that the three of them were getting together just fine on their first meeting. Juhyeon’s heart felt closer to Taemin seeing how he treated her beloved dongsaengs nicely. He was indeed special. She felt grateful for meeting him and couldn’t wait to get to know more about him. She was starting to trust him more and more and felt sad thinking of the fact that Taemin will eventually leave and head back to Seoul. Though a part of her didn’t want Taemin to go because she was going to be alone again, she just thought of enjoying every moment with her newfound friend for as long as he will stay.


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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 16: Son naeun ????????
TaeYoon #2
Chapter 16: "beautiful angel who smelled like fresh, good laundry" HAHAHAHA
Chapter 14: Can we get a hug too? ㅋㅋ
fyeahminkey #4
Next jebal juseyoooo
Woah Oppa's writing a fic ㅋㅋㅋ i think i will like it.

hi sayo XDDD
TaeYoon #6
Chapter 14: Yasssssssssssssssssssssss. Hehehehehhehehehhehehehhehehehhehe. Once again I smiled without myself noticing at the interaction part XD
fyeahminkey #7
TaeYoon #8
Chapter 12: That cliffhanger T-T
TaeYoon #9
Chapter 11: That Joy pun XD
TaeYoon #10
Chapter 10: Every time when those cute moments happens, I had to take a breath then continue reading. This is like my fav fic now