Kihyun's POV

Smoll Bean
A few weeks after what had happen between me and ____, she's been ignoring me. I don't think I should have done that, there really wasn't any reason to do so. "Should I buy her flowers Molly?" Molly meowed and purred. "Even better, I'll adopt a kitten for her." First I should shower though since its been days.
What should I say to her? "I'm sorry for barging into your house without a reason so here's a kitten." No wait what if she wants a dog. What if she hates me now? Nope she doesn't hate me because I'm Kihyun. Should I adopt a puppy or kitten for her,, since I like cats more maybe a kitten. Hm but why has she been avoiding me? Is it because she likes me, that's how girls are huh? AH! I got the perfect idea. I'm going to take her to adopt a kitten with me and apologies. This is why I love showers, always giving me gold ideas.
Once I got out I looked at my body. Should I start working out? She did see my body, I probably scared her. Yup I'm going to start working out for her.
After I got ready I was procrastinating on if I should text her or go to her doorsteps. She might not be home so I should text her.
To My Sunshine
From My Sunshine
Hi Kihyun what's up
To My Sunshine
Are you home?
From My Sunshine
Yes why? Are you going to try to sleep over again because I'm not allowing it 
To My Sunshine
Of course not haha! But I do want to just not today
From My Sunshine
Okay but if I see you at my door later I'm not opening it.
Dang it I shouldn't have asked. Oh well she's going to open the door for me because she can't leave a guy outside forever, especially since it's me. 
I walked over to her house and knocked on the window. "What are you doing Kihyun" she was laughing at me. Her laugh sure is cute. "Well you told me you wouldn't open the door if I was there so here I am" I need to think of something if she doesn't open the door. "Clever, fine I'll let you in. But I'm not opening it next time you do that, just come to the door, I was joking!" Even though she laughs at everything I'll never get tired of hearing it. Why do I like her so much..? Once I entered her home the first thing I did was sit down and pulled her down with me. I looked straight into her eyes and said "Let's go adopt a kitten." If she says no I'll have to say a puppy then. "Why all of a sudden, you already have Molly. Plus why do I have to go?" She asks too much questions, that's the only thing that I don't like about her. But girlfriends do that so I love it too. "Just come with me, it's fun to play with kittens at the shelter."
After she finally insisted on going with me, she started her own car. Hm should I just let her go by herself and meet me there. Nah it would be romantic if we go together. I got into her car and the first thing she said was,"Uhm why are you in my car, you have your own for a reason." I stared her down and replied,"Well I don't want to go separate , so I guess you're driving." I laughed really hard, she seemed annoyed but finally gave in and started to drive.
Sorry this chapter is so short. It just feels awkward to write in a boy's point of view since I'm a girl.
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Chapter 7: Such a sad ending to chapter 7. I wanna read more. >·<
Chapter 7: KiHyun, what are you doing?!
Btw, the POV changes from 'you' to 'I' and it can get a little confusing...
I like the story though!
Racchel209 #3
Chapter 7: Omggg yay! and update! i love this story, keep writing ~ <3
xolovekym #4
Chapter 4: Ohmygod I'm just getting the feels but it already ends... I need to get my feels controlled iam sitting here smiling like an idiot
Chapter 2: i love ur story **hwaiting♥