Chapter 6

My Heart Sings For You


"Ji..Jin?" I stuttered as I was shocked to see him with his eyes red and watery.

"Where did you get that?" He asks again as he grabs the paper away from me.

"I..I found in the rooftop, after I heard a person singing...wait was that you?"

"Ya, and why do you take other people stuff" he questions me, as he slowly calms down and seats beside me.

"No, I was not, I was just..." now you question yourself why did you take it, and even make a melody for it.

"...well I found it and I want to give it back to the owner.." I quickly make an excuse.

"How? You don't even know who it belongs to?"

'True' I say in my head

"Well it was on the ground, i just don't want to leave it there" I make another excuse.

"Okay...." he replies.

There was a long awkward pause afterwards, making you think what should you say to make the environment less awkward.

As you think of what to say to him.

"I'm sorry for what I did earlier, suddenly busting in and almost yelling at you" he apologizes, cutting you out from your thoughts.

"..that's okay, I understand" I answer, shocked from his sudden apology.

"And I'm also sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have yelled at you when you were in my seat" he apologizes again, now looking at me.

"No, its okay....but why...did something happen that caused you to be like that..? I ask him, unsure if it was okay of me to ask.

"...Just remembered someone" he answered looking down.

"..But do you write songs?" He suddenly changes the subject, while looking up at me.

"..Oh..not really, I just make random melodies on the piano when I'm bored...and sometimes in computer programs.." I answer.

"Well your work is very good, the melody you just played a while ago was beautiful" he compliments my work, with a smile.

"Oh really? Thank you" I reply, as your cheeks turn hot.

*Ring~, the bell rings indicating that lunch is over. 
*In class*

Me and Jin were chatting as our class wait for the teacher and rest of the students.

"Actually me, Rap Monster and Suga are the ones who write the songs in the group" he pauses a bit, "well all of us write our songs, but it's mostly me, Rap Mon and Suga, Jimin, Jhope, Jungkook and V are in charge in the dancing"

"Ah, about you, you don't dance?" I question.

"Ha ha no...I just learn it from them.." he answer while laughing, "and even though I learn it from them, I'm still pretty horrible..ya..I still have to practice it more than them.." he laughs with a little sigh in the end.

"Oh..ha ha well more practice makes perfect..maybe in the future you will be good as them" I encourage him.

"Ha ha maybe not, but hopefully ha I was saying, maybe you can join us three in making songs, we could use your help and talent" he asks with a smile.

"Ya sure, I would love too" I answer him.

"Great, I'll go ask Suga when we are meeting" he responds as he goes to Suga, sleeping on his desk.

*Jimin, Jungkook and the other kids comes back to class*

"Y/N!" He calls for my attention as he come to me, "Sorry, we weren't able to eat with you at lunch, were you okay, alone?" He asks you in kind of a worried tone.

"No I'm fine, I was with Jin" I answer as I smile at him.

"Jin?" He asks me.

When I was about to answer him back, I hear someone calling me.

"Y/N!" Jin calls me, while coming my way, "We're going to meet up after school, is that okay?" He questions me.

"Ya sure, that would be perfect, but where?" You ask him.

"I'll just text you, we're not sure yet..give me your phone," you hand your phone to him, "okay, here's mine.." he gives himself a missed call with your phone, "and I got yours, later?"

"Yup, later" I say back, as he goes back to his desk.

"Y/N, wh-" Jimin gets cut off by the teacher coming in.

"Sorry class, I'm late again..there was an emergency meeting for the teachers," the teacher looks at Jimin, "Jimin, go take your seat"

"Yes, Sir" Jimin answers as he goes back and takes his seat. 

Author's Note: Thank you for reading :D again sorry for any spelling mistakes and grammatical mistakes. Hopefully, you liked this chapter :D Thank You again for reading :) :D 


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 8: you are making it veryyyy hard for me to chose between jin and jimin! ahhhhhh
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 7: is jinmin is going to be a thing?? >o<
Chapter 6: Oooh I like this story.
I'm eager to see what the future holds.
keep up the good work :) ♥
chuppoppo #4
Chapter 5: jin? JIN???? *i dunno why but my eyes were watery too T^T
chuppoppo #5
Chapter 4: this chapter.. made me full of curiosity~~ >o<
chuppoppo #6
Chapter 3: is v's the one who sang? ohh i can't wait for the next chap~ ^^
chuppoppo #7
Chapter 1: i knew he was going to say about his seat. xD