
Smoll Bean

Kihyun named one of the kittens Key and I named the other Locket. Summer vacation was nearly over and we both were just spending time with each other. My break was fun. Since my vacation is almost over I have to go back home since my place right now is just a get away from home. That means I can't see Kihyun anymore.. Wait I don't care about him, I do not have any feelings for him. Actually I can see him still since my parent's house is a few blocks away, but I'm not going to anyways.

After I washed up and put on some decent clothes I walked to Kihyun's house to see how the kittens are doing. "Hey ____, what brings you here today?" He grinned at me. "Not for you obviously." Kihyun started humming as I walked over to the kittens. "I'm curious about that girl over there.
I can't stop looking at her. When the wind blows, her hair flies around. It makes my heart stop." Right when I turned around he was behind me, singing. I didn't know what to do so I just admired his beautiful voice. Once he was done singing I back away from him. "K-Kihyun want to go shopping with me? School starts soon." He smiled brightly at me. "Sure, I don't go to school though." I'm sure he's the same age as me, did he not finish school? "That's okay we can shop for clothes too." He was already upstairs getting ready so I walked up to wait for him. "I'll go shopping with you. It'll be a date." He chuckled. "This won't be a date Kihyun. It's just shopping!" I was tired of him annoying me, I decided to start the car and wait there.

"Whoops sorry I took so long, I was feeding the cats." He was standing in front of the car as if he was waiting for something. "I want to drive. A boyfriend should never let his girlfriend drive if she's tired." How did he know that I was tired. "I'm not tired. But okay you can drive, I'm lazy anyways."  I moved myself to the passenger seat and he got into the car and started driving. "____ do you think I should start going to school again?" "Of course education is good for everyone." We were at a stoplight and he tried to hold my hand. "Shownu and Wonho go to school, they're Seniors this year. Changkyun would be a freshman but he skipped a grade. Hyungwon and Joo are Sophomores. Minhyuk is a Junior so you'll probably see him in one of your classes." All s go to school except him.. "If you go back to school I'll be your girlfriend." He giggled and clapped his hands. "Hm if you start dating me now I'll go back." Nope that's a bad deal. "Never mind then." He then parked the car and we both headed for the entrance of the mall.

I lost Kihyun after we got in. I didn't bother to look for him since I could just text him. I bought most of my school supplies that I needed after a while. Maybe I should buy him some supplies too since he might go back to school. I slipped extra pencils and notebooks into my cart and payed. The smoothies here are great so I bought 2, one for me, one for Kihyun. Where was he anyways.
To Kihyun
Where are you? I bought a smoothie for you.
From Kihyun
I'm looking for you right now.
To Kihyun
I'm at the food court.

I was practically blind so I couldn't see him anywhere. All of a sudden he snuck up on me from behind. "Hey there sunshine." I jumped and slammed the smoothie into his hands. "Don't do that." He laughed. "Don't buy 2 smoothies next time. We could've just shared." I rolled my eyes. "Why would I share with you" "I can't finish this so you wasted your money." That's fine. I did drag him here. "That's okay I'll drink the rest for you." I finished both our drinks and went to the trash to throw them away. When I saw Kihyun hiding a bag behind him. I sat down and played on my phone. "By the way I bought you some supplies because you're going to school." He then put his hands on my cheeks and pulled my face closed towards him. "Then that means you're going to be my girlfriend." I tried not to laugh but I did and he laughed with me. I look the other direction and see Wonho.. I'm no sure but I think it's him for sure. "Kihyun!!" Wonho yelled for him as he ran over. "I got your text and I- wait what are you doing with a girlfriend. Oh never mind it's your friend." Kihyun stared Wonho down to the point he sat down. "Hi Wonho." I forced a smile on my face. He responded with a wave and frightened look. I left the two to talk.

The three of us decided to buy clothes together. They chose a store, it seemed like they come here often. I picked their clothes. We went to the changing rooms. It was funny because the things I chose for Wonho didn't suit him but he still walked and showed me his outfit with sass. Kihyun on the other hand.. He looked great with most of the clothing I chose for him. We bought like half the store. "Now it's your turn." Both Kihyun and Wonho grinned and hi fived. I walked to Victoria's Secret. "You guys wait out here, I'll be quick." Wonho sighed and said,"Why don't we just follow you." Kihyun pulled out his fist but put it away. "It'll be quick." I needed new bras and I know my bra size already so probably 20 minutes. I asked for a measurement just in case, it seems that I grew a little. Searching for bras was my favourite part and then trying them on! As I was trying out new bras I asked the worker for their opinion, and I saw Kihyun and Wonho in the corner of my eye. "What are you guys doing in here I told you I'd be quick!" Kihyun walked over and said, "Don't get that bra the other one was better." Wonho chuckled. "I asked why are you guys in here." "We came in because we've been waiting for you for over an hour." Wonho said it with sass. Then I checked my phone, i was in here for over an hour. I bought a handful of bras and left the one Kihyun didn't like. "Sorry, shopping for bras is just so fun! You guys wouldn't understand." Wonho raised his eyebrow and said, "It didn't look fun after you paid $250 for 7 bras." I pulled out a bra and said, "They're worth it."

"I'm going home with you guys since Hyungwon dropped me off." Wonho said as he sat in the backseat. I drove home. Kihyun put on music, both him and Wonho sang songs I've never heard of before. Their voices are good. I almost forgot, they're preparing for a comeback. No on really talked the ride home.

I invited them to my house for dinner. They were at Kihyun's home for a while, so I had time to get everything ready. Kihyun likes pasta, so I made some. While I let the pasta cook I took a shower and got ready. When I got out of my room to check on the good both of them were in the living room watching TV. "How'd you two get in my house?" Kihyun held a key up. "How did you get a key Kihyun?" Wonho scratched his head, "He told me you guys were dating now so that's why he had your spare keys." Gosh he's always deciding things on his own. "Whatever the food is almost done, and did you guys feed the kittens before you left?" Kihyun raised his hand and nodded. I fried some shrimp and added them to the pasta. For a while I was debating if I should put cheese. "You should put some cheese in the pasta." Wonho scared me but I agreed to do so. "Where did Kihyun go?" He laughed, "So you guys are dating!" I splashed water at his face,"No we aren't." Then Wonho hugged me and whispered, "How about we date then." Then Kihyun walked into the kitchen. "What are you two doing? Or should I say Wonho what are you doing to my girlfriend?" I escaped Wonho's arms easily. His arms were more muscular than Kihyun's, but Wonho was more gentle with me. "He was giving me advice on how I should cook pasta." Wonho looked at me and then giggled. Kihyun grabbed Wonho and dragged him to the living room.

I set up the table neatly and called them to sit down. Kihyun ran to the seat next to me so Wonho had no choice but to sit in front of us. The table was quiet. "Uh since school is starting soon I'm leaving this place and going back home." Kihyun stopped eating and just stared at his food. "Will you live far from here?" I was expecting Kihyun to ask me that since Wonho didn't know me well. "A few blocks away." Wonho sighed. "Give me your number ____" Kihyun got up and said, "I'm going to use the restroom." Wonho handed me his phone so I can put my number. I hesitated but it seems like Wonho wanted to tell me something later. Then I gave he gave me his.
From Wonho 
I have something serious to tell you
To Wonho 
Why did you add a  to your contact name, I don't even do that for my bestfriend
From Wonho 
Because hearts are my favourite things to draw. Okay anyways Kihyun really likes you and I think he's hurt right now.
To Wonho 
What do you mean he likes me.. I know he's just joking when he says he wants me to be my girlfriend etc etc.
From Wonho 
Well he's not. He actually wants you to be his girlfriend. I have a serious question for you to answer. Do you have any feelings for Kihyun? If you don't please tell him before his feelings for you get stronger.. I don't want him to be hurt.
To Wonho 
This is too much for me to handle right now.
From Wonho 
Answer my question I won't tell him I promise.
To Wonho 
I'm sort of confused.. I feel like I do. But I would never date him. Especially since he can do so much better.
From Wonho 
When he talks about you, he's happy. Trust me _____, he is a very picky person. His standards are high. You're the first girl he let inside his house besides his mom, and the first girl that he talked about.
To Wonho 
He's out of my league.. If I dated him I would just embarrass his image. And his standards are low if he actually likes me.
From Wonho 
Just give him a chance? Maybe you'll like it. I'm his bestfriend, this guy is fun to be with.

Kihyun came back to the table and sat down. We had a quiet dinner. Wonho finished first and went home. It was just me and Kihyun now. Now that I know he has feelings for me, it feels weird.. "I'll visit you Kihyun don't worry." He hugged me. "Why are you hugging me all of a sudden?" Then his arms wrapped around me tighter. "Because I like you." He reached for his pocket and grabbed a box. Is this the thing he bought earlier? He handed it to me and I opened it. It was a bracelet. "Can I put it on for you?" I allowed him to do so. It looked expensive. I saw that he had one too. "There now we look like a couple. Next time it'll be a ring hehe." I smiled at him. "Hey maybe I like this idea of us dating." Kihyun lifted me in the air, "So we're dating now?" He spun me around in the air. "If that makes you happy." We laughed together.

I began to pack the next day. It took about 2 hours since I didn't have that many things. Kihyun helped me. He drove me to my parents' home. "Should I introduce you to my parents today?" Yeah I think I will. I grabbed Kihyun and walked inside my house. "Mommy, Dad!! Where are you guys I have someone you have to meet." Kihyun laughed at me. "Why are you laughing at me?" He poked my cheek and said, "Because you sound cute when you say mommy." I blushed. My parents came downstairs and looked surprised. "Who is this boy? He is so handsome!" My mom walked over and touched Kihyun's cheekbones. My dad on the other hand was just examining Kihyun. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend Kihyun. He's been looking after me this whole vacation." All my dad did was nod. "Wonderful!" My mom seemed happy. "Hello Kihyun. I look forward to my beautiful grandchildren in the future." My dad finally spoke and laughed. Kihyun was surprised at what he had said then laughed with him.

I showed Kihyun my room. He helped me unpack. "You left your room a mess.." I rolled my eyes at him and continued to unpack. After a few hours we were almost done and the sun was down now. "I think I should head home." Kihyun patted my head. "Okay be safe." He kissed me on the forehead then left. Tomorrow is the first day of school what should I wear? Hm I'll figure that out in the morning.

It was 05:30, I had 1 hour to get ready. The first thing I did was text Kihyun.
To Kihyun 
Good morning Kihyun. Today is my first day of school. Pick me up at 2! I'll be out by then. I promise I won't make you wait.
I got ready and chose an A1 outfit. I wasn't sure if I should put on makeup or not, but I just did my brows and eyeliner. Walking to school was my only choice since it was literally 5 minutes away, unless the weather was bad or I did my hair.
From Kihyun 
I won't forget to pick you up don't worry~ Tell Minhyuk I said hi
Why is he awake so early? He never wakes up this early.

I entered my school building, as always everyone had their own thing. But after a while they all stopped and stared my direction. I turned and saw Minhyuk, Wonho and Hyungwon behind me. Minhyuk hugged me and picked me up. "Hi ____!!" This was the first time I was actually talking to Minhyuk. I said hi to the three then saw Changkyun,Shownu, and Jooheon come over. If only Kihyun was here.. "I didn't know you guys go to this school too." Jooheon patted my head and said, "We transferred for this year." I was shocked. After our little chitchat people were still staring at us. I heard whispers. "Who are those boys?" "They're with that quiet pretty girl.." I ignored it all and went to home room. My home room was full of noisy people. They all got silent when the teacher walked in. "Class, we have 2 new students." I know one of them is Minhyuk since Kihyun told me before. Hopefully the other is a girl since this home room is just guys and 6 girls. Minhyuk walked in first and introduced himself then ran to the seat next to me. He was grinning and giggling. The class stared at us. One of the girls who were popular, Nara got up and asked, "Minhyuk come sit next to me it's open." That was the nicest thing she ever said to anyone. "Uhh no. ____ is my friend. I like her, leave us alone." Nara looked mad and rolled her eyes at me. Then finally the second student came in, and all the girls in the class screamed. It was Kihyun. I got up but Minhyuk tapped me to sit back down. "Hello I am your new classmate, Yoo Kihyun." He winked at me. He should've at least told me he was coming back to school. Kihyun walked to the seat in front of me. "Minhyuk let me sit next to my girlfriend." Minhyuk looked the other direction pretending not to hear. The girl behind me, Jess pulled my hair. Kihyun saw and threatened her, "Do not touch ____, I will report you to the office." Her eyes glowed when she was staring at Kihyun, it made me a bit mad.

Homeroom was finally over and I decided to ignore Kihyun because he didn't tell me anything about this. So I talked to Minhyuk about our schedule. Minhyuk is a lot more playful and nicer than Kihyun. He was also a lot taller. "Woah we got the same exact schedule!" Minhyuk high fived me. Then Kihyun got between us, let me see your schedules. Minhyuk handed his to Kihyun but I kept on walking to the cafe. I saw Wonho sitting with Shownu so I went to their table. "Kihyun looks mad, did Minhyuk do something?" Shownu asked. "No, I'm just ignoring him." Wonho laughed at me. I glared at him and he started to drink his Starbucks. Minhyuk joined the table and said, "Kihyun wants to talk to you. He's near the trash where he belongs!" I looked over to see Kihyun. Girls were all over him.. I see all the pretty, mean, popular, and my enemies near him. I rushed to Kihyun but I was pushed back by Nara. "Back off I called him." Kihyun looked over and tried to escape the girls but finally got through and helped me up. "You can't call me, I'm already taken." Kihyun said. All the girls looked sad. "By who? Who's the witch?!" They all sounded scary so I decided to leave and go back to the table. I saw someone take my seat, it was Kyungri, the pretty face of the school. She's nice, a friend of mine actually. "She's not a witch, she's my sunshine. She's ______." Kihyun back hugged me. I totally forgot about the situation behind me. All the girls groaned and walked away. The whole cafe was staring at us. I heard Wonho and Minhyuk laughing from a distant. Kihyun and I soon say at the table with the other Monsta X members. I introduced them to Kyungri. Kyungri's eyes literally sparkled when she looked at Hyungwon. She truly is beautiful. Hyungwon completely ignored her though, he only payed attention to the members and me.

The school day went by normal, well the only things that were different were the glares and hissing from the girls. Kihyun dropped me off at home. I was still mad at him. He wanted to give me a kiss goodbye but I had already went inside my house.
From Kyungri
Do you know anything about Hyungwon? He's so handsome..
To Kyungri
Wait.. Do you like him? I can ask Kihyun about him.
From Kyungri
I'm not sure but there's something about him.. And you date Kihyun?! My god you should've told me this news! How long has it been?
To Kyungri
It's been a few days! We've had feelings for each other since the beginning of June(?) not sure. And I'll ask Kihyun about Hyungwon for you right now
From Kyungri
You are my saviour. THANK YOU!!

I showered and put on my pyjamas. Then I facetimed Kihyun. He picked up and the first thing he said was, " I knew you couldn't stay mad at me forever." I turned off my camera and said, "You could've at least told me you were going back to school. I would've warned you about those girls." He laughed. "Why would you warn me?" He knows why.. "Because you are handsome and MY boyfriend." I could hear him poking his camera. "Mhm is that so.. Go on camera I miss your face." I went on camera and yelled, "It's only been an hour since you've last seen me!!" I heard him screenshot. "I'm saving this and putting it as my wallpaper." He said as he giggled. I ended the call. Man I forgot to ask him about Hyungwon..

I don't ship Hyungwon and Kyungri don't worry!! I just needed a name for her character.

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Chapter 7: Such a sad ending to chapter 7. I wanna read more. >·<
Chapter 7: KiHyun, what are you doing?!
Btw, the POV changes from 'you' to 'I' and it can get a little confusing...
I like the story though!
Racchel209 #3
Chapter 7: Omggg yay! and update! i love this story, keep writing ~ <3
xolovekym #4
Chapter 4: Ohmygod I'm just getting the feels but it already ends... I need to get my feels controlled iam sitting here smiling like an idiot
Chapter 2: i love ur story **hwaiting♥