Bonus #6

Fight me, Hong Jisoo!

   FightMe  HongJisoo    )

Bonus Chapter #6 :
"Ah... Stresssssssssss!"





‘Hyung, hyung! Pass me the butter!’

‘Huh? But the kids forgot to get butte-‘ Jun furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

‘Just give me the leftover from yesterday.’ Minghao mumbles, eyes focused on the bowl of flour and sugar as he steadily stir the bowl.

The older of the two leans against the counter after giving Minghao what he needed, observing (more like admiring) Minghao’s stance. The kid may be a cute cinnamon roll 23/7 but he sure focuses when he needs to. The younger’s eyes never left his bowl, hands moving on its own to grab the egg and butter; Jun had always admired how the kid can focus so intensely, even with all the noise from outside the kitchen and Vernon and Seungkwan’s constant bickering. Jun sure knows he himself can’t do it without overmixing and getting batter all over his face, or chucking it across the room at the two bickering culprit.


In the midst of daydreaming and admiring Minghao, Jun places his elbow on the counter, chin on top of his hand to comfortably look at the other. Ignoring the judging stares from Vernon and Seungkwan, Jun acts as Minghao’s left hand.


As the batter gets thicker from all the flour, Minghao finds himself holding onto it with his free hand and the other stirring.

And since Jun had nothing (‘But looking at you is something-‘ ‘Be productive, hyung!’) to do, the younger commanded him to be a helping hand and gives him whatever’s on the recipe.



‘Baking powder.’




At the sudden tone from Jun, Minghao stops and turns to look at his boyfriend.

‘What?’ Jun raises his eyebrows, lifting his eyes to look back and Minghao lets out a sigh when he sees the boredom painted clearly over Jun’s face.

‘Hyung, I know it’s boring but it’s your fault for being too lazy to make your own cake!’ Minghao whines, releasing his hold on the bowl to poke his boyfriend’s cheek.

‘But it’s fun to watch you make a cake!’ Jun pouts like a child being scolded and Minghao has a hard time remembering who’s older than who. 


‘Gosh, you really are persistent, aren’t you?’ Minghao lets a chuckle slip past his lips as he remembers how Jun had refused to leave the kitchen to help Soonyoung and Seokmin out, instead insisting to be seated right next to the working Minghao, doing nothing. Jisoo and Junghan had given up after a few tries of pulling chinese male outside, never succeeding so they were better off leaving him there.


‘You should know that by now~’ Jun grins, leaning in to give Minghao a quick peck on his check, at the same time pouring the sugar into the bowl.

Smiling back, Minghao turns back to his bowl, trying hide the slight blush on his cheek as he continues stirring.

Even after months of dating you, it’s amazing how you can still manages to make my heart race.




‘Hyung, come on! Get out of the kitchen and come eat with us!’

‘Yeah, Minghao! Come on, it’s Jihoon’s treat today!’

‘Hey, hey, you make it sound like I’ve never treated you guys before!’

‘You never did-‘

‘Oi you little-‘

With all the screaming Minghao can hear from behind the kitchen door, he figures Seungkwan had managed to push Jihoon’s buttons and is probably running for his life now. Chuckling to himself, Minghao returns to his unfinished cake, letting out a deep sigh as he stare at the slightly burned cake.

To be honest, Minghao hasn’t been doing his best lately and no matter what he does, it’s never as good as it should be. As much as he wanted to leave the now dreaded kitchen and have fun with the others, he knew it’s his responsibility to do his best and not let them down. He definitely couldn’t let Jun down.

With a low grunt, the demotivated male pushes his burnt cake aside, pulling out a clean bowl along with the bag of flour.

(By now, Minghao doesn’t care to spare a glance at the amount of dirty dishes and bowl he has in the sink right now.)

‘Ming?’ Right on cue, Jun pokes his head in between the kitchen door, his chef jacket (Mingyu had about it before but Jun couldn’t care less, it made him look professional) already long gone.

Turning to the sound of his name, Minghao cracks a tired smile towards his boyfriend; hair perfectly tousled (courtesy of Mingyu) and shirt casually tugged into his black pants, Jun flashes a smile back and Minghao still wonders how the older could look so damn good after a whole day of work. 


Silence fills the room as Jun makes his way towards the focused Minghao, eyes glued to the recipe placed in front of him. As if expected, Minghao lets out a small hum when he feels Jun’s toned arms wrapped around his body from behind, chin against Minghao’s shoulders.

Still baking?’ Jun mumbles against Minghao’s skin, nuzzling into the younger’s neck, ‘C’mon, you’ve been here for the past few days.’


So,’ Jun answers confidently, unfazed by Minghao’s annoyance. ‘Let’s get out of here. Let’s go outside, have some food, have some fun!’


Hyung.’ Minghao growls, patience running low; he’d heard these words everyday for the past few weeks and it’s killing him not to lash out at them. Baking is fun. He doesn’t need to go out to have fun, he’s baking for fun.

(At least that’s what he likes to think.)

‘Seriously, come on! We haven’t went out on a date for like what, almost a month now-‘

Jun is interrupted by Minghao turning around aprubtly, face stern and hands on Jun’s shoulder, pushing the older away just slightly (definitely not far enough as Jun’s hands are still placed securely on the younger’s waist.)



Time seems to stop as the two male are lost in each other’s gaze, Minghao’s stern look slowly softening from Jun’s confidence. Knowing his boyfriend and how stress could change the kid for even just a second, Jun raises his hand to pat the other’s hair gently, smiling cheekily as he flicks Minghao’s forehead.

‘Ah…’ Minghao whines, pushing Jun’s shoulder jokingly as he pouts, holding onto his forehead. ‘Don’t laugh at me! You’re just mean now, hyung!’


Jun’s laughs resonate around the room, probably loud enough for the other 11 kids to hear. If it isn’t for the fact that Jun is his boyfriend, Minghao would’ve kicked the guy back to China. Matter of fact, Minghao is all ready to at least physically kick the older out of the kitchen.

‘Alright, alright~’ Jun wipes the tears at the corner of his eye, pinching the other’s cheek lovingly. ‘Don’t blame me when your face is so… So laughable.’


‘Okay, okay, sorry!’ At the sight of Minghao lifting up his leg and all ready to give him a big kick, Jun stops laughing and instead, pulls the younger’s apron off in one swift move.

Despite Minghao’s yells of ‘Give it back!’ and ‘Come on, I have to work!’, Jun chucks the apron all the way to the end of the room.

‘Hyung, you’re the worst…’ Minghao sighs, pouting as he leans against the counter.

‘Yet you still love me~’ Jun says cheekily, planting a quick kiss on Minghao’s lips as he entertwined their hands together, pulling Minghao out of the kitchen before the other changed his mind.

‘B-But the dishes-‘ Minghao stutters, cheeks turning a dark shade of pink.

‘Seungkwan can do that tomorrow, now let’s go~’

‘I’m not doing any of your dishes!’ Seungkwan exclaims, knowing that it was no use since he is the youngest together with Vernon in the kitchen. 


Oh well, I’ll just make Vernon do it~

With the thought of that, Seungkwan turns to his side and flashes an innocent smile at Vernon, arms linked together as the two continues their walk out of the cafe.







AUTHORS'S NOTE :  Oh my god... OH MY GOD AFTER A MONTH MORE OMG JKDSJLASKJDLA I'M SO SORRY GUYS BUT OK SO HERE IT IS, HERE IS THE FINAL CHAPTER OMF JFDKLASD I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG I'LL MAKE IT UP WITH A POSSIBLE EPILOGUE BUT NO GUARANTEE CUZ GOD DAMN SCHOOL... STRESSSSSS YO T^T but thank you soooo much for all your support i swear if it wasn't for you guys, i would've probs dropped this story since i'm such a weak-willed person. alright omg i hope this didn't turn out like sigh f school sighfkd asjkdls but okay bye guys (hopefully we'll see each other again on another story ;) ;) #kwon_spoiler is back at it.) thank you so much i love you all ♡




credits to fallen angel

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[Fight me, Hong Jisoo] - 08/08/2015 - First chapter is nearly done ♥


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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 13: so cute asdfghjkl
Apple_xing #3
Uhm hi xD i have read this fic of your a along time ago , i really like this fic of you , so i want to ask you that can i translate your fic , i promise you that i will credit you but it's ok if you don't want to , i respect your decision xD
Lifeisworthit #4
Chapter 2: Hahahahahaha Chan is Jeonghans son
heemenashi #5
woo.. I'm so going to read this :)
Chapter 19: THIS STORY IS SO GREAT!!! I love this so much because of the plot, and the ships and oh God everything about this fanfic is so fluffy, even the edits.. Thank you so much for making such a great story!