Chapter 4

My Heart Sings For You

"Love is so painful"

"Goodbyes are even more painful"

Snapping out of my old memories. Curiosity hits me of who that voice belongs to. As I stand up, I felt my phone vibrate, I quickly went out to take the call.

"Hello, mom?"

"Hello Y/N, how are you? How is the school?" my mom asks.

"I'm good, and the school is good too" I answer back.

"Well, that's no surprise that is one of the best schools"

"Yes, haha"

"So, how are you living alone for the first time? Are you okay?"

"Yes mom, I'm okay"

'Well, I have been basically living alone all my life' I said to myself in my head.

"That's good, I'm sorry me and your father can't come there with you. There is way too many businesses to take care of over here, you understand right?"

'I'm used to it, you two have busy all my life' I said in my head.


"Yes mom I understand, don't worry" I instantly answer back cutting from my previous thoughts.

"Okay sweety, I have another call, just call me if you need anything okay? Love you"

"Okay mom, I love you too" I answer.

Right after my answer she hangs up. I give out a sigh.

Gathering my previous thoughts, I go back in the stairs to see who is the person the previous voice belongs to.

When I got to the roof, unfortunately, the place was empty.  

'Oh, maybe he left, when I was in the phone' I thought.

As I turn back, I notice a folded piece of paper on the ground. Curiosity hits me, I pick it up and unfolded it.

*time skip*

I just ate dinner. Now I am cleaning up and doing the dishes, this is my second time in my life. I have been taken care of by nannies and maids through out my life. Barely seeing my parents, they have become my family instead. 
My parents actually insisted on hiring maids here, but I refused, wanting to have an independent life by myself.

As I do the dishes, the voice from earlier  has been playing in my head since I left school. I remembered how the emotions from his voice hit me, the pain and despair he had in him. It seems like the lyrics are really from his heart, that he is really going through it.

After doing the dishes, I remembered the piece of paper that I found earlier. I don't even know why I brought it home. What's written on it seems important, it seems like it's lyrics from a song. Perhaps from the same person from earlier.

I looked at the words, as I go to my piano trying random chords that could work with the lyrics. 

"Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me? I shout as I feel myself on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I still love her" he answered looking down, avoiding my eyes.

"Still love her? So how about me?? Did you just used me as a substitute for her? Did you just used me so you can get over her?! DID YOU?!" I shouted at him now with tears falling nonstop.

"I..I am sorry.." he apologized while turning away. 
Author's Note: Thank you for reading :D Again sorry for the grammatical mistakes and spelling mistakes. Hope you liked this chapter! :D This story same story is also in Wattpad for easier access. Also, I can post songs and pictures for a better read. (I don't really know how to post pictures and videos in here, still learning how to use it sorry)  


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 8: you are making it veryyyy hard for me to chose between jin and jimin! ahhhhhh
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 7: is jinmin is going to be a thing?? >o<
Chapter 6: Oooh I like this story.
I'm eager to see what the future holds.
keep up the good work :) ♥
chuppoppo #4
Chapter 5: jin? JIN???? *i dunno why but my eyes were watery too T^T
chuppoppo #5
Chapter 4: this chapter.. made me full of curiosity~~ >o<
chuppoppo #6
Chapter 3: is v's the one who sang? ohh i can't wait for the next chap~ ^^
chuppoppo #7
Chapter 1: i knew he was going to say about his seat. xD