
Smoll Bean
It's 09:30 and all I can hear is my alarm clock. I didn't know why I set my alarm so early but decided to get ready anyways. As I showered I remembered what I had planned for today. I got ready quickly and headed out to the store.
As I headed out my neighbour yells, "Good morning ___." waving at him I said, "Good morning Kihyun, need anything I'm heading to the store?" "Oh I'll text you, I can't think of what I want right now haha." Kihyun said as he waved good bye.
Right when I arrived at the store I searched for what I needed, it took me a while. All of a sudden my phone vibrates.
From Kihyun
Hey can you grab me some gummies, I'm out. I'll pay you back!
To Kihyun
Sure, and you don't need to pay me back.
From Kihyun
No I will don't fight me on this ___!
To Kihyun
Fine fine
I bought a lot of snacks for Kihyun and some other things I had on my list. When I arrived home the first thing I did was run next door to give Kihyun his snacks. "Thanks I thought you weren't going to buy me these" Kihyun said with his eyes wide. "Of course I'd buy them for you, I'm trying to build up our relation- I just don't want to be awkward with you since I'm new here." I said as I ran off.
Entering my home the first thing I did was throw myself onto the bed. Reaching for my bag I grabbed a box out, it was an 8 ball. Last night I read reviews on how accurate the thing works so I wanted to test it out! Supposably this is a fortune thingy, hm should I trust this thing. What should I ask? Will I meet someone who will get their eyebrows done with me? I shook it and "Yes totally" showed up. Wow this is great I wonder who it is. I'm going to walk around and ask people now.
After walking around the neighbourhood for an hour I gave up. Then I thought of Kihyun. Kihyun is nice maybe he'll want to get his done with me. I walked to Kihyun's house and knocked on the door. "Hi ___ what brings you here?" he said as he welcomed me in. I looked around, his house was clean, cleaner than mine. "I was wondering, do you want to get your eyebrows done with me today? Or are you busy." I felt a little a embarrassed after asking. "Yeah sure I've been thinking about it but never actually headed out to do them, I'll get ready right now you can wait here." he said as he was heading upstairs. He took longer than I expected but that's okay. "I know a place that's good and trustworthy, I'll drive" Kihyun said as he closed all his lights. "Good I don't want to walk out of the store with ugly eyebrows." I said as I opened the door to go to the car.
The place he was talking about was nearly 50 minutes away according to the gps. It was awkward but I broke the silence by saying "Kihyun why do you live alone don't you ever get lonely?" It was a red light and he looked at you, "Uh I could say the same to you, but not really since I have Molly." Oh he's talking about his cat, she's so cute but she looks so mean. "Oh right she's cute but I'm kind of scared of her. And I'm not lonely! I have friends." we both laughed. "Mhm okay by the way the place we're heading is an eyebrow business my friend owns. I trust him with my life. Do you see my eyebrows? They look FLEEK! And it's been over a month since I last did em." he said as he drove. "You got a lot of confidence, give me some I need it." I blushed. It was silent for a moment. "Why should I give you some of my confidence, you're pretty. I'm sure you have a lot" he said as he smiled. Did he just call me pretty? I'm total trash he must be lying to make me feel better. "I'm not pretty at all actually but thanks for the compliment." I felt myself turning red. "You are pretty! Don't lie to yourself. This is coming from a guy with high standards! Believe me." He has high standards? Pft they must be low if he thinks I'm pretty. Or he's just lying to my face.. "Hey hey I think you're pretty cute Kihyun." I attempted to wink. "Hey hey I think you're gorgeous ____." he said as he chuckled. Has this turned into a compliment hour? I kind of like this concept hehe. "Oh look there's the place right there!" Kihyun pointed at his friends little shop. "Finally, let's walk out with fleek eyebrows Kihyun."
"Hey Joo you got time for 2?" Kihyun asked. "Yeah of course, who's the other person?" Jooheon replied. "My neighbour,____." he said pointing at me.
"She's cute, what are you doing with a cute girl?" Jooheon whispers to Kihyun. "She asked me if I wanted to get my eyebrows done with her so I brought her here." he whispers back. What are they talking about, I hope it's nothing bad. "Alright I'll start with you come sit here" Jooheon said. I walked over, I was a little nervous. "Don't worry ____ he can do magic." Kihyun said laughing. I waited for the wax, but then I realised things are different here. "Have you ever got your eyebrows threaded?" Jooheon asked. "No, does it hurt?" I replied. "It hurts but not that much!" Kihyun said as he jumped. I can't believe I'm getting my eyebrows threaded. As Jooheon started to do my eyebrows, I tried my best to hold in the pain and keep myself in one place. "Done!" Jooheon smiled. "Wow they look nice! You look even better now ____" Kihyun said. No my face is turning red. This is bad. Why did he have to say that. Oh my gosh my cheeks hurt. "Thanks Kihyun, now it's your turn." I got up while smiling hard. "After this is over want to get lunch? I haven't eaten anything yet." Kihyun said. "Sure." Wow he looks cute from this angle. His eyelashes are nice and long. Wait stop, no I can't. I can't admire my neighbour. He looks like he's in pain though...
"Hey Kihyun your friend wouldn't stop looking at you while I was doing your eyebrows, does she like you or something? If she does you hit the jackpot! She's beautiful and from what I've seen she has a nice personality" Jooheon whispered to Kihyun. "Oh Nono, she doesn't have feelings for me, we're just friends. And yes she's pretty i know, her personality is nice now that I noticed." Kihyun whispered back to Jooheon. Hm what are they blabbing about now. "I see you two together in the future haha, bye guys have a nice day" Jooheon said as we walked out.
"What shall we ea- why are you so red are you okay ____?" Kihyun said. "Ah it's probably just the heat don't worry about it! And let's eat pasta? Or anywhere with strawberry lemonade." I said it quickly. He noticed.. Agh why did Jooheon have to say that now I'm getting these thoughts! "Do you want to just get some strawberry lemonade and I cook?" Kihyun said. "Oh that's nice sure, at my place or yours?" "My place I have steak in my fridge ready to cook." "Okay that's settled lets go go!" Kihyun yelled. He's honestly so cute. Kihyun bought me my strawberry lemonade, and the two of us sang songs the ride home. A song I never heard of before came on and it seemed like Kihyun knew it. It played a while and then he sang "Oh baby, why am I like this? My heart feels strange. I can only think of you. If I felt like this before, I wouldn't be confused But I think this is love." "Wow you can sing!" you said clapping your hands. His voice is beautiful and this song.. why haven't I heard of it before it's so good? "Haha that's my voice you're hearing in the song and the rapper is Jooheon, my friend you met today." Kihyun said as he smiled. This song hitting me hard in the feels why. "Wow I never knew you sang, your voice is amazing." I said in a weird voice. "By the way what's the song called?" "Attractive girl." he said proudly. "That girl I'm attracted to, I chase after her I don't care wherever she goes. As soon as I see her, she makes me forget everything She paints my heart white That girl I'm attracted to~" he sang some more. 
What is this feeling. I'm not supposed to have feelings for my neighbour. His voice is just so sweet I can't resist. 
Finally arriving home I stretched. "I'm going home to change then I'll come over!" I said with excitement. All of a sudden Kihyun grabbed your face and kissed you. What just happened.. Pulling away I looked at him confused. "I have to get ready, see you later." I smiled as I walked into my house.
Going straight to your 8 ball I ask it "Does Kihyun have feelings for me." I shook it and the answer came out you'll have to find out yourself. I tried a second time this time it said yes. I jumped around my house, almost forgetting to get ready.
If you want to read ahead the it's on wattpad. My user on there is Kihyuns. I decided to post my fic on here just now so.:)
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Chapter 7: Such a sad ending to chapter 7. I wanna read more. >·<
Chapter 7: KiHyun, what are you doing?!
Btw, the POV changes from 'you' to 'I' and it can get a little confusing...
I like the story though!
Racchel209 #3
Chapter 7: Omggg yay! and update! i love this story, keep writing ~ <3
xolovekym #4
Chapter 4: Ohmygod I'm just getting the feels but it already ends... I need to get my feels controlled iam sitting here smiling like an idiot
Chapter 2: i love ur story **hwaiting♥